1 Answer

Answer :

Exactly - or a moment later. Coming sooner is rude.

Related questions

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Last Answer : I honked goodbye to a man at the cider mill today and he jumped about 5’ in the air! He was a good sport,thankfully,as I’d hate to beat up guys over 75 :)

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Last Answer : In my opinion, that is complete nonsense.

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Last Answer : No. He won’t remember.

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Last Answer : the people that come in around 10 or 11 always get the praise for staying later. When you stay later you show that you are commited to working late nights which can even lead up to a promotion in your job. or thats how it worked for me

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Last Answer : Very good question. You and I would have taken all the people of the world to Paradise by showing generosity , if I or you were the owner of Paradise. Who's to say who you invite and who you don't invite ... They will stay there forever. It is a great achievement .... " (Surah: Nisa , verses: 13-14)

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Last Answer : Good point.

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Last Answer : yeah they’re all gone. format completely wipes the memory card.

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Last Answer : Frost forms on the inside of the window, not the outside. So Mr. Foster could not have wiped it off to discover Mr. Tilly`s body.

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Last Answer : NEED ANSWER

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Last Answer : a) (i) Safety concerns. (ii) Health concerns. (b) Advantage: From a small amount of nuclear fuel, a large amount of energy is released in a nuclear power reactor. Disadvantage: There is risk of harmful radiation leakage from nuclear waste.

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Last Answer : It is permissible for Muslims to eat halal food made by Hindus or infidels. And if necessary, it is permissible to eat at their home. So if necessary, Hindus can eat at home. However, it is haraam ... ; Fatawa Sirajiya 84) So your family will see such a place in that house and perform prayers there.

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Last Answer : d) All the above

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Last Answer : (b) He wanted to enquire about the letter.

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Last Answer : (c) The prediction that the rain would visit the place.

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Last Answer : get lost!

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Last Answer : E)telemarketing

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Last Answer : B. Doxycycline

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Last Answer : B) A routine for rewarding students who finish work promptly is not in place.

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Last Answer : A) Extend reasonable help and boost his morale 

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Last Answer : (D) extend reasonable help and boost his morale. 

Description : Should we send her to college when she would have or earlier?

Last Answer : There’s a lot of maturing that has to go on during the adolescent years. I would probably hold off and send her at the age that others would be. Perhaps she could do a “gap year” of volunteering if she leaves high school early?

Description : Do you feel like rush hour is earlier now than it used to be, pre-pandemic?

Last Answer : I work kitchen at a gas station, rush for us is 4–6 typically on weekdays. Dinner time and people coming home from work. 5 o’clock rush hasn’t changed much where I live, yeah traffic was less when state was shut down, but not anymore. (our state is open)

Description : Do children have regular "earlier than adult" bed-times anymore?

Last Answer : All my grands definitely do.

Description : Will India become a rich country as it was earlier?

Last Answer : I think it will tend to get “richer” in several ways… until/unless something terrible happens there, such as intolerably increased peak temperatures due to climate change.

Description : Where is the question I asked earlier today?

Last Answer : It got pushed to editing due to a typo in the subject line. You should have a message stating that you have a question that needs editing. If you fix the typo it will be reinstated.

Description : Why is there no sound when I try to play YouTube clips? It was just fine earlier this evening.

Last Answer : See if this link helps.

Description : What is the most anachronistic [something that belongs to an earlier time] job in America today?

Last Answer : Shoveling ho0rse shit, I do that every day. haha

Description : As a child, were you allowed to do things at an earlier age than the other kids in your neighborhood?

Last Answer : answer:Oh god I grew up on a 80 acre farm. Every summer we would do hay . My dad let me drive a 2 Ton truck (automatic) while the bailer drove behind it shooting bails of hay on the ... into the broken up bails. Like dropping into a itchy swimming pool. Here is where we lived - Rectangle roof.

Description : Any tips for going to bed earlier and waking up earlier?

Last Answer : Do you mean sleep schedule of 2 AM – !0 AM? There’s still time to edit.

Description : What scientific evidence makes it obvious that humans were around earlier than (say) 8 thousand years ago?

