What does $100 buy you where you live?

1 Answer

Answer :

Dinner for 2 at a half decent restaurant

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Last Answer : [removed]

Description : A young man decides to buy a collector's baseball card. He pays $60 for it. After a month, the value of the card has increased to $70 and he decides to sell it. But already a few days later ... of owning the baseball card, he finally decides to sell it for $100. What is his overall profit? -Riddles

Last Answer : $30.00. Overall profit, not net profit!

Description : A man decides to buy a nice horse. He pays $600 for it, and he is very content with this strong animal. After a year, the value of the horse has increased to $700 and he decides to sell the ... horse, he finally decides to sell the horse for $900. What is the overall profit the man makes? -Riddles

Last Answer : The man makes an overall profit of $200.

Description : Where can I buy a pair of computer speakers for under $100 online?

Last Answer : If you go online to Ebay.com and enter in "Computer Speakers" into the Find box, it will generate a list for you. Some of the speakers are up for auction, which means it could take a few days to bid and ... "Buy Now" items, meaning you do not have to bid. These are listed as low as $9.99 and up.

Description : Can I buy a Canon camera for $50-$100?

Last Answer : Sure you can, at Wal-Mart you can buy them for that price, though the gigabytes might not be many. If you want a real good quality one, you might want to consider paying more for it. Go to the ... and see if you like the selections they have, browsing is free and they might even let you test a few.

Description : What is a hobby that will give you hours of fun with a startup cost of around $100?

Last Answer : Calligraphy. You can spend some money for fancy pen, ink, and paper, but generally just normal pen and paper is enough.

Description : Is it worth spending an extra $100 for the iPhone 12?

Last Answer : Have you looked at videos comparing the two phones? I was recently looking at two different Samsung phones and I found videos on YouTube where they compare the two phones, showing features, ease of use, physical details, and how quickly things download on both.

Description : People who work in retail or have worked in retail in the past: Does your store have a policy for dealing with $100 bills (as being potentially counterfeit)?

Last Answer : In the past few years here retail and others were alerted to counterfeit bills not only the larger ones. We had a good bill to compare with the counterfeit ones..which was easy as the cash register had ... $50, bills as it depleted our cash reserve for the day. Most use credit or debt cards now.

Description : Beggars making $30,000 to $100,000 a year in the U.S.,What do you think of this?

Last Answer : Then the government should consider taxing begging gains over a certain limit.

Description : Do you believe those who caused UC Berkley $100,000 in damages to be conservatives or liberals?

Last Answer : It was liberals. It’s always the liberals that riot. They didn’t like the idea of a conservative giving a speech in their liberal safe zone.

Description : Do you have any condition that $100,000 would cure?

Last Answer : How about the poverty of the recipient? And I might add that such a sum would go some considerable distance in improving my own humor.

Description : Does Donald Trump have $100 million in liquid assets?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think he is selling anything .yet. This article claims he has $302 million in liquid assets. Though he claims to be worth more about $8.7 billion, most of his assets are tied ... deals that can't be easily converted to campaign cash. His liquid assets amount to about $302 million,

Description : What's the best home run hitting slow pitch softball bat under $100?

Last Answer : Is this for an adult or a child?

Description : Fun Question: Can anyone recommend a great Whiskey or Bourbon for under $100?

Last Answer : Well, how much do you want to give him?

Description : Does our $20 donation or even $100 donation help save starving childrens' lives?

Last Answer : answer:Canadian Unicef gives this breakdown…. •4% of your donation goes on administration •20% of your donation is used for fundraising That means 76% goes to the actual programs. That’s a pretty good ratio

Description : Can you recomend some free or less than $100 a month educational program for adults?

Last Answer : Are you looking for GED stuff, or just learning for fun?

Description : Is there a decent tablet out there for under $100?

Last Answer : answer:Nothing for iTunes as it's hard to find anything (except accessories) with an Apple logo for under $400. Then again, the only free apps on iTunes are mostly crippleware demos of paid software whereas over ... afraid I'll crack the glass. I would spend the extra $30 and go with the Nook HD.

