If I have a cold, can I also have a hot?

1 Answer

Answer :

Wife maybe.

Related questions

Description : Why do some people insist that hot food is healthier than cold food?

Last Answer : Making hot food kills of a lot of the bacteria and viruses.

Description : Why do people drink hot beverages from cups or mugs, but cold beverages through straws?

Last Answer : Try it, then you will know.

Description : Is the distinction between good and evil any different than the distinction between hot and cold?

Last Answer : Let's see. My husband has to use tongues to pick up the piece of toast I can hold in my hand. I'm freezing cold if the house is set at 70 degrees, other people still want it colder. ... because when Castro came in Afro-Cubans were treated more fairly. They had work, were educated, and more equal.

Description : Do you ladies of a certain age get both hot and cold flashes?

Last Answer : Yes, I do. Sometimes I feel like I can’t get warm, then I’m roasting hot. I do what you do, throw the covers off and pull them back over me for most of the night. And I too seem to run a degree or so hotter most of the time. I’ll be interested to see if anyone has any other solutions.

Description : Given the choice, would you prefer to live in a hot climate, cold climate, seasonal climate (going from very hot to very cold) or something else (please describe)?

Last Answer : Four seasons in the Northeast but with February in California.

Description : Cooling off when hot, or warming up when cold, which is achievable quicker and more effectively accomplished?

Last Answer : It’s much easier for me to cool down. When I’m cold, it can be hours before I get warm again unless I’m provided with a very warm environment to recover in.

Description : What is your favorite vegetarian cold meal to eat on a hot day?

Last Answer : Banana PB and J sandwiches.

Description : Does the human body favor drinking hot-warm drinks versus frozen-cold beverages?

Last Answer : I was told that it takes energy to cool down or warm up liquids that are consumed, and that drinks at body temperature are absorbed faster.

Description : Very hot or very cold, which weather would you rather be in if you had to be out in it for 45 min up to 3hrs?

Last Answer : I have an extremely poor tolerance of cold weather, my body just shuts down if I get too cold. I know I can tolerate 100+ for three hours (I've done it and felt, well, uncomfortable but ... . I don't think I would last more than an hour at below 20 degrees without needing medical intervention.

Description : What if you could never feel hot or cold again?

Last Answer : It would be awful. Just eating food I could burn myself almost daily. I hate being cold, totally paralyzes me, but if I could not feel cold I could wind up losing a toe to frostbite. I’ll take the discomfort over not having the sensation any time.

Description : Do you use hot or cold air when you are defrosting your windshields in your vehicle?

Last Answer : I use cold air. Using hot air causes the inside of the windshield to fog up, which is almost as bad. Sometimes I’ll just hang my head out the window and drive that way.

Description : Is it really necessary to wash dishes in hot water, or will cold water get them just as clean?

Last Answer : Cold water is fine as long as their is a bleaching agent in your soap. But I’m fine with using Dawn just cause it’s soluble. The trouble is, it’s hard to get the grease off, so a lot of scrubbing must be done. Any soap will wash the bacteria away.

Description : I'm too hot, she's too cold. What do we do?

Last Answer : The answer is in the facts of reality. If one is cold, one can always pile on heat retaining covering. If one is hot, there is only so many layers you can remove until there are no ... and make sure your guests have blankets. If they screw with the thermostat, cancel the over night invitations.

Description : Why would it hurt to hold a piece of metal (not hot or cold, but similar to a feeling of aluminum in the mouth, but in the body)?

Last Answer : answer:Not sure. I would suspect it wouldn’t have anything to do with the metal itself. Maybe something on it? Maybe you just got dizzy or something from bending down? Way too many possibilities and not nearly enough info.

Description : What do you think should be the punishment for the "Hot Sauce Mom" who poured hot sauce in her 7 year old son's mouth and put him in a cold shower?

Last Answer : Someone larger, stronger, and in a position of authority over her should pour hot sauce into her mouth and scream in her face while she’s in a cold shower. Poetic justice.

Description : Why do fingers wrinkle faster in hot water than in cold water?

Last Answer : because warm and hot water relax the skin. Cold water will tighten it.

Description : It's a cold Saturday morning. What is your delicious hot drink with no caffeine?

Last Answer : I love hot peppermint tea with just a touch of sugar to really bring out the minty flavor.

Description : What words or phrases can immediately turn a Hot sexual situation - Ice Cold?

Last Answer : Here’s mine: “Wanna ride the horsey, Little Girl?” Nice. Never will forget it.

Description : Is Tide Coldwater Liquid Laundry Detergent even more effective in hot water than in cold?

Last Answer : I think the point of Coldwater Detergent is to use less energy by not using hot water. I think it would be as effective in hot water, but probably not more effective. Unless you have really dirty socks or ground in dirt, there would be no reason to use hot water.

Description : Is it better for you to live in a cold or hot climate? And does your partner feel the same way?

Last Answer : answer:I do way better in temperate climates. If I had my choice, it'd fall more on the cool side. I don't handle heat very well, I get hyperthermia, I get nauseous, irritable, sweat a lot, ... well. So, I can see it being a point of contention in relationships if there is a difference like this.

Description : Describe your Composting method- Cold, Hot, Outdoor, Pile, Bucket?

Last Answer : I do just about everything wrong. I just put it all in a big pile in the back yard, and eventually it turns to usable compost. I don’t layer, I don’t worry about how much of what I put in, I don’t cover it, I don’t water it, I don’t turn it. It takes a while, but it seems to work ok.

Description : My Flip Mino HD keeps saying "It's really Hot, Need to Cool Down" when it's cold to the touch?

Last Answer : Were you making naughty videos?

Description : Do cats prefer to drink water that is cold, warm or hot?

