What do you seek?

1 Answer

Answer :

i seek Amy. brittany spears anyone?

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Last Answer : I try to be kind and friendly to everyone I meet. I succeed about 95% of the time.

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Last Answer : I am more likely to seek and take advice from someone who as already been in my situation and has mastered it (or at least overcome the basics). If someone is just like me then they are just as clueless as me.

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Last Answer : Hmm. Proving life on other planets.

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Last Answer : You mean when you have some who are actually doing that? Or just as a general abstract worry you think about out of the blue? It sounds like probably potentially dangerous if it actually happened with a child small enough to get into one.

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Last Answer : Does this apply to ones I know for certain don’t exist, like Yeti?

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Last Answer : You might call the authorities and have them forceably remove them.

Description : Will you help me decide whether to seek more urgent medical attention?

Last Answer : I'd go, you're in pain and they will probably do an ultrasound or scan given your recent surgery. Who knows, it could be something completely different like gallbladder pain or??? Given your history ... nagging, sometimes severe pain and often flare up after eating as well. Good luck, let us know!

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Last Answer : answer:Sad to say, but in my opinion, you will not get very far. You are tilting at windmills. Just a suggestion but, since it confined to the bathroom and bedroom I would check two things, the ... the room it would trip. You might check both these items and see if it will eliminate the problem.

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Last Answer : I like Edmunds a lot, you can get lots of reviews on the cars you're interested in and I think it is a pretty accurate over view of each make and model. I liked my current cars ... driver survival space. Being an easily distracted type I need the highest rated driver survival space rating. lol

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Last Answer : Coal jobs are already being lost at an alarming rate. If we don’t mine it, it will come from other coal exporting countries. I don’t see any benefit to hurting ourselves in a futile attempt to manage other countries.

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Last Answer : Um, does it have to be a ask-public member’s home?

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Last Answer : I drink an Ensure and I Fluther with a jug of cold water next to me. Pop if I have it. I also listen to the weather network. Sometimes my TV its on mute.

Description : Will you seek to find out who has reached the state of 30K?

Last Answer : Congrats…. thanks for the company.

Description : When should a person with depression seek professional help?

Last Answer : The fact that you asked this question suggests that you think you might need to. It couldn’t hurt to seek help.

Description : I don't seek out parenting advice too often, but do any of you have any ideas here?

Last Answer : answer:Try baby massage. It's not hard, you can probably find a copy of a book or maybe a video in the library or used book store, and babies love it. It's very comforting to them. It can be done ... bedtime, etc. Whenever she's most likely to wind up. Works best if it's done as part of a routine.

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Last Answer : answer:First, eferrara, let me offer my high respect and admiration for caring enough about your mom's well-being that you are seeking whatever avenues (including this site) which you can use to ... . Finally, let me say that your mother is extraordinarily fortunate to have a daughter like you .

Description : Should I seek help for this phobia?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, get some help. Anything that is debilitating or not condusive to a full and happy life needs addressed. I have a fear of heights and being under deep water, but I force myself to do both at times as a ... I don't do either on a regular basis, so it's not that big of a deal. Good luck!!

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Last Answer : No, I don’t. Ignorant people seem to be angry about a lot of ridiculous things.

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Last Answer : answer:I do not think you should fly to Chicago. I would suggest you research the large discount brokerage house's job listings, Schwab, Fidelity, etc See where they have call centers you ... success applying for jobs in NYC or Chicago. Do not underestimate Boston as a financial center either.

Description : Who said: "Love those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it"?

Last Answer : Voltaire

Description : Where can I go to seek employment help?

Last Answer : Have you tried the unemployment office? Careerbuilders.com and those type of job searches? The want ads in the newspaper? If you are receiving unemployment benefits, that is the place that should be able to help you find employment.

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Last Answer : Not at all. I would just adopt a child who desperately needed a home. The ethnicity wouldn’t matter at all to me.

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Last Answer : answer:If your friend has ever threatened to do bodily harm to himself, like I want to kill myself . then this is the time you reach for the phone and call the police. Threatening suicide is a crime ... the only choice you have to help your friend. What about his family? If you can, contact them.

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Last Answer : They either have no clue how to exercise and follow a decent diet,are lazy or one of the many who want something for nothing.

