When is "next "Monday?

1 Answer

Answer :

if today is wednesday, then next monday is this monday

Related questions

Description : When it comes to days of the week, do the words "next" and "this" cause a lot of confusion?

Last Answer : Well, I know what you’re saying. To me it depends on which side of Sunday you’re on. If it’s Monday, saying “This Wednesday” tells me in 2 days. “Next Wednesday” tells me a week from this Wednesday. Often have to ask for clarification if we’re on the wrong side of Sunday. ;)

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Last Answer : Good question, @Sariperana, i am wondering this for myself for a while. I will follow!

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Last Answer : The way I see it is: today is Thursday, the Tuesday that just passed is last Tuesday, and the Tuesday that is coming up is either this Tuesday or next Tuesday. Anything beyond that bracket ... before this past Tuesday. After that I just start using actual dates otherwise it gets really confusing.

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Last Answer : (a) Waiting for its prey.

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Last Answer : (2) commence

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Last Answer : Most mass shooters in this country have been white men (many of them young) so that’s likely. Religious motivation seems to be less common, but who knows? I don’t think anything has been released yet.

Description : Are you or anyone you know celebrating on Monday for MLK, Jr Day?

Last Answer : It’s a regular workday for me – I’ll be at my desk. Many of our customers are city or county-owned facilities, and in Atlanta, almost all of them close for MLK day.

Description : Suppose you won a contest at work in which you get this Monday off with pay. What would you do?

Last Answer : Assuming I wasn’t already on vacation and I won before I retired, I’d probably sleep in at first, but then get to the beach for a nice day of soaking up rays and then take my wife out for a nice dinner in the evening.

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Last Answer : It would depend on the individual program.

Description : Have the prices in Whole Foods really dropped since Monday?

Last Answer : There’s one 3 miles from my house here in Boston. I’ll check it out and let you know.

Description : Is meatless Monday still a thing?

Last Answer : I am going out to do some errands. On my way home, I plan to stop by this new-ish pizza place called Project Pie. It's one of those places where you pay a flat price, in this ... roasted Brussels sprouts, Jalapeños, fresh garlic, fresh basil, mushrooms, and ricotta. My mouth is watering right now!

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Description : Is it okay to leave a dog home alone for 12 hours, Monday - Friday?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t do it, especially if you get a puppy. A puppy can’t go that long without needing to potty and dogs in general need to get some exercise. If you aren’t crating the dog, it will get bored and perhaps start chewing up the furniture, carpet and even walls. It would get lonely too.

Description : Should I worry about my cat not having a bowel movement after being spayed on Monday?

Last Answer : answer:Some anesthetics can cause the mucous membranes to stop producing and, mucous being the primary lubrication of the intestines, this could cause constipation. Opiates cause this in humans. Your cat ... after giving the cat hairball medicine found over the counter in most drug or pet stores.

Description : Monday morning quarterbacks! Care to analyze the 2014 Superbowl?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I think that it is a positive anti-drug message. The team whose state has not yet implemented legalized pot beat the team whose state is stoned.

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Last Answer : Heard of this, but I've no interest. I love video games, but truth be told, I am a complete trophy slut. If it wasn't for trophies and achievements, I may have given up on gaming a few years ago. I' ... but not my type. I'm old school, gotta play on my own. And gotta have trophies for me to collect.

Description : Is it strange to look foreward to Monday?

Last Answer : I’ve never been anxious to return to work. The last time I was anxious for a Monday, we were leaving for vacation on that day.

Description : Did you watch "The Blacklist" Monday night? Did you like it?

Last Answer : I did not. My fiancé watched it and thought it was pretty decent.

Description : Happy Monday everyone! What are you going to get done today?

Last Answer : I’m going to work. Yippee!! lol

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Last Answer : Exercise can help make the skin appear smoother and some muscles do offer a little lift in that area if worked on. Probably not as much lift as you are expecting though. Breast tissue once stretched ... . Saggy is not always bad, natural breasts are beautiful and admired even in their saggy' state.

Description : So, what are you up to today, Monday, 13 May, 2013?

Last Answer : answer:Working. Two meetings and a bunch of phone calls. Another day at the grind. Nothing special at all.

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Last Answer : answer:On most calendars in the US, Sunday is listed first – I presume that’s because Christianity dominated Western culture for so many centuries. Therefore, Sunday is at the start of the week and Saturday is the last day – hence the term “week-ends”. Mentally, my week starts on Monday, though.

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Last Answer : Mondays are are the first days of a week of opportunities. The only thing that is worse than working is NOT working. I like looking at all the hung over people on Mondays and feeling glad I am not one of them.

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Last Answer : If the bank is closed there will be no posting. It will show up in Tuesday’s transactions.

Description : Sunday night, do you enjoy it as much as Saturday night or spend it dreading Monday?

Last Answer : Now that I'm no longer in school, Sunday night is longer a thing to be feared, despised and hated. I used to hate Sunday nights, but now that my work schedule is not fixed and I may or may ... up on my TV-watching or hanging with a friend. Sunday night is a big food-experimentation night for me.

Description : I'm meeting with a headhunter on Monday. How should I present my resume?

