Affirmative Action in 2014 are you for it?

1 Answer

Answer :

For those of us who are happily oblivious to Twitter, what on Earth are you talking about?

Related questions

Description : Oscar nominees, people of color, affirmative action, quality acting - Do you think this is institutionalized racism?

Last Answer : answer:”If so – would that be tokenism? Voting based on the color of the actor’s skin, and not on the quality of their work?” The charge against the academy is that that they ARE voting based on the colour of the actor’s skin, and not on the quality of the work, just in the reverse.

Description : Does the Trayvon Martin case indicate that there should be a sort of Judicial Affirmative Action?

Last Answer : Here’s a good start:

Description : I want a serious answer. Can anyone tell me if the US military uses affirmative action when considering promotions?

Last Answer : No, they don’t.

Description : Would anyone think if there was a White Miss America Pageant, A white college fund or if affirmative action helped underqualified white people get a job that, that would be racist?

Last Answer : Sure it would be. this is what the fundementals of busing was all about. equality. this is what the civil riots was all about. equality.

Description : Is it time for affirmative action to go? I do, do you agree with me?

Last Answer : No. When these appointments are not news and race truly isn't an issue, then we can talk about doing away with it. The very fact that Obama's race is even pointed out demonstrates the need ... races and genders as having equal opportunies? Things have gotten better but we are still a long way off.

Description : Affirmative action? Yes, no, somewhat?

Last Answer : In this day in age affirmative action is no longer necessary. Prejudice and bias are nowhere near as bad as they were even 10 years ago. Caucasians are nearly becoming the minority in the U.S.

Description : Based on the cases that followed, was the Bakke decision a complete win for supporters or for opponents of affirmative action Explain your reasoning, referring to at least one of the cases that followed?

Last Answer : 26% of the total cases

Description : What arguments do critics of affirmative action often make?

Last Answer : Critics often make the argument that affirmative action isunconstitutional.

Description : Affirmative Action policy is to help: (a) Whites (b) Blacks (c) Women (d) None of these

Last Answer : (d) None of these

Description : The phrase to use when you want to say “yes” is: a. AFFIRMATIVE b. ROGER c. WILCO d. AFFIRM

Last Answer : d. AFFIRM

Description : The phrase to use when you want to say “yes” is: a. AFFIRMATIVE b. ROGER c. WILCO d. AFFIRM

Last Answer : d. AFFIRM

Description : If one premise is particular the conclusion must be_________. A) Universal B) Negative C) Affirmative D) Particular. 

Last Answer : D) Particular.  

Description : From two ________ premises no conclusion is possible. A) universal B) affirmative C) negative D) categorical  

Last Answer : C) negative

Description : Two_______ premises yield no valid conclusion. A) universal B) particular C) affirmative D) categorical. 

Last Answer : B) particular 

Description : Particular affirmative proposition distributes _________. A) Subject B) Predicate C) Both Subject and Predicate D) Neither Subject nor Predicate.  

Last Answer :  D) Neither Subject nor Predicate. 

Description : Universal affirmative proposition distributes _________. A) Subject B) Predicate C) Both subject and Predicate D) Neither Subject nor Predicate. 

Last Answer :  A) Subject  

Description : The proposition: “ Some Indians are not religious”- is an example for ______ proposition. A) Universal affirmative B) Universal negative C) Particular affirmative D) Particular negative. 

Last Answer : D) Particular negative. 

Description : The proposition: “ Some flowers are red “ – is an example for _________ proposition. A) Universal affirmative B) Universal negative C) Particular affirmative D) Particular negative.

Last Answer :  C) Particular affirmative 

Description : The proposition: “ No men are perfect”.- is an example for __________ proposition. A) Universal affirmative B) Universal negative C) Particular affirmative D) Particular negative. 

Last Answer : B) Universal negative 

Description : The proposition: “ All men are mortal.”- is an example for____________ proposition. A) Universal affirmative B) Universal negative C) Particular affirmative D) Particular negative. 

Last Answer : A) Universal affirmative 

Description : Affirmative or Negative is the classification of propositions on the basis of _________. A) Quantity B) Quality C) Validity D) Truth. 

Last Answer : B) Quality 

Description : “E” denotes: (A) Universal Negative Proposition (B) Particular Affirmative Proposition (C) Universal Affirmative Proposition (D) Particular Negative Proposition

Last Answer : Answer: A Explanation: Classification of Propositions: (a) Universal Affirmative Proposition – A type (b) Universal Negative Proposition – E type (c) Particular Affirmative Proposition – I type (d) Particular Negative Proposition – O type

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Last Answer : Like it says, “time travel SIMULATION.” It doesn’t say that it is “SCIENTIFIC.”

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Last Answer : My e-reader is 2014 not the date that I want my books from.

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Last Answer : A deaf dumb and blind Bruce Lee….seriously.