Last Answer : Here’s a site that has a lot of articles on human evolution that you might use as a starting point: http://news.discovery.com/human/evolution

Description : Did you read about the Great White Shark attack in Manhattan Beach California earlier today?

Last Answer : [White Shark says] Go away you stinky jerks! This ocean world is mine! Humans aren’t born to the sea, why the hell do you come here and claim this place yours? Look at tigers, lions… they are fierce, yet they don’t claim the ocean. How dare you? ~

Description : Is living to 90 such a great deal, or would you prefer to pass onto the next stage of existence a tad earlier, say around 75?

Last Answer : Fifteen years out of 90 - almost 17% - is hardly a tad , and when the next stage of existence is a strong likelihood of infinite void , then yeah, I guess as things stand - that is, while ... existence , as you'd style it), then I would just as soon keep shuffling under this mortal coil, thanks.

Description : I was wondering earlier how many of you think the American Dream has died? And then I began to wonder what you think the American Dream is?

Last Answer : Perfect family, perfect house, perfect car. Why it doesn’t happen; define perfect, then look in your wallet.

Description : Can I edit an answer that I earlier wrote?

Last Answer : You have a window of about 5 minutes to edit. I usually notice my mistakes or think of something to add at the 6 minute mark. lol

Description : I want to start getting up earlier. Any slightly off-the-wall suggestions for making it easier?

Last Answer : answer:@RandomGirl - Holy crap; I was just about to ask a similar question: I work at home (right now) and have all sorts of wacky hours, and I'd love to get a routine/regimine going. Somedays ... I'm looking forward to seeing some slightly bizarre, clever ideas! On Fluther; you must be joking! :)

Description : Do you celebrate gift exchanges or the holidays earlier than the date on the calendar?

Last Answer : No. I need as much time as I can get to be ready for such things.

Description : Do you know of a currency calculator that uses the exchange rate at an earlier date?

Last Answer : answer:I've seen one. I wanted to see how the value of euros relative to American dollars had changed since I bought some. I found it by some persistent Googling: as I got warmer, I picked up key terms and ... took a while, but I can at least tell you that I did it and therefore that it can be done.

Description : Why do we refer to so many jobs as "9 to 5", when almost all of them start at 8 or earlier?

Last Answer : It’s a catch all for usually predictable occupations where there is a lunch hour thrown in the day somewhere. Most people don’t get paid while on lunch break.

Description : Do you think people would retire earlier if medicare started younger?

Last Answer : They would have to change the whole structure of Medicare, as it now stands. Right now, its pretty much what goes in is going right back out. Major changes would have to take place and I am not sure if Americans can afford this, at this time.

Description : With iPods from 2009 and earlier, is it possible to see which songs are "most played" using only the iPod itself?

Last Answer : answer:The Most Played is a default playlist. Like all playlists, it is populated and controlled from iTunes. So, plug in your iPod and connect it to iTunes. Make sure you add the Most Played ... written Like almost all playlists as you can create On-The-Go playlists with the iPod directly.

Description : Are the UK Travelers, and Gypsies discriminated against as Black Americans were here in the US between the years 1955 and earlier?

Last Answer : I can't speak for anywhere else, but when I was in Ukraine, gypsies were clearly discriminated against. They were deliberately avoided, insulted, people would grab their children closer as if to shield them. ... the word gypsy as an insult, and the word was always said with a distasteful snarl.

Description : Do you think all the hormones in our food these days contributes to girls starting their periods at an earlier age?

Last Answer : I believe that the hormones are definitely an influence. I was working in elementary schools for a while and junior highs. The kids when I went to school were not as physically developed as the kids nowadays. Jr. high kids look like they should be going in to college.

Description : Following my last question, where can I get free antivirus software for a mac (version 10.4.11 or earlier)?

Last Answer : answer:ClamXav. Google it and give them a donation. No up front cost and available from their website.

Description : How does one obtain earlier episodes of BBC's radio program(me) "The Archers"?

Last Answer : As with most BBC programmes the Archers is only available for 7 days. The BBC Shop sells The Archers Archives which is about he best you can hope for.

Description : Why did the sunlight affect my TV remote earlier today?

Last Answer : Infra Red from the Sun overpowered your remote.