What are your long-range goals?

1 Answer

Answer :

Refer back to the planning phase of your job search. Don't answer, "I want the job you've advertised." Relate your goals to the company you are interviewing: 'in a firm like yours, I would like to..."Your CV suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for this position. What's Your opinion? Emphasise your interest in establishing a long-term association with the organisation, and say that you assume that if you perform well in his job, new opportunities will open up for you. Mention that a strong company needs a strong staff. Observe that experienced executives are always at a premium. Suggest that since you are so well qualified, the employer will get a fast return on his investment. Say that a growing, energetic company can never have too much talent.

Related questions

Description : What are your long-range goals?

Last Answer : Explain your long-range career goals, and explain how the job will help you achieve those goals.

Description : What are your short-range goals?

Last Answer : Explain your short-range career goals, and explain how the job will help you achieve those goals.

Description : What are your long-term goals?

Last Answer : I want to move into a supervisory position eventually. I know that will take time and hard work, but it is something I expect to achieve. That's a good answer as long as the applicant isn't implying that ... them. Never Say: I want to run this place. Wait. Doesn't the interviewer run this place?

Description : What are your short-term goals?

Last Answer : I want to work for a growing company in a position that allows me to use my skills to help that growth. I know your company is trying to expand into the teen market. My experience selling to that ... , she hasn't shown how her goals have anything to do with the job for which she's interviewing.

Description : What are your career goals?

Last Answer : Mention your short term and long term career goals, as they are often dierent. What have you done so far to work toward these goals? Most important, explain how this job will fit into your plan toward your ultimate career goals.

Description : What are the goals you've set for yourself?

Last Answer : You could discuss your goals with regards to these categories: Career goals, impact you want to leave on society, financial goals, academic goals, charitable goals.

Description : How will you achieve your goals?

Last Answer : Basing on this question the interviewer wants to know how you plan on achieving your goals for the future and what you are going to accomplish. In order to respond to it you ... , seminars, meetings and upholding my education will be effective ways to continue my professional development.

Description : Describe your career goals?

Last Answer : It is probably better to focus on the short to medium term goals rather than ten years down the line. I guess an immediate goal is to secure this job!!

Description : What are your goals? 

Last Answer : TRAPS: Not having any or having only vague generalities, not highly specific goals. BEST ANSWER: Many executives in a position to hire you are strong believers in goalsetting. (It's one ... want to talk more than two minutes straight before letting your interviewer back into the conversation.   

Description : What are your goals for the future?

Last Answer : Interview questions: Answer tips/answer samples: The question What are your goals for the future? or Where do you see yourself in five years? is used in job interviews as the common ... gain additional experience, I would prefer to move on from a technical position to management or executive.

Description : How will you achieve your goals?

Last Answer : Interview questions: How will you achieve your goals? Answer tips/answer samples: Basing on this question the interviewer wants to know how you plan on achieving your goals for the ... , seminars, meetings and upholding my education will be effective ways to continue my professional development.

Description : What are your career goals?

Last Answer : 1. The reasons of this question: This question will test your ability and ambition to develop yourself as well as the ability to plan for the future. 2. Levels of career goals: You are not sure about your ... do to achieve your goals? In the next 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, what will you do?

Description : Why weren't you working for so long?

Last Answer : Explain why you took a break or were unemployed. Explain that you either quit your previous jobs for a good reason or were laid o due to budget cuts. What were you doing with your time? How did you continue to seek new skills and learn while you were not working?

Description : How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

Last Answer : In today's world, companies realize that people will often only work for them from 3-7 years. Explain that you see this company in your five year plan, and that staying for 10+ years ... depend on your advancement opportunities in the future, but you would have no intentions of leaving anytime soon.

Description : How long have you been looking for a job?

Last Answer : Be truthful. If you've been looking for a year, it's okay to say so because it shows that you haven't given up (and the economy is tough). If you've only been looking for a short time, you can explain that as well.

Description : How long will it take for you to make a significant contribution?

Last Answer : First define significant contribution - once you do that - lay out a timeline plan in which you think you can achieve that.

Description : How long do you envision yourself staying with this company?

Last Answer : Understand that companies invest a lot of money into hiring the right sta. You want to emphasize that you are in it for the long run and you want to develop a career there and that it's not just ... and time with a company that is going to continue to be successful and one that will help you grow?

Description : For how long do you expect to stay with our organization?

Last Answer : You should ensure that you give an impression that you will pay back more than what you take from the company: . - You can say I will stay here as far as I see an opportunity for growth, as ... stress on number of years say 3-4 years, and more if I can explore new challenges/growth opportunities.

