Whats the difference between a hobo and a homeless person?

1 Answer

Answer :

Hobo is a species of the genus Homeless person

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Description : Know any good pilgrim/guru/vagabond/hobo/walk-the-earth-like-Caine-in-"Kung Fu" literature?

Last Answer : A classic is Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.

Description : Best way to get rid of a hobo?

Last Answer : 911

Description : What are Adjectives to describe a hobo?

Last Answer : Examples of adjectives that might be used to describe a hobo are:homelessshabbysadalcoholicunwashedunemployeddefeatedwell traveledsavvyobservant

Description : How long will a Stone Mountain leather hobo bag last?

Last Answer : Depending on the wear you put on it, you can get anything from 1-3 years out of the bag before the leather starts to wear. Proper care can extend the life of the bag even further, but average usage will keep it alive for quite a while.

Description : What's the cheapest - but most nutritious - food for a homeless person to buy?

Last Answer : Rice? It is the staple food of the majority of people on earth. You get protien, carbs and fibre all in one easy to digest package.

Description : What's the biggest threat that a homeless person faces?

Last Answer : The cold weather. I’ve always heard stories of homeless people being froze to death

Description : What's the weirdest thing you've ever heard a random homeless person yelling on the street?

Last Answer : "Stop stealing my thoughts!" I have no idea how he knew that I was, in fact, doing just that.

Description : Should I offer a healthy homeless person a temporary off-the-books job rather than a quick handout?

Last Answer : I think it is a great idea. Many homeless people need a job in order to secure a better job further down the line. However, some homeless people, not all, of course, suffer from issues. So you'd have ... for sad reasons. I really think it is a great idea and a great opportunity, but not an easy one!

Description : What do you think about this video of a homeless person?

Last Answer : Err, where’s the chuffing vid? :D

Description : How do you feel when you see a homeless person?

Last Answer : ‘Helm, evasive manoeuvres’

Description : Reality compassion check: when was the last time you personally fed a hungry homeless person?

Last Answer : answer:He’s sitting on the couch playing Wii with my son, right now. Chicken soup today.

Description : I just came upon a situation, this person I "met" is homeless what should I do?

Last Answer : answer:There probably isn't a lot you can do apart from being her friend and listening to her. The only other thing I could suggest is checking out safe temporary accommodation that might be available through ... t think you can do much more than that and I can imagine you feel you should do more.

Description : Do I give a homeless person money, if so, how much?

Last Answer : I do. I can only hope he/she spends it for food. If they don’t, meh, I tried. I give whatever I have to give. Welcome to Fluther!

Description : If you were a homeless person, what would your cardboard sign say?

Last Answer : answer:Keep Out! I have my cave all picked out, so I wouldn’t really be homeless by my standards. Society however has a different definition of homeless.

Description : Realistically, is there any way to really help a homeless person?

Last Answer : I believe in putting my support with the agencies that deal with the greatest number of people. To give a hand out to a person on the street is not really helping them.

Description : Do you have a favorite homeless person?

Last Answer : Osama bin Laden.

Description : If a homeless person cares for and keeps an animal, is the animal homeless as well?

Last Answer : Yes. They are “homeless,” but they have the advantage of being loved by someone.

Description : What's an appropriate gift to give a homeless man?

Last Answer : have you heard of this idea? they call them ‘blessing bags’ http://strongluv.com/blessing-bags-homeless-resources/

Description : What's the point of giving cans of food to the homeless if they don't have can openers?

Last Answer : Just because someone is homeless, doesn't mean that they are without ANY possessions at all. The homeless women that I work with are smart enough to carry a can opener IF that were the only way that ... way. As to the water - you can find running water in plenty of places. Think public restroom.

Description : What's the backstory you create for crazy or homeless people?

Last Answer : I never really thought about it but mine is like yours.

Description : What's a good San Francisco charity for poor or homeless people?

Last Answer : The Coalition on Homelessness does a lot of good work.

Description : Anyone who is homeless, what is your story?

Last Answer : I've just been feeling really down about not having a home and I want to know if there is anybody else going through the same thing as me

Description : Why don't they have homeless shelters across the planet for Muslims?

Last Answer : Do you know that they don’t? Since there are Muslims in many countries, I would think there might be different provisions in different countries. Do you have any sources to cite to back up your assertions?

Description : How come homeless shelters do not have Corona testing sites to admit homeless people who are Corona free?

Last Answer : My state has multiple sites for FREE testing! Where are you ?

Description : What are the penalties for giving out money or food to the homeless in your city?

Last Answer : There are none that I’m aware of. I hand out spare cash to homeless people at times. Not much but all I can do. Why the heck would people be penalized for that? Has society sunk that far down into the dregs?

Description : What will happen to the crime rate when the homeless realize they are guaranteed a better standard of living in jail than out on the streets?

Last Answer : Getting three meals a day in jail is not a new thing. Jail has a lot of downsides.

Description : "Without landlords/rental properties, more people would be homeless." True or false?

Last Answer : Not true. There is no one way it would actually play out . The person you were talking to was acting like there was only one valid way to think about housing (and about the ... pervasive scarcity and homelessness. But to support that would require an economic revolution of one sort or another.

