If you were to only eat one thing,an entire week, what would it be?

1 Answer

Answer :

what do you mean, do you mean eat one thing once, then starve for the rest of the week, or eat the same thing everyday?

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : I am roasting some seeds right now. I have never heard of taking the hull off. It would be too much work.

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Last Answer : NORA.

Description : No food tastes good , why does everything taste bad ? I had a fever 15 days ago. 1 week was sustainable. I can't eat anything now, it tastes bitter. Rice looks disgusting! I feel very hungry but I can't eat! I also took vitamin medicine from Dr. Didn't work. What to do ?

Last Answer : : You will be better if you eat sinkara syrup which enhances your taste. InshaAllah. Avoid fried , televaja food.