Am I just imagining this or do most jellies hide their gender?

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Last Answer : answer:Wimp In the Netherlands there is a strange custom' of insulting. Women and men alike sometimes say about a woman: Wat een raar mens . (What a weird human). Human being very gender neutral, of ... judge (it is felt not as a judgement, more as an insult, by the insultee) women. Very weird.

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Last Answer : answer:The norms were more fluid, for a glorious time in the late 70s and early 80s. At least it was if you look at advertising in the day. Compare the girl in This Lego ad to this modern ... their kids that boys don't like pink and girls hate getting dirty, this would all stop pretty quickly.

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Last Answer : answer:Can’t imagine a scenario in which this could possibly bother me or be any of my business. I do have a problem with the Olive Garden, however.

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Last Answer : answer:Different how? A few years back my uncle quit smoking and I swear he looked different a few weeks later. When you smoke, you're basically affecting collagens. Collagens are repsonsible for giving ... function normally which makes your skin looks better. So no, you're not imagining it at all.

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Last Answer : answer:It's an interesting thesis, @BarnacleBill, although I suspect that it's greatest weakness is that it opens you up to the accusation of elitism. The values of environmentalism, local sourcing and ... hypocrisy. To sneer at them probably is elitism. Not that I have any problem with that.

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Last Answer : answer:We're all unique @HC. We all have different schemas that determine what we find attractive. I don't know what this man finds attractive about this woman, but obviously there's something. Perhaps she's ... are very good looking. Equally, I'm certain I and you are not everyone's cup of tea.

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Last Answer : answer:I have never thought of that. Wow… of the books within arm’s reach, only one is written by a female author. But, I tend to collect books by the same author. Within the books I’m considering, there’s only 9 authors.

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Last Answer : Looks down, I’m not really sure.

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Last Answer : B) You extend all types of support as you have intimate relationship 

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Last Answer : Truth.

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Last Answer : A door.

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Last Answer : A nut!

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Last Answer : Sunglasses.

Description : I am good at concealing what’s real and hide what’s true. Sometimes, I bring out the courage in you! What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Makeup.

Description : I am something people love or hate. I change peoples appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people I will fool them. To others I am a mystery. Some ... me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will Never go down. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Age.

Description : Four letters form me quite complete, As all who breathe do show; Reversed, you'll find I am the seat Of infamy and woe. Transposed, you'll see I'm base and mean, Again of Jewish race; Transposed once more, I oft am seen To hide a lovely face.What are the five words? -Riddles

Last Answer : Live, evil, vile, Levi, veil.

Description : Some try to hide, some try to cheat, but time will show, we always will meet. Try as you might, to guess my name, I promise you'll know, when you I do claim. Who am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Death.

Description : I cover what's real, hide what is true, but sometimes bring out the courage in you. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Makeup.

Description : Is there anyway I could hide my bulge when I am wearing panties?

Last Answer : Yes, you can wear shapewear under your clothes. Its non invasive (not surgical) . Also, you have different shapewear to suit different body times. You can make your waist smaller and hips wider, in seconds! And no one will ever know!

Description : I am good at concealing what's real and hide what's true. Sometime, I bring out the courage in you! What am I?

Last Answer : Makeup

Description : If your 9 or 12 year old child just wanted to change their gender (assume for this question that there is no underlying medical need for it, the kid just wants to do it,) would you allow it?

Last Answer : Three conditions would have to be fulfilled first. 1. A psychatric evaluation must come to the conclusion that it really is a mind-in-the-body-of-the-wrong-gender case. 2. The condition must be severe ... . lead to depression and/or a higher suicide risk. 3. I need to have enough money for this.

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Last Answer : It is generally believed that everybody was ripping off everybody else in those days. Shakespeare most likely wrote what he wrote as himself, but no guarantees.

Description : In general, why do some women hide their feelings if they're in love?

Last Answer : Traditionally, girls aren’t supposed to show their feelings for a guy, for fear of appearing “too easy”. But that’s changing nowadays.

Description : Do you think it's morally or ethically acceptable for seniors to hide their financial assets to then become Medicaid eligible, and eligible for other government aid?

Last Answer : answer:I think if they've been paying into Medicaid all their lives, they have the right to draw from it when they are of an eligible age. I also think it's utter bullshit that this is a ... our elders. YES we should take care of all of our citizens, regardless of their age and income status.

Description : If you hide someone on your Facebook news feed, can you still see their other activity, such as liking or commenting on a post?

Last Answer : No, you can’t see any of their activity. The only thing you can still use is private message.

Description : A farmer was playing hide and seek with his wife. His wife hid in their family's vehicle. How did the farmer find his wife? -Riddles

Last Answer : He tractor down! (TRACKED HER down)

Description : How do squirrels feel when you hide their food?

Last Answer : They hide their nuts and then they do it

Description : Is the comparison correct, to ask to change age, just like transgenders want to be the opposite gender?

Last Answer : Yes, I feel that he is correct. Ageism is mostly horrible nonsense, as is requiring people to identify as an age, reveal their “actual” age, etc.

Description : Is it remotely possible that Bruce Jenner, instead of being a tragic victim of gender fate, is really just a publicity hog?

Last Answer : answer:This story really gets your goat, doesn't it? I don't see her as either a tragic victim or a publicity hog. I see her as someone who came out to what she felt she was. I have ... experience as opposed to male or transgender experience but ask-public is not the place I would discuss them on.

Description : Why am I so conflicted about finding out the gender of my unborn child?

Last Answer : 16 weeks is still pretty early to find out. He could be wrong. Are you getting any more ultrasounds? Maybe they could tell you for sure. I don’t really understand “gender disappointment” but I know it exists.