Marmite! do you love it or hate it?

1 Answer

Answer :

ok, I’ll start…what’s Marmite?

Related questions

Description : What is a good way to eat Marmite?

Last Answer : I’ve only had it a couple times but I enjoyed it on toast. I can’t really think what else it’d go good on, maybe in some sandwiches.

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Last Answer : A middle ground between Threat and Menace? I’m not so sure.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, the military, but I’d rather not get into it lol. Instead, maybe I’ll talk about women lol.

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Last Answer : Hate it! Too early. Hobby Lobby started right after 4th of July.

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Last Answer : It’s black. It looks good even though it’s getting older. I don’t have colour envy or regret choosing black for this car. It suits the style of the vehicle.

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Last Answer : answer:I agree. What’s more I wish stores were still closed on Sunday. I like the idea of a day where most people rest and recharge. I’m old fashioned like that.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think I could bring myself to be pompous enough to tell you which, if either, emotion the writer of the piece based it on. If this is meant as a purely opinionated question, I ... them may be directly proportional to the degree I hate you for taking them from me. Just some thoughts.

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Last Answer : I guess my answer is food. It was not always like that for me, it started in my thirties.

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Last Answer : answer:I have not. At one time I would have been enthralled and loved the opportunity to view all the variety of goods. Now, I have 8 of everything I could ever possibly need or want, and I’d be bored to tears. The food court would be my highlight and hangout.

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Last Answer : No. I have a hate/hate relationship with nicotine.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't get it. This makes as much sense as blaming the kid for the rape in the first place. It's misplaced anger, and hating the child only would serve to permanently damage another innocent human ... place, and I believe it would be abuse, which in the US is supposed to be against the law.

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Last Answer : I never heard of him so I neither love nor hate him.

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Last Answer : yeah well shopping can suck because of the sizes and how its overpriced. Go to jc penney online or look up chico’s if you’ve got that kind of money.

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Last Answer : I live here in NYC and I love it. I love how random it is, sometimes and how busy and how the boroughs are different and all the things you can explore and the no nonsense attitude. I don’t like the areas of NYC where there are many tourists but luckily I don’t go over there often.

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Last Answer : Everything except black licorice. Does anyone remember Starburst licorice? That was the best, but I think they stopped making it ;(

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Last Answer : answer:Hate them, for the exploiting nature and pressure put on the child. EDIT: Usually.

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Last Answer : answer:@zenele Just to let you know this was asked 4 days ago. Beetroot and cooked celery for me.

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Last Answer : I am my own boss and I think she is wonderful!!

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Last Answer : It is the same as liking babies but not teens or something. Babies are cute and smell good; they represent innocence. Adults or anything that is not a baby is just a headache.

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Last Answer : Before you ask for a divorce, why not just suggest that she wear some socks to bed?

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Last Answer : The stories that my mother twists my words or actions around in to make people laugh more.

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Last Answer : I will say nothing cuts me better than a piece of ceramic. I’ve used them and they were fine and cut well. I just like the feel of steel for some reason.

Description : Is it possible to hate someone and love them at the same time.

Last Answer : I’m guessing you haven’t seen married with children.

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Last Answer : I don’t hate it, but on occasion it makes me uncomfortable. I think saying that to someone, or hearing it (even if it’s nothing romantic) makes a person feel vulnerable, and who really likes that feeling?

Description : Hate Facebook, but love WordTwist. Help?

Last Answer : Sounds like you should go to and check out Texttwist.

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Last Answer : Maybe you love to read those things because they are not something your brain can fabricate on its own, which would make sense of hating self-help books because you must have plenty of it being fabricated ... pancakes and burgers, which for us is just normal food, but to them its glorious and fun.

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Last Answer : Definitely. Hate redounds on the hater not the hated. To me, it is not worth it.

Description : The Story of Edgar Sawtelle has a love-it-or-hate-it ending. Which side are you on? (Warning: May contain spoilers.)

Last Answer : Sorry, but I don’t read books: 1) that are part of Oprah’s book club 2) recommended by Stephen King 3) in which dogs die

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Last Answer : Country

Description : Can you hate someone and love them at the same time?

Last Answer : Only if you marry them.

Description : How do I leave a well-paying job I hate for a lower-paying job I love?

Last Answer : The decision is personal to yourself. I did that 3 years ago. I had a job that paid well, but did not have the security I currently have. I do enjoy my current job more also. But… Sometimes I wish I kept the better paying job. These are tough times.

Description : Emoticons: love 'em or hate 'em?

Last Answer : answer:I love emoticons. I feel like the internet is very impersonal sometimes and the use of :-D conveys a little bit of personality. A lot of times, it is hard to tell whether someone is being serious or ... enough to elict a smile, which is usually all I'm going for. Good luck on this! :-)

Description : how does it feel to hate everything and everyone on earth but actually try to find something or someone to love deep inside?

Last Answer : Feels like a warm hug on a hot summer day…uncomfortable.