Description : Are homeless people subject to curfews?

Last Answer : Well in many places the police will drive them out of places the rich people don't want them to be at night, destroy their camps and makeshift homes and stuff, it that's what you mean, even when ... vary from curfew to curfew. There is no one answer to a question about the details of ALL curfews.

Description : Is there a reason homeless people exist? Why?

Last Answer : Bad situations can leave people without homes. Drugs or gambling are also a factor. Another is mental health. There’s a variety of different reasons

Description : Can homeless people get student loans?

Last Answer : It may depend on their credit rating. When I got a federally insured student loan, it was for schooling only and the school received it all. After I had been out of school for six months I had to start ... about $60 a month, the last six months about $110 a month. (Didn't have to pay that back.)

Description : How can cities like San Francisco solve their homeless problem?

Last Answer : Affordable housing and mental health facilities would probably take care of the lion’s share.

Description : When a parent is about to be on the steet (homeless) do the children go to foster parents?

Last Answer : Ideal?

Description : I believe we are being targeted by a homeless woman on our street and now our new car has been vandalized. What recourse, if any, do we have?

Last Answer : I would check if any of it was caught on video. From the laundromat or elsewhere, (or they can install video cameras for preventing later crimes.) Maybe a social worker can help get the homeless a job or disability so that they would get off the street and eventually pay you damages later.

Description : Have you ever been homeless?

Last Answer : I was forced out of an apartment once because of unlivable conditions. I basically lived out of my car and couch surfed at friends places for a few weeks until I found a new place. It was ... was early fall so it was still hot. Not having friends would have drastically changed that situation though.

Description : Should we give money to the homeless?

Last Answer : No. I give cold pop and fruit to panhandlers on hot days. In downtown Edmonton a pandhanler makes $400 a day and lives in a penthouse apartment next to the hockey rink. People who are worse off, like being spralled on the sidewalk, I give $20.

Description : Is it offensive to say "sorry" when you don't have any cash on you when approached by the homeless?

Last Answer : No – I think it’s a human thing to do.

Description : Is living with relatives the same thing as "homeless"?

Last Answer : answer:The various official definitions of Homelessness No. They are homeless only in their own minds.

Description : Where do homeless people go during winter?

Last Answer : answer:South. As I understand it, there are a large number of homeless that go to Miami (and other warmer climes) for the winter, and then catch a cheap bus in the spring and head back to Cleveland, ... time in a shelter (literacy stuff) and more than one of them told me that they made a circuit.

Description : What is better for the homeless, more stuff, or dignity?

Last Answer : answer:Best would be both. That is, it'd be great for everyone if people would drop their dehumanizing righteous notions toward people who are less well-off. Then they'd be less trapped in ... come from an assumption that everyone agrees that poverty lacks dignity, which is not at all agreed upon.

Description : I will be homeless from May 31st to September 1st. How should I kill the time?

Last Answer : answer:At least it will be summertime. That's a good time of year to float around the country. Are you in California now? One suggestion I have is getting a last minute cruise or two if you like cruises. ... the middle of nowhere how much of a chore it is to get to what you would want to see there?

Description : Why do homeless people want to live on the riverbanks in cold weather climates?

Last Answer : answer:Why wouldn’t the homeless want to go live where there are no people, no facilities, no parks, no restaurants with leftovers, no stores with food and beverages, no street corners to busk on, no jobs to apply for, etc.? I can’t imagine.

Description : How often do you see homeless or other beggars and how do you react?

Last Answer : answer:So, you think the homeless are all beggars, or you think the homeless problem is represented by the beggars that you can see? Honestly, I don’t see how you come to equate being homeless with being a beggar.

Description : Do you see homeless people everyday?

Last Answer : answer:I work in San Francisco, so they are all around me as I walk the two blocks from the train to my office. We used to call them hobos . And I often saw them down near the ... 10th of 1% controlling more than the bottom 50%, lack of Congressional support for the VA and housing for veterans.

Description : How large of a financial catastrophe would it take to leave you homeless, and how quick would homelessness occur?

Last Answer : It wouldn’t take much, sadly.

Description : Does anyone here believe they've ever heard a suitable explanation for the abrupt appearance of armies of homeless people on the nation's streets in the mid 80s?

Last Answer : I would like to hear your theory.

Description : Homeless tips and tricks?

Last Answer : How about taking on the responsibilities of being an adult and getting a job and a place to live? Then you can pay your own way, make your own decisions, and go back to school.

Description : What do you do when you are about to be homeless?

Last Answer : answer:I'm sorry to hear you are in this situation. Must be very scary. There are a few people here who have been homeless, hopefully they see the Q. Can you stay with a friend while you try to find ... you do it now. It's been 6 months since your lay off and your unemployment isn't sorted out yet?

Description : If you lost your job tomorrow how long would it take for you to get evicted and be homeless?

Last Answer : 29 days. Or till the end of the month.

Description : Do you give to homeless people who advertise they are homeless, or to those obviously homeless but don’t?

Last Answer : I work through agencies who know a lot more than I do about the homeless and poverty in my community. They also know who is advertizing and not poor.

Description : Do you give homeless people money?

Last Answer : I’ve never met a homeless person.