Last Answer : Room temperature, and fresh. What they really like best is running water. I bought a little circulating fountain for my cat. He loves it.

Description : Quinoa summer pilaf: a hot or cold dish?

Last Answer : I suspect you can serve it either way. Typically I prefer quinoa served hot, but you can serve it cold. It is a bit chewier cold than hot. Here is a similar recipe for quinoa tabbouleh which is served cold, further support for serving your recipe cold or at room temperature.

Description : Does hot water clean more efficiently than cold water?

Last Answer : Yep! The higher temperature means the water particles have more energy, so they dissolve things faster.

Description : Wouldn't it make more sense to be dark-skinned in cold climates and light-skinned in hot ones?

Last Answer : no

Description : Why the game of "hot and cold"?

Last Answer : It depends upon what you gave away.

Description : Why do people who are overweight tend to stay hot when thinner folks are cold?

Last Answer : Fat acts as insulation. Perhaps it’s also because thinner people would have a higher surface area to volume ratio.

Description : If you are somewhere really hot but you have unlimited access to cold water, can you still die of heat exhaustion?

Last Answer : answer:It would depend on: * How much sleep you are able to get * If you are able to eat and rest * That your internal body temperature remains below around 40°C Since we are warm blooded ... , or unfolding ; once the shape of protein changes, it ceases to function properly. Hope this helps!

Description : Are we more likely to get rain in hot or cold weather?

Last Answer : Hot. The temperature will increase water vapor in the air through evaporation.

Description : Is 80 degrees ok for going to a water park? Too cold too hot?

Last Answer : too cold

Description : Can i make my linen/cotton jaket strechier by soaking it in water? hot or cold?

Last Answer : answer:Cotton or linen can't be stretched. Soaking it in water hot or cold will cause it to shrink, as the fibers will swell and tighten the fabric. For instance: When you wash your jeans and wear them ... 'll notice that the jeans will feel a bit tighter, then they were wearing them a for few days.

Description : Does hot water freeze faster than cold water?

Last Answer : Yes, it can. Surprisingly :-) Full explanation here : http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/hot_water.html

Description : Are cake supposed to be eaten hot or cold(When you want to eat a cake (Let's say chocolate cake). Should the cake be steaming hot or just warm.)?

Last Answer : (You can eat (cake (however you want to.)

Description : A sheriff is in hot pursuit of the notorious bank robber Black Bart. The six-shooters of the lawman and the criminal glisten in the sun, as Black Bart speeds his way on foot to the first horse he ... scenario, and who are the man and the woman who shouted out the invitation to the saloon? -Riddles

Last Answer : The 'sheriff' and 'Black Bart' are two children pretending to be a lawman chasing an outlaw, and are riding horses on a merry-go-round at an amusement park or a western tourist town. The man and the woman are their parents who are inviting them to the 'saloon' for some cold drinks or ice cream.

Description : I have a short, wide body. It is cold and shiny. My insides are hot as flame. I have two mouths. My tail is long and forked. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Toaster.

Description : I am hot. I am hidden. I am cold. I am hard. I am sharp. I am soft. I am still. I am moving. I am above. I am below. I am two and one. Always changing. Always the same. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Water.

Description : Whether the weather is hot or cold, I will take you wherever you need to go. The direction you take, will determine the place. There may be the most difficult roads, but they often lead to the most beautiful destinations. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A journey.

Description : It's true I am hot and cold, and I'm always with the old. Youth requires what life does not see, and the heart of groups requires me. I stand alone within all holes, never to see the light of day. Let my turmoil bring you joy since I don't ever make you pay. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The letter O.

Description : You have accidently left out the plug and are attempting to fill the bath with both taps full on. The hot tap takes 6 minutes to fill the bath. The cold tap takes 2 minutes and the water empties through the plug hole in 4 minutes.In how many minutes will the bath be filled? -Riddles

Last Answer : 2 minutes and 24 seconds.

Description : What is faster hot or cold? -Riddles

Last Answer : Hot, you can easily catch a cold.

Description : I am just two and two. I am hot. I am cold. I am the parent of numbers that cannot be told. I am a gift beyond measure, a matter of course. I am given with pleasure when taken by force. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I'm a Kiss!

Description : is 64 cold,hot or worm?

Last Answer : warm

Description : Would you rather drink a cold milkshake in the cold or drink hot chacolate in the hot?

Last Answer : Well in my opinion, I would drink a Hot Chocolate in hot areas because you won't really be feeling much heat if it's hot since you don't want to drink something in one go otherwise it will burn so the hot chocolate will turn cold soon anyway.

Description : Why do I have cold water and no hot water coming in my Fossetts?

Last Answer : Assuming that you tuned the faucet to hot and let it run until the hot water should have reached it, you may want to check your water heater and make sure that it is working.

Description : Is 120° Celsius hot or cold?

Last Answer : Hot

Description : Is 61 degrees hot or cold?

Last Answer : I dont know

Description : What is the reason for the hot water and cold water of the pond ?

Last Answer : We know that rain water is very cold. The water in the pond absorbs the heat of the sun. So when the cold rain water falls in the pond, there is a combination of heat between the pond water and the rain water. So the water in the pond gets hot and the rain water gets cold.

Description : Not too cold, not too hot

Last Answer : : Not too cold, not too hot, too temperate.

Description : My hands and feet sweat a lot. Hot and cold always sweat so what should I do now. ?

Last Answer : In fact, I have seen in the middle of my friends that their hands and feet are sitting in a sweat, but still sweating, in fact, it does not happen in all cases. You can mix cannula powder with ... . And apply butter on hands and feet regularly (the way you apply oil) and you will not sweat anymore.