Seriously, how did you guys meet your S/O?

1 Answer

Answer :

Ladies night at the gay bar

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Last Answer : I think there’s a typo in your question that makes it nonsensical. Read it and edit it.

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Last Answer : answer:It probably depends on local laws. I don't know much about the law, but I think in some places if you can reasonably walk away that is what you are supposed to do. Other laws talk about ... level I think the jury would not agree with the suit. Most people are pretty fed up with bullying.

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Last Answer : The horrible diet we have. When you line your bowels with oils things are bound to slip out. I am partially joking.

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Last Answer : answer:I usually love cold weather but this is exhausting. The streets in my neighborhood have been iced over for 2 weeks. It's hard to make plans because the weather worsens out of nowhere. I've had ... thought when I graduate in a few years arizona sounds nice even though I know I'd miss snow.

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Last Answer : Maybe you lived there and were killed in ww2 , maybe it’s some of your past life that is still with you.

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Last Answer : Mine is so bad that I can’t even read it sometimes

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Last Answer : answer:You can be a bigot toward a white person, but not racist. Bigotry is annoying and inconvenient, racism is insidious, systematic, and permeates all aspects of a society. This ... a humorous take on the issue:

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Last Answer : Winning the lottery, or hearing mom’s cancer will never come back for sure. I can’t think of much else that would get that large a reaction.

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Last Answer : Sure. I hate to cook! I don’t think I ever said it with my ‘nose up in the air’, though. It’s just a fact about me, like “I love to read”. Hasn’t hurt me, so far as I know.

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Last Answer : I’ve forgotten whether you’ve said you are on meds or not?

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Last Answer : When one is trying to shape policy one way or another, its just best to be taken seriously. Best way to do that is to seem serious.

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Last Answer : I never wore makeup, and I was a Vice President of a corporation and a director of a division.

Description : Do you ever seriously wish you could adopt someone else's child?

Last Answer : I get like that all the time when my daughter has friends over. I don’t have the sad depressed stage, but I do notice the different feeling in the house. I simply love the energy. Maybe it is because I grew up in a large family. dunno…. I think it is my love for kids that fuels this significantly.

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Last Answer : Yes I have.

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Last Answer : I honestly don't get the fascination for disgusting-looking dead people walking around. I've always avoided movies and TV shows about them, and now there's a new series of TV commercials running-I can't recall ... a fad, I guess, and will eventually fade away, but it can't happen fast enough for me.

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Last Answer : When I was in high school a friend of mine and I went on a long bike ride on a dirt path through fields and up a steep hill and then across town. We returned on the same route home. ... bad about laughing. However the accident happened about 44 years ago and I still laugh whenever I think about it.

Description : Are tablets seriously going to dominate the computer industry?

Last Answer : answer:I haven't met a tablet I like yet. I do not care for the touchscreen keyboards on any of them. Me too. They seem so nice and convenient. only 7 or 10 inches and light. But I also can't ... to a computer wiz buddy and he said that it isn't uncommon to dislike touch - it's not for everyone.

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Last Answer : Perhaps they’re guessing your age based on your searches?

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Last Answer : answer:One thing I don’t do is discredit their service. That seems to be a Republican strategy, i.e. swiftboating. I like the keywords, but I honor our veterans by using spellcheck

Description : Is this post something you would take seriously, if you knew me?

Last Answer : Dutchess_III That’s so funny. It’s exactly like you! I remember when you asked me to submit a question to Barack. It was like, the ten millionth question submitted,lol. Did you get a reply yet? __I forgot what the question was__

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Last Answer : Amber Alerts come across our Emergency Broadcast System on the television and radio. I have no reason to not take them seriously. I don’t get emails for Amber Alerts so I have nothing to pass on.

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Last Answer : Does the person want help? In my experience, unsolicited advice is generally unappreciated and untaken advice.