Description : $100,000 to clone my dog?

Last Answer : Even a clone wouldn’t guarantee the same temperament. Better to find out if Pitch has breeding relatives. College may not be the best investment but please don’t starve the cat. They have ways of reciprocating

Description : The $100 degree: is this the future of education?

Last Answer : answer:Getting an education and know what and how to do something, and having proof that you are qualified to do something are two different things. For better or worse, that is the reality of ... knowledgeable and qualified in one field or another; at least in the fields where it really matters.

Description : How can I make about $100 quickly?

Last Answer : I think that if there were a simple formula you could follow to earn a quick C note legally, everybody would already know what it is, and the market would be saturated. That doesn't mean it's ... just difficult. What are your skills? What can you do that people are willing to pay to have done?

Description : Where can I find a bag that looks like this for around $100?

Last Answer : answer:try any of the three I just linked. My wife has two out of the three. The leather is so luxuriously soft & strong. She CONSTANTLY gets complements when she wears her Lucky Brand bags, and they ... they are when I look at them after she buys them b/c of the craftsmanship. Hope that helps!

Description : I accidentally ripped a $100 bill in half - what can be done with it?

Last Answer : Sure. No problem. Take it to any bank and they’ll verify that the two halves belong together and replace it for you. It’s just a piece of special paper, after all. They’ll be able to get it replaced, too.

Description : I heard that the FDIC last year has raised the insurable limit on deposits from $100,000 to $250,000 is it true?

Last Answer : answer:Lend me $250,000 and I’ll get back to you on that one. :D It looks like is $250,000 now, at least until 2013? Several sources say it’s permanent though.” Check Please. :D

Description : What should I purchase on Amazon.com for a max of $100?

Last Answer : answer:Computer enthusiast? For a hundred bucks, you could expand your computer’s storage capacity considerably. You can get a TB external for that price. . . and I was actually looking to upgrade my internal storage and found a 1TB 2.5” believe it or not. . . Awesome bro!

Description : What is a $100 freeze-out for cards and the stock market?

Last Answer : answer:In poker, a freeze out is when you buy in for a fixed amount of money, and when you have lost your initial stake you are done; you can’t buy more chips. I don’t remember hearing this used around the stock market. Nor can I see how it applies.

Description : Do you know the value of a lost, winning $100,000 dollar lottery ticket?

Last Answer : One dollar. Until the lottery verifies the win, it isn’t a winner. If the winner can find the original paper with the numbers blocked out and the reciept from the purchase, then they may be able to prove the win.

Description : Best over-ear headphones for under $100?

Last Answer : Sennheiser HD555

Description : What impact do you think Zuckerberg's gift of $100 Million will have on the Newark schools?

Last Answer : answer:I think they will be used to buy better equipment such as computers, and to attract better teachers. I think it will make a significant impact.

Description : I need to make about $100,000 in 4 years... How do I do it?

Last Answer : answer:You don't need $100,000 to go around the world. You need an around the world airline ticket, railway passes, itinerary, a list of hostels, a backpack, and several practice trips to Europe during high ... a semester or a year. If you get great grades, the university may pay to send you there.

Description : If you could afford the price, would you pay $100.00 per shirt and slacks or skirt to have them custom sewn and tailored to your body?

Last Answer : If I could afford it, I would do it. I have a very hard time finding clothes that fit my body. I usually have to make some kind of sacrifice with my clothing (the top part of the shirt ... ). I usually end up doing some alterations or settling for clothes that could look better if they fit properly.

Description : If you had $100,000 to spend on a vacation for 20 people, what might you do?

Last Answer : Not bring 20 people!

Description : How do I make this work for under $100?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure that would work for you. Think about the last few speed traps you saw. Go ahead I'll wait . They were located around a sweeping curve in the road and one was located just as ... it is safe looking through the image while driving? Just asking I like the idea of using old lenses.