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Last Answer : Maybe the media didn’t report it back then? Or, didn’t report it the same way? I’d be curious to know what the news reports were back then.

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Last Answer : answer:My little white chinese goose Sonora ( est. to be around 10 maybe ) who suffered a badly fractured leg that was never treated and lost an eye to a fish hook when he was pulled out of a lake ... 't move very fast. This Eagle was amazing though, just glad he didn't nab one of our birds. haha

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Last Answer : The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Description : Care to share a favorite story (or stories) of Thanksgiving 2014?

Last Answer : what day was it on?

Description : How did this weeks (17 Nov 2014) snowstorm inconvenience you?

Last Answer : answer:Walking 2 miles each way to class in 10 degree weather with a windchill of -9 really sucks. I tried biking it like normal but my legs just didn’t want to move. I’m in northwest ohio, where our wind lately has been 20–23mph. Sucks.

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Last Answer : Last night $3.49.9. Welcome to NYS.

Description : What is the current research onto regrowing human teeth as of 2014-08-01?

Last Answer : This is 2014 reality, Such technology doesn't exist yet outside of experimentation, nor will it exist in any way that is certified-safe and affordable within your lifetime. Now, if you hit the lottery, you ... well be sci-fi; it won't happen before your attention span dies and you forget about it.

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Last Answer : 1. I'm just a girl. 2. I'm just a student. 3. I want to be more than just that. 4. Overreacting is one thing I want to give up but can't. 5. I love playing. 6. I like helping ... without any knowledge? 24. I wish I could add 25 more facts. 25. I have finished crafting a response on this thread.

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Last Answer : answer:Dropping it into the corner of the eye works best. I don’t have problems with eye drops just because I wore contacts for so long. I manage to control that instinct to slam my eyes shut when something gets near it.

Description : Death Match 2014... Santa's Reindeer vs the Seven Dwarves... Who survives?

Last Answer : The dwarves win hands down. As I remember, the dwarves were armed to the teeth with huge pick axes and lethal shovels. Even sharpened hooves and a threatening red nose stand little ... psychotic little people plagued by a lifetime of resentment for mistreatment resulting from their stature.

Description : Can I watch past World Cup Soccer 2014 games on my PC?

Last Answer : There should be highlight packages of each game on various sites, particularly the TV networks that are broadcasting the matches live & any dedicated sports channels that are allowed to screen highlights only.

Description : Are you looking forward to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil?

Last Answer : The one where the US is kicked out of the competition by Ghana. Even a German trainer will not save you.

Description : 2014, what are you doing for Mothers Day?

Last Answer : answer:I just had an acquaintance driop by unexpectly, having been secretly commissioned by my daughter, 3400 miles away. Apparently, he went to the local nursery and bought me a big and beautiful ... digging a big hole, adding enrichment and compost. The peony should outlast me. A perfect gift.

Description : What is the most recent video on the quality of education as of march 2014?

Last Answer : See what you think of this It is a few years old, but I think it is still relevant in its critique of the education system and of the so called reforms.

Description : Bill Gates is on the top of Forbes list of billionaires for 2014. How many people would like to see him use some of that money to make a Windows program that doesn't crash?

Last Answer : Gates has been absent from MS for almost 8 years now.

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Last Answer : woo hoo!

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Last Answer : answer: Sandy Bridge has come and gone; it was replaced in 2012 with Ivy Bridge , which is also deprecated. The Haswell series of i3/5/7 are the current generation. To compare, I have an old ... I could get a new, faster i5 CPU/motherboard combo for less than they want for an old LGA1156 i7!

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Last Answer : Pssh, no. House of Cards.

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Last Answer : We are due for a correction but 50% is sensational “doom and gloom” I don’t think we’ll see that but you never know. The market is a savage unpredictable beast.

Description : What's the best free virus protection for Windows in 2014?

Last Answer : avast

Description : Monday morning quarterbacks! Care to analyze the 2014 Superbowl?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I think that it is a positive anti-drug message. The team whose state has not yet implemented legalized pot beat the team whose state is stoned.

Description : Will you go out tonight, 2014/01/09, to look at the Northern Lights?

Last Answer : Definitely won’t be able to see them in LA county :( I’m envious of everyone up north.

Description : Let us start 2014 with some more outrage: NSA is working on a quantum computer to crack any encryption. How long until you will physically disconnect from the web?

Last Answer : answer:I have nothing to hide. . . I have worked in high clearance areas. @ragingloli is there something you don’t want to tell us?

Description : Happy new year, everyone, and welcome to 2014. How will you spend the last two months until Ragnarök?

Last Answer : Sorry for being 11 minutes late

Description : Which women fashion do you hope would be utilized more in 2014, minis, skinny jeans, bra abandonment, yoga pants, or leggings as pants?

Last Answer : answer:I would like women to actually utilize clothing that is appropriate for their body types, regardless of what that is lol No clothes too small and shit hanging out everywhere. I hate that.