Why are humans unique among all animals in so many ways?

1 Answer

Answer :

Thank goodness for our thumbs. j/k

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Last Answer : Very insightful question. As you probably know, some of the creations of H.P. Lovecraft are far more alien than most fantasy creatures-yet in an unsettling way, far more familiar and threatening. As to ... Vishnu. It would just look wrong but not threatening as a Spider, Crab, or Face Hugger.

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Last Answer : Sure there could. There isn’t but there could.

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Last Answer : kritiper Wait till it comes back from editing.

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Last Answer : I think it’s just what we’re conditioned to be used to. People with hairless cats tend to get used to them. Not everyone is repulsed by human body hair. Lots of young people are much more averse to human body hair than older ones, etc.

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Last Answer : Yes. I liken it to two radios being tuned to the same wavelength.

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Last Answer : Mosquitos

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Last Answer : answer:Possibly, but if it were true, how would we know for sure, and how could it be proven? If you're preprogrammed to do what you're doing (say, like posting this question), how do you ... do you know that you have free will? That's been a religious / theological question for thousands of years.

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Last Answer : Hubris.

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Last Answer : I’ve wondered that exact same thing. Maybe it has to do with the amount of drugs needed? I did read that some of the drugs used in the best cocktail for lethal injection are less available now.

Description : Can dogs and other animals have the same mental health problems that humans have?

Last Answer : answer:No way to know. If a human being inherited a smart critter's cognitive abilities, the human would be regarded as seriously impaired. Anyway, most human cognitive disorders are significant only ... in a social context. They simply survive or die in whatever milieu they are cast by fate.

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Last Answer : answer:Animals in zoos are aware of their inability to leave the premises. And the more intelligent animals are certainly cognizant of both their imprisonment and all the humans watching them. It ... job. A caring powerful zookeeper would stop all the fighting and population growth and pollution.

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Last Answer : I reckon so. Yeah, that’s all I’ve got.

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Last Answer : They’d all star in Disney/Pixar movies & grow fat off the profits…lucky bastards.

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Last Answer : What about breeds of dogs, or birds, for example? We might only use the term “race” for humans, but it’s basically the same concept of classifying based on physical differences that are determined by genetics.

Description : Do any animals other than humans enjoy being challenged?

Last Answer : answer:My dorg finishes the Sudoku puzzles that I give up on. Is that sort of what you mean? She often finishes my sentences for me, too, which isn’t such a challenge with my limited vocabulary.

Description : Why did humans and other animals evolve the need to sleep?

Last Answer : So we can look forward to a tasty breakfast? I don’t know of anything that requires no sleep at all, but I remember reading somewhere that a giraffe sleeps the least of all large animals.

Description : How much do experts understand about the nature of instinct in animals and in humans?

Last Answer : answer:Fascinating topic and I have no learned answers for most of it except possibly: Last question-How can I get that damn song out of my head now?? You can replace it with something else ... vacuum into which it can easily slide back in. Looking forward to others' insights on the main topic!

Description : Can humans or animals get sick from power tower lines?

Last Answer : I recently saw a documentary that said yes but the power companies say no. I sure wouldn’t want to live under one, you can feel the hum and it kind of made my hair stand on end.

Description : If one day all the non-human animals in the world began to attack us do you think your pets would try to protect you or would they join their counterparts in the war against the humans?

Last Answer : Dogs would protect us, they know we’ll take better care of them than some animal, but I think the cats would be split somewhere around 50–50.

Description : Why do humans care about the human rights of animals (see details)?

Last Answer : answer:Animals provide comfort and care to humans. Some of them, anyway. People expand on that and tend to anthropomorphize a lot of other animals-believing that those animals are like humans in the emotions ... to be as devious as humans. I think humans care because they get so much from animals.

Description : Why can't humans and animals gossip like neighbors?

Last Answer : Milo here: Speak for yourself..Gail and I dish all the time, although she defers to my better judgment and analyticall skills regarding gossip.

Description : Why do we consider euthanization of other animals humane, but of humans morally wrong?

Last Answer : The double standard persists—as George Carlin said, if it happens to us, it’s an abortion but if it happens to a chicken, it’s an omelet.

Description : How come most animals/insects have better defense mechanisms then humans?

Last Answer : This is a good question. We were given the gift to problem solve. That’s our defense mechanism, imo. Animals can do this as well, but not as efficiently as us. I’d give people nothing. Why make a person more dangerous than they already are? Plus, I’d like to keep the cool powers to myself. :P

Description : Why are humans called social animals?

Last Answer : Because “together we stand, divided we fall.” —Pink Floyd

Description : Do you think animal's are stronger than humans?

Last Answer : Are you sleepy? There’s no apostrophe needed in your question. I won’t mention the other grammatical problems. Many animals are stronger than humans. The human advantage is intelligence.