Which element is necessarily present in all acids?

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Last Answer : answer:There may be a little (less than an ounce or two) residual gas left in the hose. It will not be enough to effect the next customer at all. The hoses are designed to empty when the nozzle ... hose was kept full of gas, there would be no lag when you open the nozzle when you started pumping

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Last Answer : I Believe In Father Christmas by Greg Lake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqOfXumI18A

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Last Answer : the sides of the fence are parallel to the rows of crops.

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Last Answer : The meaning of the proverb ' necessarily Madhusudan ' is - on the other hand.

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Last Answer : It's not a loan it's a theft!

Description : Hello, I'm 14 years old and I have an asus computer for 15,000, - It's still chopping and I don't know what to do with it. A neighbor told me it was because I was crowded. It is true . But I can't delete anything because it's Microsoft and other nonsense. [Vástřižek.jpg] [1] [1]:

Last Answer : The clip did not reach us ... Yes, it can be the same team ... but also X other things ..from overheating Computers through viruses .. system failures or just mishandling .. Download this >>>> https: //www.google. ... HDD ..hardisk .. and then write what has changed ... (facepalm) ☢ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢

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Last Answer : Not really. Fruits are equipped with all the necessary minerals and vitamins necessary in the body. If we were to eat most fruits then we could prevent many illnesses. Actually we messed up when we opted for strchy foods rather than fruits.

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