Open-source statistics programs that you like?

1 Answer

Answer :

I love R. I don’t know any others, but once you get past the learning curve with R, your life will change for the better!

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Last Answer : Hint: There aren’t going to be any trick questions in statistics. There is enough information to calculate the standard deviation.

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Last Answer : I loved Statistics for Dummies. It explained everything clearly and gave examples for many things that weren’t instinctive (to me anyway).

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Last Answer : Sounds a lot like homework to me. Especially the ‘explanation’ part.

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Last Answer : answer:Worldwide 6,571,497,332 people live on earth 1,200,000,000 people live on $0.23 a day 2,000,000,000 people have no electricity 80% of people live in substandard housing 1,000,000,000 people ... food in the U.S. and Europe $105,000,000,000.00 spent on alcohol in Europe ~World Challenge Inc.

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Last Answer : So you mean for all of the companies in the U.S. or individual companies?

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Last Answer : answer:What you want to do is research mortality statistics , and here is a good place to start. I don't think you're likely to find individual accident causes broken down to the ... accidental / unintentional deaths in the US, making accidental death the fifth leading cause of death.

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Last Answer : Select several of these choices and see the answers and discussions.

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Last Answer : Depends what the topic is. When it comes to health it can actually be quite depressing.

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Last Answer : No, they don’t ignore the numbers; they refute them. Again and again.

Description : A question for the mathematically minded jellies, involving statistics and limits.

Last Answer : The ratio would be expected to stay at the original ratio, whatever that was. For example, if there are 12000 red and 10000 green and you took out a 220, you’d expect to get 120 red and 100 green and the ratio would remain 1.2:1.

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Last Answer : It's been a while, but I recall the Poisson distribution as being more useful in queuing theory. I also recall that it's more useful when you are talking about discrete, rather than continuous intervals. ... have been able to give you a better answer. However, here's Mathworld's page on the subject.

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Last Answer : answer:Number of rolls of toilet paper used Amount of printer cartridges used Number of miles walked No, I am more than my statistics, as are you.

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Last Answer : i do trust statistics if i know the source and if there is no financial benefit for a certain result. For example, I read once that chocolate does not cause acne. That came from the makers of M&M’s.

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Last Answer : answer:I think your professor is suggesting that quantitative variables are continuous variables. That means there is a continuous measurement and the intervals between each mark on the scale are the same. ... in some sort of opinionated way? So you need more information to decide, I think.

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Last Answer : The president of the foundation makes a half a million dollars per year, according to Charity Navigator. That’s a whole lot of money and that’s why I won’t donate to that organization or go out of my way to purchase products with the pink ribbon.

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Last Answer : No because they are unreported so there is no way to know if they really happened

Description : How do I calculate the odds of this? (Statistics and probability question)

Last Answer : It seems to me that the odds would be 0.001X0.81=0.00081 (0,001X0,81=0,00081: in the US we use commas to denote our decimal points) or i.e., 0,081%