Should parents have favorite kids?

1 Answer

Answer :

Should? Never. This form of favoritism would lead to all sorts of ill feelings between siblings and between parents and their kids and the painful damage could last until their very last day on this earth.

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Last Answer : Yes. Calm music. Also, does it happen when they’re tired? In which case, plug in some good movie that doesn’t have a lot of action and adventure. How old are they?

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Last Answer : I’d have to ask my son in Paris; don’t know.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know about the USA but here in the UK, schools often have before and after school care clubs. My daughter goes to one from 7.45am in the mornings and until 6pm in the evenings. ... up. Lots of people (mainly the women) also work part time so that they can look after their children.

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Last Answer : answer:Gosh, I didn't even think about this topic regarding school aged children. If my kids were under 12 I would hope they didn't know anything about this debate. If I had daughters at any age I ... curious to see what answers you get on this Q. I'm curious what the kids are saying if anything.

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Last Answer : At first I found it funny and posted it on Facebook. But after that I began to think it was mean and not funny. Strange.

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Last Answer : First day of school in my part of Atlanta was August 6 – my grandson has been in for almost a month already.

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Last Answer : answer:My adult step children and their father (my former husband) have had serious ups and downs over the years but they talk about it. If my ex has or had issues, he dealt with them. I stayed ... , primarily because they grew up and had families of their own. I'm not sure how helpful this is.

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Last Answer : answer:I've worked really hard at not locking my kids in a box . It was a lot easier for my son, boys have so fewer restrictions put on them, so when he prefers doing community service and ... and girls took home ec. It takes open minded parents that encourage their kids to find their own passion.

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Last Answer : Yes, 18 months. Cultural.

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Last Answer : But my kid is the smartest and most perfect person in the world.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, parents should apologize to their kids when they do something wrong. We’re all people and we all make mistakes. It’s a sign of maturity when one owns up to their wrongdoings. To be completely honest, your parents sound like assholes.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, I worked with two guys. One his parents had him when they were in their 40s. He seems to have suffered childhood fine,. He grew up on an island though, kind of cut off, The other, an ... at nursery school, but it did not matter in the greater scheme of things. She did not suffer from it.

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Last Answer : I did this as a kid. Water and lemon juice. Heat the paper with a hair dryer after the juice dries and it will show what’s written.

Description : Parents: How do you feel about your kids' teachers?

Last Answer : answer:My son is out of school now; but yes, I was always disappointed in the vast majority of the teachers at my son's schools. It seems that teaching has become a fall-back ... great environment for home-schooling, since you have all those museums and libraries and cultural institutions close by.

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Last Answer : I spoil my kids and only cook what I know they like. So they eat it all. Being a divorced dad means mainly pizza and hamburgers.

Description : Parents and guardians who just had kids go back to school or start school: What are your thoughts and first impressions of your child's new teacher(s)?

Last Answer : I love her because it’s me.

Description : How would you feel if you've seen kids with parents like these?

Last Answer : I get incredibly frustrated when I see people treating the world as their own personal trash can. I just don’t get it and it is even more horrifying to teach kids that it is ok to leave their mess behind.

Description : Parents, do you let your kids bring friends to family functions?

Last Answer : Our daughter brought a friend on a week long vacation. That made things easier for all of us. I'm not sure if that counts since it was just our family. But I believe my parents have offered to ... extended family vacation as well. Not sure how that would work, but I have no problem, in principle.

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Last Answer : answer:I never knew anyone who was beaten with a belt or anything else while I was growing up; I never knew anyone who beat his kids while I was an active parent and I know no one now who ... or grandkids. That is, of course, my personal experience and doesn't extrapolate into anyone else's world.

Description : Parents, how much of your kids' school work do you save?

Last Answer : My kids are now all grown up but I do have a tin with some paintings in, cards they made me, a journal my son wrote in junior school that contains some very funny stuff. Little things like that. The ... she made in pottery class. I would but I need to lift more weights and build up my muscles first.

Description : Parents of multiple children- How often do you get to enjoy one-on-one time with your kids?

Last Answer : I try and make this happen at least 3 times a week. Going right now to the auto bone yard with just my oldest to pick some parts for his car and will jam with my youngest when I get back. I take each out to the restaurant of their choice once a month…those are the best conversations too!

Description : What, if anything, do you think would be an appropriate punishment for a 2nd grade teacher who told the kids that there is no Santa, and that the gifts come from their parents?

Last Answer : Why do we, as a society, lie to kids about this Santa guy anyways?

Description : Do you have any advice for parents of young kids with eyeglasses?

Last Answer : Get two pairs, at least. I know that’s a cost, but it’s worth it.

Description : Do kids really need both parents' families to be their "family"?

Last Answer : No, they don’t. Sadly, they might like the baby more than you. Grandparents go all gooey for that kind of thing and can simultaneously hate the person who brought the baby into the world. People are all kinds of twisted.

Description : Is it hypocritical when parents who have done illegal drugs in their lives (I'd bet half the population has tried something illegal) tell their kids "Don't do drugs?"?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Parents: How do you work out Christmas gift giving with your kids?

Last Answer : We only celebrate New Year’s and the kids get gifts that night, wrapped.

Description : Parents- which Halloween candy are you most likely to sneak out of your kids' candy bag?

Last Answer : Don’t know if you’ve heard of these but, cola bottles & love hearts…..gimme gimme :¬p

Description : Is it hypocritical when parents who have done illegal drugs in their lives (I'd bet half the population has tried something illegal) tell their kids "Don't do drugs?"?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Parents : What quirky things do you sometimes say to your kids on those occasions when they may misbehave?

Last Answer : I say something like ‘Oh, look at my grumpy fish’ and he gets angry and says ‘No! I’m grumpyshark!’ and we all start to laugh.

Description : Parents, What did you think when your kid/kids first started dating?

Last Answer : answer:I hope something comes of it too. Wacka Wacka Wack ;) psst! This question might have been better in the general section!

Description : Parents, how do you feel about giving money to your grown (or nearly-grown) kids?

Last Answer : If I knew where he was,, all I had would be his for the taking!!

Description : Is it common for parents to talk to their kids about race and sexual preference(LGBT)?

Last Answer : Living here in Brooklyn and being a part of the LFBT community, race and sexuality obviously do come up as they're aware of our activism and join us often for protests but I don't single out these ... and somewhere in the middle he replied Of course, two men can be together and love each other'.

Description : When parents are blogging, at what age do you think they should cut back on the details to preserve the privacy and/or dignity of their kids?

Last Answer : If it was completely anonymous, I wouldn’t think it would be a problem. However, if everyone knows who the writer is… I have to agree with you, there. I wouldn’t want to expose my childrens’ lives in such detail.

Description : What are your thoughts about parents that throw their kids out of the house because they admit that they are gay or lesbian?

Last Answer : I think it is disgusting. Whatever happened to unconditional love?

Description : To Parents, when you're kids are bugging you and a babysitter isn't an option what do you ?

Last Answer : answer:I put myself in timeout once when my son was little (about 4-5). I told him that mommy needed a timeout and that I was going in my room for the timeout. Our rules during timeout are that ... minutes to herself and he'll respect that (he still knows he can come get me if something is wrong).