Description : Adults: if you found out one or both of your parents was not your biological parent, would you seek out your bio mom or dad?

Last Answer : answer:I think I’d be more curious than anything. If they purposely lied, my reaction would depend on thier reason/intent for lying.

Description : If you found out you were an adopted child (or if you are), would you (or did you) seek out your birth parents? Why or why not?

Last Answer : I know i have a different biological father. But I was never even slightly interested in seeking him out. It just holds no importance to me. A complete non-issue.

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Last Answer : answer:There's no one rule, especially in small online businesses with few physical assets. The short answer is it's worth whatever it's worth to you and you should ask for a price that would ... final price will be lower. Congrats on building something someone sees value in. I hope it goes well.

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Last Answer : Sounds like a conspiracy to me! Or maybe – just a bunch of crap.

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Last Answer : Leadership will out. I almost always end up in a leadership position even if I don’t want to.

Description : If your significant other was in a coma for over a year, would you seek another partner?

Last Answer : No, we don’t, that’s a really good question. It’s easy to say now, but I think I’d wait longer than a year before I’d think about taking that step.

Description : Where do we go to seek clarity?

Last Answer : So you’re not including Fluther?

Description : If you played Hide-And-Seek as a kid, what phrase did you use to call in hiders that you couldn't find?

Last Answer : Alli-alli-atsen-free (whatever the heck that means).

Description : What is your process for deciding when to seek medical attention?

Last Answer : I knew I needed help when I was crying really bad with a handful of pills in my hand and blood pouring out of my skin. Some help I got though.

Description : What does wisdom mean to you / how do you seek and gain wisdom?

Last Answer : as the ubiquitous artist Kenny Rogers said ” you need to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em and know when to run away.”

Description : What kind of treatment should I seek for intense nerve pain along my butt and hamstring?

Last Answer : Sound like sciatica. Call your GP, and he may prescribe Physical Therapy.

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Last Answer : No, you could get an iMac, they have them refurbished here wow that is an old system you have there lol

Description : Are job fairs good places to seek employment?

Last Answer : “Are job fairs good places to seek employment?” I guess, if you don’t mind being a “Carnie”.

Description : Should I seek medical attention?

Last Answer : constant medical attention

Description : If a doctor made a poor diagnosis which caused you to have to seek another doctor (I am not talking about second opinions for treatment) do you think you should have to pay the first doctor?

Last Answer : It would be wonderful if one did not have to compensate poor performance in any field

Description : Do people that have suffered a lot seek out situations that will cause them to suffer again or even attract them?

Last Answer : I think it’s something more in their personality than anything else. I mean I think most people have undergone a lot more suffering than they would let on, but it seems only some people seem attracted to it.

Description : What is something a roommate did that made you immediately seek to move out?

Last Answer : Came home after Christmas break to a random person living in the apartment, dirt everywhere, and someone pissed in my bathtub

Description : How can I convience someone who has a Borderline Personality Disorder to seek help

Last Answer : are you the one that needs help?

Description : I'm in a terrible dilemma and seek outside advice!

Last Answer : answer:I say it is expensive/valuable enough to get a written statement from Mary via authorities and submit the recordings as priors. The value is what would stir me to include the police. That, and thieves… well, they tick me off.

Description : Should I seek medical treatment for my toe

Last Answer : Uh…yeah, you should get it checked out if it’s that painful that you need to take a day off work.

Description : What's the exact link I should go on to itunes to seek help for my iPod touch?

Last Answer : Actually, just hit up google. You would be surprised how much online forums can help a technologically sickening situation.

Description : Hidden in the poem below, a manly name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: I do not mind addition; I'll tolerate subtraction; but try not to ... you use, just makes me want some Tums. What is the man's name you hear in the rhyme? -Riddles

Last Answer : The name you'll hear is MATTHEW.

Description : Hidden in the poem below, a female's name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: A camel is accustomed to dry and arid places; but since it has no social skills, it spits in people's faces! What is the female name you hear? -Riddles

Last Answer : MELISSA.

Description : Hidden in the poem below, a female's name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: A pig that is not dirty, I might just one day see; but pigs and soap suds do not mix, in bathtub history! What is the female name you hear? -Riddles

Last Answer : DAISY.