What do you say to your brother, who hasn't spoken to in 4 months?

1 Answer

Answer :

“I really miss you.”

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Last Answer : You might be interested in this. It’s not a pill, but it’s certainly an alternative to condoms and vasectomies.

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Last Answer : Asprin and a benydrl should help. The Asprin for the pain and the benedryl for the allergic reaction. If this doesn't help in an hours time than go see a doctor. For all you know you got bit by a ... or a recluse spider. Although a horse fly can do the same damage. But best to be safe than sorry.

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Last Answer : Your link doesn’t work

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Last Answer : Maybe they like him.

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Last Answer : It is being rebuilt. It is just taking time. It wasn’t built in a day, and it won’t be rebuilt in only a few years.

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Last Answer : It might because the staff here consider your question as unworthy to be posted. (they won’t tell you if your question can’t be posted). Actually there’s no certain benefit at all. Because no one will actually care about that.

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Last Answer : There was no deficit when Andrew Jackson left office

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Last Answer : Alaska get moved from US?

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Last Answer : I came here because of stumbleupon . . . so I didn’t know anyone . . .and really still don’t, I guess Im one of those edgy loners.

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Last Answer : Some feel that it is a legend and that the treasure either never existed or perhaps was removed years ago. Excellent question regarding the technology! I will be watching this question to see if any of our experts is science or mathmatics can chime in.

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