Description : What's the best airsoft P90 I can get for under $100?

Last Answer : none,,,, they will be spring or very very cheap and the gears will strip on you after less then a year…. trust me, save the money, go with Olympian arms or Tokyo marui. youll be glad you did in the long run…

Description : My laptop just broke and it's going to cost $250 to fix, I would much rather just get another cheap refurbished or new laptop for around that price (give or take $100) any ideas.

Last Answer : I think it’s worth it to get it fixed. You’re not gonna find a decent laptop for around that price.

Description : $99 BlackBerry Storm Now, or Indefinite Wait for Storm 2 and +$100?

Last Answer : In my opinion, you should go ahead and buy the current Storm. The improvements to the Storm 2 are most likely minuscule and not all that great. You shouldn't worry about it because, as you said, there's ... 's a long wait to deal with when you have a screwed up phone, and not really worth $100+.

Description : Are the $100 Bose ear buds worth it?

Last Answer : Yes Bose is good, but they are just going to be covered in earwax later on. There goes your $100

Description : What's a good pair of headphones for $100?

Last Answer : Bose.

Description : What are some good headphones for under $100?

Last Answer : http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/webcam_communications/internet_headsets_phones/devices/4226&cl=US,EN

Description : What would you do with $100 million?

Last Answer : Buy things….. ..... ......... ............. ..a lot of things.

Description : If i have $100 to spend on french red wine, what's the best?

Last Answer : Buy three $30 bottles of Franciscan Magnificat from California and you will be happy.

Description : how would you take $100 and double it within a week?

Last Answer : Ask your parents to write you a check for $100.

Description : New iPhone/iPod touch: $100, 16GB or phone ability?

Last Answer : iPhone 16GB. RAM?

Description : If you won $100 million in the lottery tomorrow, other than not tell any relatives, what would you do with the money?

Last Answer : I’d tell my relatives. With some I’d even share. Considering I’d live to be say sixty, I’d go on a forty year shopping spree. Oh, but first I’d put back the money for the taxes and put half in the bank to draw interest.

Description : Where's a good place for a "$100" cup of coffee?

Last Answer : Hell for $100, ill grow the beans, grind em, brew em, and make you the best god damn coffee you ever had in your life! [equal]D

Description : Banks in the US, active with the FDIC, only insure $100,000. So if a person has, for example, 10 million dollars and wants to deposit the money in a bank, does he have to look for 100 banks or is there another way to invest that is as low risk as a savings account?

Last Answer : A person with 10 million dollars probably has a diversified investment portfolio with a variety of risk levels and return levels. As a result, his insurance is that not everything will collapse at the ... 10% above inflation, banks are a very poor choice for someone with lots of money to invest.

Description : If you won over $100 million in the lottery would you share it with all of your friend and family or would that just get out of control? Would it be too hard to be fair and would people just be pissed because one person got more than another?

Last Answer : It would be wise not to share it with people at all and just invest it, pay off debt, cars, houses etc., and maybe just give you direct family support, but do not give it to your friends ... always wanting more, if i was gunna make a suggestion i would say invest a lot in berkshire hathaway stock

Description : Anyone have any good ideas for wedding gifts on the cheaper side (

Last Answer : Its always best to choose something off of the registry. Hopefully who ever you are buying for selected a range of low to higher priced gifts for guests to select from. If not, my suggestion is a gift certificate to Williams Sonoma or Crate and barrel.

Description : What is the best rice cooker (under $100) for making BROWN rice?

Last Answer : I love the way my Sanyo cooks brown rice. Matter of fact I think it does best cooking the brown rice.

Description : Any suggestions on websites that offer inexpensive boots under $100?

Last Answer : What do you mean by boots? There’s different style boots.

Description : If you had a $100,000 under the condition you only had 24 hours to spend it or it’s gone. What would you spend it on and why?

Last Answer : Pay off debt… hey some of us adult here.