Last Answer : Most professional in my opinion, the clear front, and easy slide in kind of thing. Looks very basic. Press clippings in a separate portfolio. It's not over kill if you know how you will go over the ... email and let them know you are jotting their name and number down. And best wishes to you :D

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Last Answer : Flowers are always good and so is your Giant Bear idea. What ever gift you do give her, make sure it is something from the reflective of your love for her and that is not always an extravagant gift as there is no price on love as it is something you give freely of yourself.

Description : Should I go to the ER or stick it out till Monday?

Last Answer : Go to the ER. I mean like right now. There are people in there with a common cold right now. This is a valid reason to go.

Description : Good NYC restaurant in West mid-80's? for Monday?

Last Answer : Here’s a list so you can poick depending on ambiance and type of food.

Description : How can you tell it's Monday where you are?

Last Answer : answer:My wife and daughter are sick-having just returned from vacation. My daughter came in to our room early in the morning, and was given dispensation to stay home. She'd been working too ... her Monday morning headache. Hopefully these will go away when she retires in a few weeks. Hopefully.

Description : Should I continue taking this new prescription, or should I stop and call my doctor on Monday?

Last Answer : So you only took one dose?

Description : Why do Monday mornings, or our roads, or insert your own generic bitch of the day suck so much?

Last Answer : Havin’ a rough day, there, fella?

Description : What is a good way to lose water weight before Monday?

Last Answer : Avoid as much sodium as possible and drink a lot of water. The water will help to flush out any excess sodium that you might have. (You might not have any for all I know – it’s just a suggestion.) Eat as many vegetables and other high fiber foods as you can.

Description : Will I get cheaper & better laptop deals on Black Friday or Cyber Monday online?

Last Answer : Six of one, half-dozen of the other. It really depends much more on exactly what laptop you’re looking to get.

Description : Why does Monday always seem like the worst day of the week?

Last Answer : answer:The fun weekend has departed and five long gruesome days are ahead, before the next fun-filled weekend. Maybe this is why they call in Blue Monday??

Description : Is there anyway to get Monday Night Football live, online?

Last Answer : Well, you can watch a play-by-play reporting on Yahoo, but it’s not the same as the game.

Description : How many of you get Monday off for Labor Day?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I have off. My daughter & hubby start school the following day so Monday we're planning on hanging out at home. Was going to hit the beach Sat or Sunday but hurricane Earl messed up those ... rough and there are riptides. Safer to stay home. Now I am going back to bed. catch you later

Description : Is there any way to get utilities turned on on Friday morning instead of waiting the following Monday?

Last Answer : The power should be on anyway. Just use it. Consider it a freebie.

Description : The second coming of the monday night wars, is TNA doomed to be the new WCW?

Last Answer : answer:No. TNA is cramming an almost 60 year old barely mobile Hulk Hogan down fans throats. It's not 1985, no one cares about Hogan anymore. And lets not forget the 50 year old, lazy as ... due to suspension of disbelief, the same thing anyone uses when watching tv or movies. Anyway, good topic.

Description : Do you take advantage of Cyber Monday?

Last Answer : I have yet to come across a deal that really seemed that good to me. Same thing with Black Friday sales. I can usually find better deals when I’m not looking for them.

Description : Today is Cyber Monday. So, where are the great online deals?

Last Answer : i heard that cyber monday was the worst day to shop around online more computer frauds then ever.. idk

Description : President Obama eased restrictions on stem cell research on Monday and I was wondering what people's opinions might be on this.

Last Answer : I think it is about time this decision is being driven by science instead if ideology. Fact is that unused embryos (from fertility procedures) are stored and eventually discarded. Far better they be ... To argue that these same embryos are viable life is pointless as they would be discarded anyway.

Description : Are there any monday through friday breakfast buffets in the baltimore maryland area.

Last Answer : For some reason, this question amused me.

Description : A little Monday morning math.

Last Answer : I agree with you. Initially, three doors leads to a probability of 1 in 3 for each door. Person chooses Door 1 , with a probability of 33.3% that the car is behind it. When Door 3 is opened ... , in essence, the contestant has two choices: Door 1 and Door 2. The probability is 50% for each door.

Description : I pulled chicken out of the freezer Monday I can still use it today right?

Last Answer : They should be fine. Depending on how thick they were, they may still be thawing even. Do the sniff test. Like eggs, it’s pretty easy to tell when chicken turns on you.

Description : So, I'm on a diet since monday, and I would like to go out for luch on weekends, do you know of any place that doesn't have too much calories in their food?

Last Answer : Good luck! You can get healthy options pretty much anywhere. Try picking up the restaurant version of the book Eat This, Not That.

Description : What qualifies Charles Barkley to announce Monday Night Football?

Last Answer : He's probably as qualified as Rush Limbaugh was. Both follow football, both enjoy football, Barkley was a pro athlete, Limbaugh I believe worked for some NFL team at some point, but I don't know what ... d like to see Hersey Hawkins. I know he follows football, and he'd be a much better announcer.

Description : Monday in New York?

Last Answer : The Guggenheim is open on Mondays and in recent years they’ve opened the rooftop to Rockafeller Center.

Description : Monday... New Iphone or just the update?

Last Answer : answer:The new 2.0 software is guaranteed. The iPhone better be. As I mentioned before, if it’s not released, Apple will disappoint many. Think about all the hype around it, it may not be released, but it will be announced.