How do I get my 12.5 month old twins to drink from a sippy cup?

1 Answer

Answer :

They will when they’re ready. Everyone’s small motor skills develop a little differently. Sucking on a nipple is different from being able to grasp an object. Don’t fret it. Twins, wow.

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Last Answer : answer:If you're open to an opinion, here's mine: this sounds to me like a matter that ought to be left to his parents. If his behavior actually needs to change, let them take the lead on it. It isn't ... so old. If his parents are fine with letting him have a bottle, I'd say don't worry about it.

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Last Answer : answer:Eco friendly water transport system? I call them reusable water bottles

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Last Answer : Let the correct ages of Ramesh and Suresh be X in 2015 (since they are twins, they will have the same age) Given: 2x + 9 = 43 Or x = 17 years in 2015. Age in 2021 = 17 + 6 = 23 Note: year of birth = 2015 – 17 = 1998. Reversing, Suresh = 1989 or 9 year older. Answer: d)

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Last Answer : I’m thinking it might have been on the I Love Lucy show, Little Ricky.

Description : Can you explain me how the conjoined twins happen to be like that?

Last Answer : When the cells were dividing, they didn’t completely separate properly. Someone may have a more technical explanation, but basically, that’s it. There will never be fraternal conjoined twins.

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Last Answer : I would worry that if I went on more than one date with a twin, was I getting the same twin in the second date? I could just imagine them pulling a fast one on me.

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Last Answer : Sometimes I wonder the same. As the stepmother of twins I find it remarkable how in sync they are – like a sixth sense that is definitely unique to twins. Makes you curious.

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Last Answer : She could be looking after an orphan. Not all that rare in the animal world.

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Last Answer : Looking around on the internet, the answer - at least according to a lot of twins that took the time to post something about their dreams - said yes, they frequently have the same dreams. ... -a-twin?directory=27

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Last Answer : It’s possible, I guess, because regular old siblings can look very similar – and that’s what these are. The difference is that the fraternal twins would also be the same age, which can help similar looking twins look even moreso.

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Last Answer : No, the fingerprints develop within the womb and differ depending upon where the twins are located within the womb, and environmental factors may affect the type of fingerprint.

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Last Answer : Hmm… HMMMM…!

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Last Answer : Stick with family always. Boys come and go.

Description : Will you help me name my twins?

Last Answer : How about Denise & Denephew???

Description : Are parents allowed to give identical twins the same name?

Last Answer : answer:Tis an interesting idea. They would have different social security numbers, so they would be two different people. It would be evil to society to do it (and not to mention the parents would ... ) The legal ramifications could manifest if one became a criminal, they'd have to refer to SS#s.

Description : What's your opinion on naming twins rhyming names and dressing them alike?

Last Answer : I think it’s a horrible idea. I went to school with two fraternal twins named Paul and Paula, and they both hated it. Give them their own names and let them be their own people instead of two halves of one whole.

Description : Does anyone know which Greek Myth involves human twins and female goddess?

Last Answer : The only twins I know of in greek mythology are Castor and Pollux, but I’m not sure that’s what you’re looking for…here’s a link:

Description : What would be a good gift for someone who just had twins?

Last Answer : If she’s planning to nurse…another set of breasts. Two just won’t be enough.

Description : Need a gift for lady having twins?

Last Answer : Pedicure/Manicure. Day spas have mother-to-be massages.

Description : Are animals born in the same litter twins?

Last Answer : Well you could say they’re all fraternal twins. So that would mean they were separate zygotes instead of one splitting zygote. So no they don’t have the same genetic code. However there could be a set of twins in the litter.

Description : A Queen has twins by Caesarean section so it's impossible to tell who was born first. Now the twins are adults and ready to rule. One is intensely stupid, while the other is highly intelligent, well loved and charismatic. Yet the unintelligent one is chosen as the next ruler.Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : He is a male.