How to get depressed?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:The few brief periods when I was without depression felt right. The psychiatry of my generation would have us believe that depression arises from anger initiated in early childhood and from guilt over the emotion having occurred. Depression can be seen as retribution for that about which one feels guilt (self punishment). It is the scratch that relieves an itch. Whatever the cause of the itch, it interferes with the interaction and orientation to a foreign (depression free) reality and facilitates the return to a depressive state. Try to focus on pleasant and self-affirming experiences. Notice your increasing interest in caring for things and people. The inward call of depression will diminish over time, though trigger events may push you in. After such events have passed and the depression largely subsided, a brief period of reflection about what made you vulnerable may prove beneficial.

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Last Answer : Sadly, for a true depression there never really is anything I can do to snap out of it. Time and medication alone have that power. If it's just a mild case of the blues, I may indulge in a ... streaming in just makes me feel better some how. I make a point of being at least mildly productive, too.

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Last Answer : answer:you could try to invest time in learning something new, exploring a subject, immerse yourself into a topic.. Make it your own. This will make you stand out. Other than that, if this is something that is going out of hand, I would advise you to seek out professional help

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Last Answer : Haven’t you gotten extremely good advice from many different flutherers every time you have asked a version of this question? How about being proactive instead of obsessing here? I don’t mean to be be unsympathetic. Stop typing and talk to someone who is trained.

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Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : Agree to one visit to the doctor. The doctor can tell, after that consult, that indeed you are not depressed. They can put that as a statement on paper, which you can hand out to your parents. For now ... it seems they just can't/won't take your word for it, but from a professional they likely will.

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Last Answer : answer:I think this issue is fairly common. I think our perception of normal has been altered by things like movies, which tell us our life should be fixed in 90 mins + montage in the middle act ... communicate through humor but I find this a very shallow substitute. I dunno, I hope my musings help.

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Last Answer : answer:There are likely many different answers to this question, but it is likely that most depressed people, like most addicts are functional. That is, they can take care of basic things, but don' ... up with a bipolar mother, and the older one, especially, started taking care of things herself.

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Last Answer : Since you asked, the answer is no. If life is like riding a bike, then when things are going well is like going downhill. You can enjoy the ride, without having to peddle so hard. And when things are ... change it. At that point, you can only let go of the steering wheel, and hope for the best.

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Last Answer : answer:Understand you wanting to help, but you don't know who is on the other keyboard. And you know how crazy it gets here with emotions and feelings and BASHING. All things your friend's child doesn ... will also cause them to withdraw more from face to face interaction. I'm not a Dr or therapist.

Description : How do you know if you are depressed or just suffering momentary blues?

Last Answer : answer:Winter's effects are cumulative. All those months of short days and cold nights It takes more than the Vernal Equinox to get past that semi-hibernation known as the winter blues. If you don't ... , you might want to be concerned. For now, however, you sound like just about everyone I know.

Description : Jellies who know: How is Depression (the mental health condition) different from feeling depressed?

Last Answer : Have they experienced a crisis of some sort? Situational depression is normal when life stressors rise beyond ones coping abilities but a few weeks or months of a situational depression is not even ... present. If ones mental state is constantly unhappy I think some intervention is a good idea.

Description : Is Fibromyalgia a made up disease for depressed, bored women?

Last Answer : answer:From what I've read about fibromyalgia, it's a very real and sometimes disabling pain disorder. But, it's also the disease-of-choice for hypochondriacs. Fibromyalgia can't be medically ... are dismissed as malingerers or hypochondriacs when, in actual fact, they have a serous pain condition.

Description : How would you deal with an ex inlaw who is depressed and living with an alcoholic?

Last Answer : I think you are worrying about something that hasn't happened yet and may not even happen. You can't control where someone lives, so that choice is out. I doubt that you will really move just because ... time, maybe someone to just shop with, get her out of the house and away from the alcoholic.

Description : Signs of being depressed and having anxiety?

Last Answer : answer:Is it temporary depression or chronic depression? If it is the former, exercise can help lift your mood. Also meditation or yoga. As for the anxiety, you could try chamomile tea or if it is stronger and herbal remedy called Calms Forte, which is available at drug stores.

Description : What kind of words are used and which are avoided when talking to someone who's clinically depressed?

Last Answer : answer:When I was seeing a psychiatrist, he called my behavior “droopy,” However, I was also comfortable with being called “situationally depressed.” He confirmed the fact that anyone in my situation would have been depressed. Fine-tuning the vocabulary was not an issue for me.

Description : Can a clinically depressed person hold a job or do housework?

Last Answer : Well, when you are clinically depressed usually everything is very difficult to do, but it doesn't mean it is impossible. Depression is not only mental it is physical too. Her exhaustian and lack ... , I don't know if I have ever been diagnosed as clinically depressed? Definitely depressed though.

Description : Am I depressed?

Last Answer : It sounds like you ignored the pain you should have been feeling at the time in favor of being strong, but you can only put something off for so long eventually you will have to deal with it. Let yourself be sad for a little bit, mourn the relationship and if it doesn’t get better, see a doctor.

Description : Is this a common thought\feeling when depressed?

Last Answer : You need help. Seek a qualified therapist and stay away from the homeopaths. Stop worrying about similar experiences of others; they won’t help you with your own problems.

Description : Is there a movie that makes you feel depressed, powerless and hopeless?

Last Answer : Oh, my right off the top of my head. An Eye for an Eye with Sally Fields. That movie broke my soul.

Description : Is it really impossible to "snap out of" a truly depressed state?

Last Answer : You never snap out of an abyss, it just can’t happen.

Description : What do very depressed people with no insurance do?

Last Answer : answer:There are therapists who will see people free or at low cost. Medicaid and other health services may also cover some care. Or you can go to an emergency room to get care, run up ... be getting more affordable. Look to see if there are any health insurance markets in your state, yet.

Description : If one is depressed and has no access to a psychiatrist, what is the best thing to do to cope with the condition?

Last Answer : I think they should go to their family doctor and get a prescription for an anti-depressant.

Description : What's something I can do to stop feeling depressed?

Last Answer : answer:I have found that getting out in the fresh air and getting solid exercise really helps me get over the crap life throws at me. To become a recluse after one failed relationship will only make you feel ... , try karate anything will help you get out of the funk and move forward in a good way.

Description : Besides cosmetics, what still makes money in a depressed economy?

Last Answer : Gasoline companies.

Description : Are you looking forward to the Holidays or do they make you depressed?

Last Answer : I love the holidays! I can see how they can be depressing for people who have lost a loved one around that time or that they just miss having them around at this time. It can be very depressing for people who feel alone or don’t have family close to them to spend the holidays with.

Description : Is anyone else getting depressed just thinking about the impending winter?

Last Answer : Think of chiggers, kudzu, snakes before you make a decision. Where’s home now?

Description : How do you make yourself feel better when you're depressed?

Last Answer : I talk to people that I trust. I go for a walk. I write. I paint.

Description : Why do I get so depressed right before my period ?

Last Answer : You need to make an appointment with your doctor and talk to him/her about PMDD.