How was your first kiss?

1 Answer

Answer :

Disgusting, all I felt was his tongue and lots of saliva..jajajajajaja wasn’t good at all!

Related questions

Description : Do you regret your first kiss?

Last Answer : Not really. I don’t really remember who my first kiss was.

Description : Is it safe to kiss someone if a few days ago I had a viral illness?

Last Answer : answer:Most viruses don't live in the mouth well. They are spread by coughing, sneezing or touching. You would have been most contagious prior to the onset of your symptoms and for 24 hours after your ... outta the woods. Nice of you to be considerate of her, bonus points for your integrity. :-)

Description : How old were you when you had your first kiss (if you have already) and did you tell your parents?

Last Answer : answer:I'm gonna find this so hard to answer. I honestly can't pinpoint an age, I experimented so much with friends as a child, that I couldn't tell you whether it was 5,6,7,8,9 etc. ... outside your silly school ones, and still together all these years later. And no, I never told my Mum.

Description : What was your first kiss like, and how old were you?

Last Answer : 6 - It was pretty great but I was aloof af.

Description : Can you remember your first kiss?

Last Answer : Yes.I was 15.His name was Jim.Heavenly Jim :)

Description : Would a non-magical first time kiss improve with time?

Last Answer : answer:Sure you could. Other factors could outweigh the kiss problem. And the wow factor is mostly a myth. It's nice, but not necessary. Attraction can grow. But my preference is for a ... that is really something! You want to have chemistry. It makes things so much more interesting and intense.

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Last Answer : Hard to say. If I realise that I’ve forgotten someone, then I haven’t really forgotten. So technically, I don’t know.

Description : Do you remember your very first Kiss?

Last Answer : I do, it was just a peck on the lips, as part of some kind of dare game – the boy, I did have a crush on him and was very excited about this but tried to look like I wasn’t.

Description : What was your first kiss like?

Last Answer : I had several bland, emotionless kisses before The Big One. Those kisses were unfeeling, and left me unmoved. The first kiss from someone I had feelings for spun me. I was amazed to feel like that.

Description : Should I take the oppurtunity to get my first kiss?

Last Answer : Why not wait until you feel like kissing someone because there is a mutual attraction and you both want to display your feelings? It will mean more. You never forget your first kiss.

Description : Was your first kiss fireworks or a total let down?

Last Answer : A total let down, it was slippery with her tongue going all over my mouth in front of all her friends.

Description : If you are dating, what is the best time to have that "first kiss"?

Last Answer : Thanks for the offer , but you are too late . Had my first kiss years ago , tho if you want i will pretend to be first again .

Description : Can you have a successful first date with no goodnight kiss?

Last Answer : I think a hug is honestly more common nowadays. I think the followup is simply polite, if no one calls me or texts me by the next day, I’m not impressed. Three days later, kind of irks me. In a world with so many immediate returns, it’s expected.

Description : What is a good moment to kiss my gfriend for the first time?

Last Answer : Make it as romantic and memorable as possible. Right place, right time, right atmosphere, right everything. Good luck!

Description : Do you kiss on the first date?

Last Answer : Was it a blind date or have you known each other for a while? And if you’ve known each other for a while, how long, and were you good friends or just casual acquaintances?

Description : Where was your first kiss?

Last Answer : im guessing @bythebays was by the bay but mine was on a rollercoaster…......the tunnel of love one….....

Description : How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Last Answer : I don’t think I want to tell Jason about my past intimate experiences…

Description : First think of the person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend, The middle of the middle and end of the ... . Now string them together, and answer me this, Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss? -Riddles

Last Answer : Spider.

Description : First think of a person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend, The middle of middle and end of the end? ... word. Now string them together, and answer me this, Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss? -Riddles

Last Answer : Spider A spy is a person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. D is always the last letter in mend, The middle letter of middle and the end letter in end. Er is a ... hard-to-find word. And if you string them together, I doubt you would be willing to kiss a spider!

Description : Do you know of any couple who saved their very first kiss on their wedding day?

Last Answer : It's nice to hear your story. But nowadays we can find only few people of this kind. I know few of friends who save their first kiss for wedding day. But very few.

Description : What's the average age for a first kiss?

Last Answer : Although there have been no official studies on the average age of someone's first kiss, it is common to experience your first kiss sometime in your pre-teen or teenage years. The Mirror reported in 2007 ... to have their first kiss. No matter when it happens for you, don't feel pressured into it.

Description : Would you ever kiss a wolf?

Last Answer : Nope, no interest. Don’t know what butt that tongue last licked

Description : If you go to Ireland, and kiss the Blarney Stone could you contract Covid?

Last Answer : Yes! Who knows where those mouths have been.

Description : What would you do if you attended a sports game, and the "Kiss Cam" chooses you and the person you came with? PS, you came there with your sister.

Last Answer : Will you be my sister? We could totally lezz out, and then we could get our own disgusting reality tv show. Or maybe run for parliment.

Description : Would you kiss a strangers pet?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t kiss my own pet.

Description : Should Trump or any man be sued for not asking permission before a kiss?

Last Answer : It depends on the circumstance

Description : If you try to please everyone, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye. How far do you agree with this statement?