Description : How long can you commit to work with us?

Last Answer : I like new challenges and a chance to grow. As long I keeping getting these, I don’t think I’ll need to switch over. I’d like to believe that this relationship lasts for many years. However, I haven’t set a time limit as such.

Description : How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

Last Answer : Some tips for this question: - It is not right to be specific; else you are giving them the impression that you are not going to stay if hired. - Specifics here are not good. Something like this should ... as much as you permit me and believe that I am doing a good job to remain in your company .

Description : You’ve been with your firm a long time. Won’t it be hard switching to a new company? 

Last Answer : TRAPS: Your interviewer is worried that this old dog will find it hard to learn new tricks. BEST ANSWER: To overcome this objection, you must point to the many ways you have grown and ... you should be quite comfortable working there, since their needs and your skills make a perfect match.   

Description : Why have you been out of work so long?

Last Answer : TRAPS: A tough question if you've been on the beach a long time. You don't want to seem like damaged goods. BEST ANSWER: You want to emphasize factors which have prolonged your job search by ... both sides of the desk will have been well worthwhile for both the company that hires me and myself.   

Description : How long do you expect to remain with this company?

Last Answer : Interview questions: How long do you expect to remain with this company? Answer tips/answer samples: For this interview question, you need to consider carefully your response for the best effectiveness ... would like to know what your company will bring me to be corresponding to my contribution.

Description : How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

Last Answer : Some tips for this question: It is not right to be specific; else you are giving them the impression that you are not going to stay if hired. Specifics here are not good. Something like this should ... in the punch bowl any chance I get. So the answer to your question is, until you catch on.

Description : Is there anything I’ve missed?

Last Answer : Well, I did want to mention that I was honored by my organization's board of directors for developing a program that reached out to a large number of senior citizens in need of financial assistance. We ... has been covered, he may be missing a chance to discuss something that can work in his favor.

Description : It seems like you’ve accomplished a lot. I know everyone fails, at least occasionally. Tell me about something you failed at.

Last Answer : When I was a freshman in college, I decided to run for president of the management club. My opponent was in his junior year. I came up with what I thought and still think was a great ... must give a more detailed answer. This one leaves the interviewer to wonder why the applicant lost the election.

Description : Have you ever done something that directly helped your employer either increase profits or decrease costs?

Last Answer : I recently found a way to help my employer save money on office supplies. For years, they bought office supplies from the same place. It was several blocks away, so it was pretty convenient. I have found that shopping ... of saying he'll just do the job, he needs to show why he'd be great at it.

Description : Have you ever been asked to take on a project because of your unique skill or ability?

Last Answer : Our senior developer regularly asks me to troubleshoot new programs. I've been very successful at figuring out why programs aren't working properly, and I can usually do it pretty quickly, allowing the ... to plan the party. This skill probably won't be very important to the prospective employer.

Description : Have you ever come up with new ways to solve a problem?

Last Answer : Yes, I have. We had a problem with dismissal from our after-school program. Too many children were leaving at once, causing chaos in our parking lot. I developed a system for releasing children alphabetically so ... hasn't had to solve any problems, how can she be expected to do so in the future?

Description : You seem to have accomplished a lot in your current job. Do you know why you weren’t promoted?

Last Answer : I wasn't promoted because unfortunately there wasn't a position to promote me to. JFR was a very small, family-owned firm. The boss's two sons held the top positions, which were right above my ... of the way things are at his current job and makes the mistake of letting the interviewer know that.

Description : What one thing do you think you’ve done very well on your last job?

Last Answer : I think I was very successful in all aspects of my last job. I'm particularly proud of my work with new hires. I developed programs that helped integrate them into the company and this in turn helped our ... . If not, it appears that you can't think of anything you did well at your last job.

Description : What motivates you to go above and beyond the call of duty?

Last Answer : Honestly, I don't have a sense of what is above and beyond the call of duty. It's not like I can just do enough to get by and then stop. When I work on a project, I do my very ... recognition for my work. This candidate doesn't seem to be self-motivated, since her rewards come from the outside.

Description : Have you ever had to overcome a major obstacle? How did you do it?

Last Answer : Yes, I did. My family couldn't afford to pay for college. I applied for as much financial aid as possible, but I still had to work to pay for whatever that didn't cover. I ... this candidate hired. She needs to demonstrate perseverance and therefore should try to find some obstacle to speak about.

Description : If I asked your current employer to tell us about your accomplishments, what do you think he would say?

Last Answer : He would probably talk about the time he asked me to present a new marketing campaign to one of our more difficult clients. I spent over a week preparing for that presentation. Since I knew this ... breaks one of the cardinal rules of job interviewing - to never speak negatively about a former boss.

