The seven Pagoda of Mahabalipuram is witnessed by which protected art?

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Last Answer : The monolithic temples of Mahabalipuram were very beautiful. Each of these temples was carved out of a huge, single piece of stone. It is therefore they are known as monoliths. The Durga temple at Aihole was built about 1400 years ago.

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Description : What's the most dangerous situation you have been in/witnessed " that got defused" or not?

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Description : Hotel Staff, what's the weirdest thing you've witnessed at hotels?

Last Answer : answer:I was a housekeeper. One guest peed on the walls, pooped on the towels, and spread their cum on the doorknobs. The smell lingered for days. Another guest had a chicken in his room named Donnelly. He let me pat him.

Description : People who worked with animals, what was the worst case of animal cruelty that you have witnessed?

Last Answer : None of us want to read the responses

Description : What is the highest act of humanity you have witnessed?

Last Answer : By highest act of humanity do you mean like the two people who saved my life 30+ years ago? That ranks up there for me. I owe them a lot.

Description : Have you ever witnessed anything so terrible that you wished you could unsee it?

Last Answer : A guy came in to our hospital that had skin cancer on his shoulder/neck area for 20 years and had never gone to a doctor. I swear it looked like a dinosaur had taken a bite out of him. It was all the way to the bone. I don’t know how he took showers, wore clothes or even moved his arm.

Description : Have you witnessed any fatal accident?

Last Answer : answer:I have witnessed various accidents of various severity, but I haven't known at the time that they were fatal - I've read about them in the paper or saw a story on TV and that's how I learned ... , but then I drove on. These haven't made an permanent change to my life or how I view things.

Description : What's the most scandalous thing you've ever experienced or witnessed in the workplace?

Last Answer : Being accused of making a phone call to a co-worker’s wife about her husband’s supposed infidelity. So said the branch manager, who it was later found out, was his own wife who made the call, he knew it and covered it up.

Description : Have you witnessed something like this? Details Inside.

Last Answer : I have now.

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Last Answer : If anyone “jumped” to their feet immediately upon waking from anesthesia they’d fall down and probably hurt themselves.

Description : What is the strangest auto accident, you witnessed or heard of?

Last Answer : About 20 years ago, there was a car parked in front of my house that belonged to a family friend who lived about a block away. About 20 feet behind his car (with no cars in between) was parked another car. ... in the film days so the photo is not digital and it's in a box in a closet somewhere.

Description : Hypothetical question: If you witnessed a horrible accident...(rest in details)

Last Answer : Come forward, of course. It’s just a phone call.

Description : Have you ever witnessed an animal being killed, specifically for you to eat?

Last Answer : Only fish. Our boys used to catch small lake trout on Lake Placid during the summer. My father cleaned them and my mother fried them up with a little butter. I thought of that primarily as a rare ... three bites of buttery trout we all got was a bonus and not very fraught with any other meaning.

Description : Why can't I find any record of this accident I witnessed?

Last Answer : Maybe she was related to someone in the police department and they are covering it up?

Description : Have you ever witnessed paranormal activity while staying in a hotel?

Last Answer : answer:I’ve never had any experience like that. I’ve stayed in some very old hotels, some were easily over 100 years old. Where I live some symptoms of hauntings are an indication a sink hole is about to open up under the structure.

Description : Have you ever witnessed the running around of a freshly decapitated chicken?

Last Answer : Yep. Dinner time!

Description : Have you witnessed a drone fly by? Or any unusual flying object which you couldn't explain?

Last Answer : sorry nupe. i look down.

Description : Have you witnessed cyberbullying?

Last Answer : answer:If I don’t know about it how can I call it bullying? I’ve been bullied, on Yahoo! Answer and Facebook. That’s why I took refuge here.

Description : Have you ever witnessed or been involved in an argument in a store over someone cutting in line or some other infraction?

Last Answer : I let them cut in front. There are more important things to worry about. I won’t let that get my blood pressure up.

Description : Have you ever witnessed someone else give a tremendously loud or long bodily function in public?

Last Answer : I am happy to say no. lol Aside from my own gassy moments I have never witnessed anyone in public let one rip. haha However, that said, something about really old people, they tend to fart ... and it was like a few little rocket jets went off. Maybe inadvertent flatulence helps propel older folks.

Description : What's the silliest thing you've ever done, said or witnessed?

Last Answer : At the end of a long day some years ago when I worked in a high end gift shop and a couple came in right at closing time. I looked up, and said ( classic Freudian slip ) .... and how are ... cracked up, the wife was not amused. Clearly I was thinking to myself fuck no more customers! . haha

Description : What funny linguistic misstep have you witnessed recently?

Last Answer : Just give me a little bit, my husband will do something I can write here. He does these things all the time. He has some ongoing; like saying dumbwit instead of dimwit. I can see why that makes sense ... be dimwith, but fir some reason it doesn't stick with him, or he sticks to dumbwit on purpose.

Description : Have you witnessed blatant sexism in your workplace and how do you handle it?

Last Answer : I’m not too bright. When I encounter it I put my head down and take it on head on. I call the men on it.

Description : What is the most amusing thing you ever witnessed happen to someone who was being mean?

Last Answer : I worked at a bank and I was doing some tranactions with a teller. The next teller over was going through the lollipops that they gave to customers with children, separating out all the blue lollipops. I asked ... She flashed me a grin and said No, we give them to the kids of the rude parents .

Description : What is the worst example of pushy parenting you have witnessed?

Last Answer : When I was a teenager, I was very active in karate. There was one little girl, she was maybe 6, that had the pushiest parents I've ever seen. The little girl had been in karate since she was 4 and ... a break. When I stopped going to karate, she was still there just as much as before, if not more.

Description : May 18th is the 32nd anniversary of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Have you ever experienced or witnessed the awesome power of nature?

Last Answer : luckily the closest thing to that was when our above ground swimming pool blew a seam and water went everywhere. Still waiting for a tornado.

Description : Have you also witnessed a devaluation of the standing ovation?

Last Answer : It’s a side-effect of the whole “everybody gets a trophy/everybody is special” movement.

Description : Have you ever witnessed your anti-virus program at work?

Last Answer : yup, several times, mostly false alerts because of my tech tools though XD

Description : Men who have witnessed childbirth: has it changed the way you perceive women?

Last Answer : answer:I’m a girl, but can I answer anyway? I was at the birth of my friend’s son and quite honestly, I told her after seeing what she could tolerate, I never wanted to hear her whine about petty shit ever again.

Description : What is the most offensive thing you have ever witnessed?

Last Answer : a man holding a child, while pointing a gun at the child’s head

Description : What is something absurd that you have witnessed recently?

Last Answer : American politics.

Description : Have you witnessed any cool nature moments lately?

Last Answer : Whilst in America I saw a wild Coyote (I have never seen one before, apart from in the Roadrunner cartoons that is!)

Description : What's the most egregious violation of proper decorum you've witnessed today?

Last Answer : I pissed in a Aquafina bottle and poured it out my window since to use the bathroom I need to put on pants and walk through the backyard. I’m the only person I have seen today.