Last Answer : answer:It is imperative that you love yourself as you are and that you try to make your own life happy and fulfilling. Caring for others can come out of that. Trying to please everyone else is a no-win game.

Description : Am I too young for a kiss?

Last Answer : Does it matter? If you want to do it, if not don’t.

Description : Should siblings kiss on the lips?

Last Answer : In my family, everybody kissed everybody. On the forehead, on the cheek, on the nose, on the top of the head… and yes, on the lips. I see nothing wrong with siblings of the same or opposite gender kissing briefly on the lips to show love and affection as long as their hands don’t stray. ;-)

Description : Does my son know I love him when I kiss him?

Last Answer : I’ve never been a parent, but I can’t imagine his not knowing at some level that any contact you make with him is a sign of love, affection and being there for him.

Description : Ugh! He was paid how much? to kiss Bar Refaeli? I wouldn't do it for less than...

Last Answer : I wouldn’t let her kiss me unless she fucking begged first, you just know that geek was nursing a boner during…highlight of his life, bless.

Description : How is a french kiss properly performed?

Last Answer : With love, passion and hunger.

Description : We all know the French kiss, can you come up with new National kisses?

Last Answer : English kiss: Usually consisting of a deep kiss between two people and the sucking of each other’s lips.

Description : Do you make sure you give your s/o a kiss when you split for the day?

Last Answer : My husband makes it a priority to give me and all the kids a kiss on the forehead before he heads out for the day. I think it’s sweet.

Description : Never kissed a boy and 15 and my boyfriend wants to kiss me. What do I do?

Last Answer : answer:The first question you have to answer is, do you want to kiss him? If you do, then read on. If you don't, say you aren't ready. Don't feel pressured to do anything you don't feel ready ... perfect kiss because what is perfect for me, may not be for you. I promise though, you will work it out.

Description : Do you kiss your kids on the lips?

Last Answer : If both parties are comfortable, I see nothing wrong with it. My daughter is six and she likes to kiss me on the lips. My 50 yr old sister still kisses my father on the lips. It’s just a quick peck. We are a loving family.

Description : How to balance if your SO thinks you kiss the a** of your parent/s?

Last Answer : I know in my case my wife would always take her family’s side of everything and it left me feeling like I was way down on her priority list. When she got deathly ill and it was me that stood by her and became her care giver then things have come into prospective.

Description : Why do people kiss?

Last Answer : answer:@Aesthetic_Mess I’m so sorry for you if you don’t already know. One can only hope that you’re too young or otherwise inexperienced to have tried much. I grant that it took me way too long to find out, but kissing is great. Kissing well (and being kissed much and well) is heaven.

Description : What symbolize a hug or a kiss?

Last Answer : answer:Hug = hot water bottle (not very manly though), scarf, anything you wrap around your body. Kiss = Popping candy (difficult to get away from sweets) :D If this is a romantic gesture, spray some of your perfume in the box too.

Description : Why do people close their eyes when they kiss?

Last Answer : Because sometimes there’s nothing better than getting lost in the feeling.

Description : Do I really have to wait 2-4 weeks before I can kiss someone with a newly pierced lip?

Last Answer : answer:Hmmm I think its fine, when i got my Labret pierced the piercer told me the same thing I didnt listen (of course)...and it was ok. Im sure they say that just to cover them if someone you kiss has ... face and then you try to sue them. I would wait a few days though one wants gangrene.

Description : Why do we close our eyes when we kiss?

Last Answer : I feel more passion with my eyes closed.

Description : On sims 2 for the PC you can have boyfriends and kiss people, but on the DS can you do that too?

Last Answer : I'm sure it's the same thing for the most part. Most games made for different platforms usually have the same overall game play. There may be some differences, but I do believe that you'll still be able to have ... so I doubt they'd take it out. Whether or not you want to buy the game is up to you.

Description : How do i go in for a kiss?

Last Answer : Ask her. Or slowly go in and tilt your face to the side. Then there is Hitch’s rule to kissing.

Description : If you frequently kiss someone prone to cold sores, what are the chances that you've contracted that strain of herpes?

Last Answer : Depends if he has herpes-related sores or plain old cold sores. If he just gets cold sores, she’s not going to contract herpes.

Description : Is it okay for a father to kiss his son on the lips?

Last Answer : I think one allows the child to determine what's appropriate, up to a certain point. I have 12-year-old twins, a boy and a girl. I used to kiss them both on the lips, now I kiss neither ... point they began offering their cheeks, and that was my signal that lip-kissing was over, at least for now.

Description : Why do we kiss? When did it start?

Last Answer : Not really kiss, but most animals have various signs of affection, and for example monkeys groom each other. I am not sure when exactly kissing started, but it's thousands of years old, as it is mentioned ... . I am sure there are much older references too, that's just one I happened to read myself.

Description : Whats the best way to ask for a kiss?

Last Answer : “Give mama some sugar, baby.”

Description : What happens at the end of Ted Dekker's book "Kiss"?

Last Answer : at the end the character asks the community the answer to his homework assignment and no one answers :P

Description : When and why did a kiss at the stroke of New Year's become such a tradition?

Last Answer : Heehee, I does not have a random someone. I was wondering that too, thanks to the thread we were on a few minutes ago. You beat me to it! :’( Lurve for Herpes. Haha.