It is otherwise known as what?

1 Answer

Answer :

Finger printing of proteins or peptide mapping.

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Last Answer : answer:How about the abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike tunnels is central and western PA? They still exist, and go under the Alleghenies. link

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Last Answer : Fritz, you look like a tool. Send him that kind of message. Personally or not.

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Last Answer : Why not ask him? Otherwise your imagination may run away with you.

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Last Answer : answer:The series (there are seven or eight in all) of Tsunami videos taken by vacationers in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other areas in the immediate vicinity and put together in a documentary format. I ... when each finishes you can select the next (it picks up right where the last one left off).

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Last Answer : 1) Super tall 2) Scrawny 3) harmless 4) nice 5) chatterbot

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Last Answer : answer:I was dumped by a woman I liked a lot in highschool because she heard a rumor I hooked up with another woman. It was completely out of nowhere and she wouldn't even tell me who said it, which either ... with me, or she was irrational as f*ck. I didn't even get a chance to prove her wrong.

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Last Answer : answer:I think mainly I learned these from playing random rolls on a player piano. Also, Tex Avery cartoons. Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody Over There Let Me Call You ... , Stop Your Tickling Jock I don't actually know this one, but how can I pass it up?

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Last Answer : answer:This has an easy solution. Buy a set of satin-covered padded hangers. Like these I’ve had some for over 40 years (although I do tend to fold my cashmere sweaters and keep them in drawers.)

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Last Answer : answer:Smells only come second nature to me, compared with music as an association. I can hear an old song and relate it to an eventful time in my past. Smells are good, but music does it for me. Good question. Buttermilk soap? Where can I buy it?

Description : Does a landlord have to follow eviction laws even if the lease states otherwise?

Last Answer : answer:No, your Landlord cannot make you leave in 3 days. One, he'd need grounds for eviction. Two, if he had grounds it would take longer than that to get you out. With non payment ... your apartment, and no legal proceeding would be that short if he suddenly did something unscrupulous to you now.

Description : Is it illegal to torrent a live show that you cannot watch otherwise (details)

Last Answer : answer:1) yes, it’s illegal. Accessing copyrighted material without the permission and authorization of the copyright holder is illegal. Period. 2) Your details do not match your question. You are not unable to watch the show. You are choosing not to watch the show in favor of doing something else.

Description : A teacher "Call me by my first name otherwise I feel old" What is more important, students right or his issue?

Last Answer : answer:First, I find it ludicrous that a student has a “right” to call a teacher what the student wants to call him/her. Second, you should always address someone the way they want to be addressed. That’s simple common courtesy.

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Last Answer : Dude, are you serious?