Description : Tell me about the personal accomplishment that you are the proudest of.

Last Answer : Last year I ran a marathon for the first time. I've been a runner for years, but I never ran more than four miles at a time. I began training four months before the big day. It was ... of how she reached this goal, this candidate doesn't show off any strengths when she gives this example.

Description : Name the two work-related accomplishments of which you are proudest.

Last Answer : I converted a manual payroll system to a computerized system, which cuts down the amount of time we spend on payroll each week. I also wrote a manual that explained all bookkeeping department procedures ... affected the company. They also don't explain how he earned his good reviews and promotion.

Description : What has been your greatest accomplishment as part of a team?

Last Answer : I worked on a team that developed a program for children who were going home to an empty house after school because their parents worked. We had volunteers who would help the kids with their ... the question because working on a team is probably typical of the position for which he is hiring.

Description : Have you ever received formal recognition for something you accomplished?

Last Answer : Yes. I won Salesperson of the Month four times when I was working for Ace Stereo. Those with the largest increase in sales over the previous month were rewarded in this way. I believe I ... for a fashion-consulting position, this answer doesn't highlight any skills that will impress the employer.

Description : Have you ever had to take over an assignment at the last minute?

Last Answer : I've had to do that more than once - actually several times. The most recent time was when a colleague was scheduled to attend a meeting out of town and came down with the flu two days before he ... in order to make a successful presentation. Never Say: Yes, it has happened. Give an example.

Description : Tell me how you were of value to your previous employer.

Last Answer : My previous employer valued my ability to deal with difficult clients. Whenever we had a client who was very demanding, my boss would ask me to be the one to work with her. He said he knew I was so ... up on time. Showing up on time is expected and doesn't set this candidate apart from any other.

Description : Can you describe how you accomplished a personal goal?

Last Answer : I wrote a short story, and my goal was to get it published. I went to the library and researched which magazines accepted short-story submissions. Then I sent my story to those publications that ... for about six months. This answer does not demonstrate any skills that are needed in the workplace.

Description : Describe how you accomplished a work-related goal.

Last Answer : When I started working for Daylight Publications, I discovered that I had inherited a huge file cabinet full of photographs. We used photographs in our magazine but usually wound up purchasing stock photos, ... able to do it. This in no way demonstrates any job-related skills the interviewee has.

Description : Do you consider your progress on your current job indicative of your ability?

Last Answer : Yes, I do. I was promoted twice on my current job. I was hired as a marketing trainee. After about a year I was promoted to associate account executive, and then after two years I was promoted ... This candidate discusses how and why she was promoted. Never Say: Yes. This answer lacks specifics.

Description : What should I do if I’m a recent college graduate without many work-related accomplishments?

Last Answer : If you don’t have much work experience, draw upon your experiences as a student. Look at what you achieved while you were in college, either in your classes or through extracurricular activities.

Description : Which of your accomplishments has given you the most satisfaction?

Last Answer : Last year I initiated a program that sent our executives into schools to work with the Young Entrepreneur Program. We sent teams into two area high schools to help the students learn how to run their ... been great. This candidate needs to focus on something she did in order to deserve that title.

Description : Why do you think you’ve been successful in your career so far?

Last Answer : I've been successful so far because I've always worked very hard and I've always been willing to accept any challenges that are offered to me. Actually, I usually seek them out. I have excellent time- ... to think he had anything to do with his own success. If he doesn't believe it, who will?

Description : How do you feel about the way your career has progressed so far?

Last Answer : I'm pleased with how my career has progressed. When I graduated from college, I was hired to work as a trainee at Rogers, Inc., a small advertising agency. Being a trainee meant I answered the phones ... where I am. Don't assume the interviewer knows where you are right now or how you got there.

Description : How did you progress at your last job?

Last Answer : I was hired as a sales associate by K.R. Nickel Stores seven years ago. I became assistant manager of the girls' clothing department two years later. My boss said she never saw a young associate work ... of girls' clothing. This interviewee must talk about how he got from point A to point C.

Description : Can you tell me about your greatest accomplishment at work?

Last Answer : I'm particularly proud of the mentoring program I started about five years ago. I noticed that new employees were having trouble getting acclimated to the company, causing a very high turnover ... is important to share this information, this interviewee doesn't indicate what led to that promotion.

Description : What traits will a person need in order to become successful? Do you have these traits?

Last Answer : To be successful, a person needs excellent organization and time management skills. She has to get along well with her boss, coworkers, and clients. She must always be willing to learn new skills. Yes, I ... the game may help you be successful, but your success may not be based on any real skills.