What gives you a rush at the beginning of the day?

1 Answer

Answer :

I fer real wake up and be like today might be your last. Live it

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Last Answer : I read the paper while drinking coffee, and then have a nice breakfast.

Description : Rush and seize the day, get it done, or be patient and get it done right?

Last Answer : Oh I make sooo much money off of people who jump into things feet first before they really know what they are doing. And from so called contractors who get in a hurry and blast right through a job ... first time than half-fasting it and having to do it twice. These people get no mercy from me.

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Last Answer : C) You rush immediately at such occasions 

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Last Answer : B) You will rush immediately and extend all possible help keeping in mind that this is not the time of personal enmity

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Last Answer : Not necessarily. The small town may be between two larger cities and be covered up with traffic both morning and afternoon.

Description : Do you feel like rush hour is earlier now than it used to be, pre-pandemic?

Last Answer : I work kitchen at a gas station, rush for us is 4–6 typically on weekdays. Dinner time and people coming home from work. 5 o’clock rush hasn’t changed much where I live, yeah traffic was less when state was shut down, but not anymore. (our state is open)

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Last Answer : Because they sick? Spitting fax, this guy.

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Last Answer : When I punched a time clock, the clock would register another tenth of an hour every 6 minutes. When they wanted you there and ready for work at 8 o’clock. they meant it!

Description : Do you think Rush Limbaugh would have made jokes about Bernie Sanders?

Last Answer : I don’t think that Limbaugh would have been happy or would make jokes of Bernie Sanders death. It’s weird to cheer when decent people die.

Description : How do people who don't like crowds solve the problem when taking the subway/metro during rush hour etc.?

Last Answer : I look down at my smart phone and avoid direct eye contact. Also you can avoid the crowd by leaving early when everyone else is sleeping. You can pick a seat away from every one. Or stand in the back looking at the advertisements.

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Last Answer : Gratefulness.

Description : Why would a herd of deer cross a major highway during rush hour?

Last Answer : Well, herds of deer tend not to wear wristwatches, os they may not have known it was rush hour. Herds are herds - and deer are not particularly smart animals. They have a leader, and the others just follow. ... a large object is a tree or rock - neither of them move. Cars don't fit their world view.

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Last Answer : In the eyes of his followers, it does not.

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Last Answer : He would certainly tap Ann Coulter.

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Last Answer : doesn’t the entire team “trump”et the party line? Fake news is any news with negative aspersions on or about Trump. It follows then that virtually all the news involving Trump is conveniently “fake” according to him. It is a simple explanation suitable for minds of matching depth.

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Last Answer : Yes, sometimes to the point of getting sick. It’s called a “buzz” and it’s very fleeting.

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Last Answer : Nope. I hear a lot of people throw up. No thanks.

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Last Answer : They simply follow ratings.

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Last Answer : You definitely did the right thing and we can only hope that you scared them enough to think that one of you called the police. I hope the other person ended up being okay. The only thing I ... , all thinking someone else will do something about it , which is precisely how many people have died.

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Last Answer : I agree with you. I’d be happy just spending time with my family having a simple meal.

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Last Answer : I hate it. It is the one uniting holiday in the USA that has not been overly commercialized. It seems to me that there is more pressure this year on stores to stay closed; I have seen some announcements from the bib\g box chains (Costco?) that they will.

Description : Would traffic flow better if rush hour was staggered from schools and businesses?

Last Answer : How the heck would you do that? People who work have kids. As it is, it’s hard enough to get the kids to school, get to work, and get home at a reasonable hour.

Description : Do you secretly wish for the Gold Rush idiots to fail?

Last Answer : Yes. They are a bunch of idiots. I have a family member that watches the show and I honestly can’t stand it.

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Last Answer : answer:My eyelids move up and down with great rapidity. You could say they vibrate. Doesn’t seem to impede my vision much though.

Description : When is Rush released, the F1 film about James Hunt, and will you watch it?

Last Answer : Middle of September sometime & yes I plan on seeing it. Ron Howard was on Top Gear recently & they showed a trailer of the film, looks great. James Hunt was before my time watching the sport, but ... a rock star. Smoked in the pit lane, drank himself stupid & bedded hot girls how times have changed.

Description : So how do I get the benefit of green tea and honey without the rush?

Last Answer : The honey is spiking your blood sugar, so I’d avoid it at night. Sorry to break it to you that way, but that’s what is happening.

Description : What time do I need to be on the road to avoid rush hour in Houston, TX?

Last Answer : you need to be more specific, like where you are coming from and where you want to end up.

Description : What are your thoughts on the fight going on between Rush Limbaugh, and Sandra Fluke?

Last Answer : Let me submit to you that Rush Limbaugh is a steaming cup of diarrhea.

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Last Answer : Didn’t he just make a comment about women driving in reference to Danica Patrick’s crash? I don’t think there is a bigger asshole.

