Ladies... when you sleep with a man, is there a particular side of the bed that you absolutely insist upon taking?

1 Answer

Answer :

No, I have to be near the door. I have no explanation for this, just the need to be near it.

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Last Answer : answer:The songs may only be 4.55 GB, but what else is being synced? Maybe it’s overhead, more likely other non-song data that it thinks needs syncing. BTW, is it the Windows version of iTunes, or are you on a Mac? The Windows version isn’t exactly reliable, so that might also be it.

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Last Answer : This bothers me sometimes, especially when I am feeling upset or depressed, haha. I think it's very cultural, though. In France, for instance, a shopkeeper would never ask you How are you doing? ... unknown customers this way. I take it as a sign of in the informality of general American culture.

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Last Answer : I have wondered this myself. I have seen big muscular guys park in the fire zone in front of the building and go workout. I park in the last row and think of my walk to the door is part of my workout.

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Last Answer : answer:It’s not my job to make sure businesses pay tax. What am I going to do with a receipt? Send it to the state to make sure they received the tax on my item? Unless you itemize sales tax on your income tax return, I don’t think it’s going to help you any. Maybe you just got burned.

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Last Answer : What? They never charged anyone I know. My son was in the Navy. Maybe you can ask for a waiver.

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Last Answer : Because the elderly person’s hearing aids weren’t in? I don’t know Judi…I’ve only gone to the hospital twice with Mom, and both doctors and the staff directed their questions to her, not me.

Description : Do your pets insist on "helping" with your home improvement projects?

Last Answer : I have two cats and a dog.They all like to “help” that way and I let them unless I am using power tools or mixing chemicals, then they get put away. They are good company.:) Your helper is very cute,btw

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Last Answer : I’m not sure they mean it in the literal sense, but more that all of mankind should try more to love each other in the general sense – show more empathy, understanding and consideration for others. Be civil.

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Last Answer : answer:Very arrongant remarks indeed . The test is quite simple . Can one who has no clue what enlightenment is stand to judge one who is claimimg such? You must walk the walk before you can judge ... . So whether they are right or wrong , who are those who can judge? Most follow popular opinions

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Last Answer : I dunno! I hate it too, that's why i hate the media's sorry news stories. Negative and bad events seem to attract more attention for some reason - that's a strange one too. Like when there's a ... road - i'm sure you know what kind of traffic jam that causes because everybody wants to stare at it!

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Last Answer : HELP!! I didn’t want to put this in the General Section! I wanted it in the Social Section!

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Last Answer : Because the Welsh and the Scottish media would prefer England to lose. As for the English media undermining the England team, it’s probably got a lot to do with selling newspapers.

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Last Answer : I'm wondering if this is true at mega corporations, and less so at small ones because where I've worked (small to start-up small), no one cared what I used. I am wondering when people ... . Microsoft's business model quashes creativity and progress. I just don't see how it can remain competitive.

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Last Answer : Boys will be boys, I bet the ring leaders name is Dick Head. A name that would suit him just fine~