How to make youtube video like professional?

1 Answer

Answer :

Typically, people always focus to create and upload their videos professionally. Only some of them do this correctly. And only those people get their followers and money effectively. Because if you are professional in making a video, then the quality of the video is very high. A professional knows how the YouTube algorithm works, how to use this algorithm effectively, and what are additional steps need to do to get more money, subscribers, and viewers.These are the main things you have to consider while creating and uploading your video on YouTube.•Profile•Attractive Title•Description about the video in good quality and keywords•Keyword Research•Tags•I Button•End CardsEtc.But with only these, your video is not complete. Because the main process of yours is only starting after you upload. T

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Last Answer : answer:First you need to have something to shoot video with, I assume you do. following that you need a video editing software application (im on my phone and can't remember how to do a google search) try googling ... more info. :) my tilt phone is a bit limiting. hope that helps even a lil bit. :D

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Last Answer : answer:At 0:11, he’s making an awkward play on words. “A rock on toppa…” sounds like Barack Obama. I’m afraid I don’t get the reference at 1:33 either.

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Last Answer : Delete this – the youtube video doesn’t exist.

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Last Answer : answer:Let me preface this with two notes: I have taught English, but not as a second language. So it may be difficult for me to gauge not only what they would be interested in, but also what ... into the classroom, my students respond better even if it is an area that they have little interest in.

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Last Answer : YouTube video quality is a joke. They shouldn’t even claim their videos are 1080p because none of them are.

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Last Answer : You need to download it and use video editing software.

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Last Answer : You could try something like this:

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Last Answer : answer:Remember that they do automated content scanning to see if you are using copyrighted music. It may be in some secondary queue, especially if the music matched the first upload, which would suggest ... s intellectual property. And remember that they get 1 gig per minute or more, of new stuff.

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Last Answer : Well, you could screenshot every new picture with sheet music on it, but I think it would be easier to just find it on the net somewhere else, assuming that it is a known piece.

Description : What makes downloading a video on YouTube such a slow process?

Last Answer : answer:Do you mean uploading? Anyway, check out this thread. It might be helpful. Or maybe not. There’s always Vimeo.