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Last Answer : answer:Most of it (much of it) is 4-line divided highway, posted 55. Some traffic lights at major crossroads, but lots of cut-acrosses for side-roads (where 27 traffic doesn’t have to stop). Very few on-ramp/off-ramps (like on an interstate) No idea about rush hour

Description : Do you think if you had been born in the 1800's would you have traveled across the country as part of Western expansion or the CA gold rush?

Last Answer : Well, I do reenactments of the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804. So I likely would have been here to tell the folks in the wagons which way to go.

Description : Rush Limbaugh says Obama deliberately trashed the US Economy as payback for slavery. Is Rush Right?

Last Answer : answer:LOL. Yeah, right! Rush Limbaugh is just entertainment and, really, nothing else.

Description : What is this generations new rush commodity?

Last Answer : answer:Alternative energy sources. Anything dealing with quantum mechanics and altering the time-space continuum.

Description : Are the twin towers of the World Trade Center included in Sim City 4: Rush Hour?

Last Answer : I don’t know about that But they are in “the critic” and “mike tyson’s punch out” and in “Command and Conquer red alert 2”...the last gets destroyed in the end of the game..which is why it was pulled off the shelves in 2001

Description : Why is it people (mostly in industrialized societies) always try to rush the baby off the tit?

Last Answer : So the mommies can rush back to their jobs.

Description : Is there a correlation between being sick and getting a head rush more easily?

Last Answer : answer:Swine flu strikes again. Just kidding but several people here with swine flu are complaining of head pain, piercing ear pains and similar.

Description : Anybody know how Rush Limbaugh avoided acetaminophen OD when he was gobbling Oxycontin like M&Ms?

Last Answer : I’d like to know how he avoided destroying his “credibility” with his supporters, why that didn’t make any of them finally see him for the lying, hypocritical, bloated gas bag that he is.

Description : Looking for website about the Klondike Gold Rush?

Last Answer : http://www.questconnect.org/ak_klondike.htm http://www.nps.gov/klgo/index.htm

Description : Can anyone explain to me why people who live in the Northwest/Mid-Atlantic (or anywhere where they have real winters) rush out to buy snows shovels every time a winter storm is coming? (This is not a trick question).

Last Answer : They were too lazy to buy a new one when their old shovel broke last winter, or they are new to the area. just a guess

Description : For those of thee who have seen the last SGU episode, how long do you think will it take Rush to get back to Destiny with the alien spaceship?

Last Answer : OOOO! Excellent question! I just watched it and, honestly, I have no idea. i feel like he'll be there in case the show ever needs a jump start. The writers can just throw him in there in a ... . Also, interesting character development with Young. I don't know if I like where this is going or not.

Description : In my rush to return my ipod... I didn't format it, does Wal-Mart do that?

Last Answer : Call the people you brought your ipod back to and find out. It is likely still not processed.

Description : What is the afternoon rush hour span going from berkeley to Pleasanton?

Last Answer : It depends on the day of the week. If you are referring to today, Friday, and you want to wait until after the main rush hour jam up is over, leaving at six would be marginally OK, leaving at 7 or later would be better.

Description : Why is Rush Limbaugh so mean?

Last Answer : Because people still listen to him! He has followers! He makes money! He’s an embarrassment to Republicans. Not all of us are like him.

Description : People of Los Angeles, WHAT IS UP with the honking in the 405 northbound tunnel before merging onto the 5 during rush hour?

Last Answer : There is an urban legend that if you honk in tunnels they will collapse.

Description : What's the fastest way to cross manhattan from about 60th and madison to the west side highway -- in general, and also during evening rush hour.

Last Answer : Well since one of your topic tags is cab' I'm assuming you don't have a car you're worring about, so I would say the best (and cheapest!) would be to take the subway (A, C, or E, ... exactly you start) to 23rd street, then catch a cap from there. You'll miss a lot of the midtown traffic.

Description : What if Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, or other such extremist turned out to be a satirist?

Last Answer : I would prefer that because their outright vile hatred of those who believe differently than they, would not be real then. Although I don't believe they are really as vitrolic in real life as ... it up for ratings just like all entertainers, which actually makes their actions all the more repugnant.

Description : Why is my ipower rush not charging my iPhone?

Last Answer : is it certified to work with the iphone. i am pretty sure any ipod charger should work with an iphone. have you used it to power an ipod or another iphone. perhaps some background info would help. what is it plugged in to?

Description : Has anyone used the ipower rush to charge their iPhone, and if so does it take a long time to charge?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Ok so when you take a girl out on a date, and you open the door for her to the restaurant, movies, anywhere and they have that kind of foyer where theres another set of doors to actually get into the place, do you let her open the 2nd set of doors, or rush past her and open the 2nd set too?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll open the second set if I get to them first, but it usually doesn’t work out that way. Walking in to the office one day a woman actually stepped aside and waited for me to open the second set for her. That’s the only time in my life I’ve seen that, but I kind of liked it.

Description : What is the most intense feeling or the greatest rush you have ever experienced?

Last Answer : Being in love. Theres so many emotions at once.