the heliocentric theory challenged the?

1 Answer

Answer :

Geocentric theory

Related questions

Description : Who gives the heliocentric theory ?

Last Answer : Copernicus gives heliocentric theory.

Description : When did Copernicus explain the heliocentric solar system ?

Last Answer : In 1543 , Copernicus explained the heliocentric solar system.

Description : Who argues for a heliocentric solar system ?

Last Answer : Seleucus argues for a heliocentric solar system.

Description : Is Albert Einstein a Geocentric or Heliocentric?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Why did Catholic Church leaders oppose Galileo and heliocentric (sun-centered) model of the universe?

Last Answer : Church leaders of the time were open to the heliocentric model,but it could not be proven at the time. Galileo was an arrogantman. He began to proclaim it as fact and leave the arena ofAstronomy an ... to make argument the Pope made.The Pope saw this a ridiculing him and thus the trouble began.

Description : Who used a telescope to make discoveries that supported the heliocentric model what time?

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Description : In the 1500s who developed the heliocentric explanation for the motion of the planets?

Last Answer : It was Copernicus.

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Last Answer : answer:Cool, @downtide! I don't have as much of an interesting singular event to report, but I'm back at college for the new year and that always means new challenges. Specifically, this year I'm ... thoroughly and it feels good. I'm busy busy, but everything's under control and it feels great.

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Last Answer : To be able to answer a question we need a who, what, when, whereor how. Your question doesn’t provide one of these. It reads as areference to a previous question or article. You need to dothis.

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Last Answer : You need to answer this question because your teacher is lookingfor your critical thinking skills not ours. This is homework and wedon’t help you cheat.

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Last Answer : Seabridge Bathing makes walk-in bathtubs for seniors and others who have difficulty getting in an out of tubs to bathe. Their website has pictures of how their tubs work, along with other assistive ... and physically challenged individuals. You can go to to check out the products.

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Last Answer : Congress cannot set political conditions on states.

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Last Answer : Congress cannot set political conditions on states.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: D

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Last Answer : (1) Directive Principles of state policy Explanation: The Directive principles of state policy are the directions given to the state these cannot be challenged in the court.

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Last Answer : (1) 323 A Explanation: The Central Administrative Tribunal was established in pursuance of Article 323-A of the Constitution. According to this article, the Parliament may by law exclude the ... the Supreme Court under Article 136 with respect to the disputes or complaints regarding the CAT.

Description : Under which of the following articles of indian constitution, the verdict of central administrative tribunal can be challenged in supreme court

Last Answer : 323 A

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Last Answer : Gargi

Description : Which ruler in India challenged the authority of the Ulemas or Muslim clergy

Last Answer : Alauddin Khilji

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Last Answer : [D] All of the above

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Last Answer : You want to come across as honest, but also cool under pressure. Explain what you did when your trustworthiness was challenged, and how you were able to prove yourself as honest, while keeping a calm demeanor.

Description : Have there been instances, when your decision was challenged by your colleague or manager?

Last Answer : Yes, there have been many such instances. I like people who challenge my decisions rather than following me blindly. This keeps me ensured that I am surrounded by thinking brains rather than just a set ... , you are bound to rethink over it and the chances of reaching the best option are brighter.

Description : A belief that is worth maintaining is a belief that a. can withstand critical scrutiny. b. doesn't need critical scrutiny. c. should not be challenged. d. cannot be doubted.

Last Answer : a. can withstand critical scrutiny.

Description : If you get an opportunity to teach a visually challenged student along with normal students, what type of treatment would you like to give him in the class ? (A) Not giving extra attention because majority may ... (D) Arrange a seat in the front row and try to teach at a pace convenient to him.

Last Answer : (D) Arrange a seat in the front row and try to teach at a pace convenient to him.