Which presidents had the highest IQ?

1 Answer

Answer :

There is no way to collect the evidence needed for a comparison. I knowthat Jefferson was well read and creative. FDR had a command of the English language and so did JFK. Nixon and Clinton did some stupid things and yet they are or were certainly men of above average intelligence. I would have to stick with Jimmy Carter as my first selection. His Presidentialrecord fails to show any degree of success but his "Intellectual Quotient"was remarkable.

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Last Answer : The American Mensa website has an online test area. Sorry I don’t know how to post a link.

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Last Answer : Dogs are intelligent no matter what an IQ test says.

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Last Answer : I think it’s because you, like many people think that your IQ score will somehow change your life for the worse. It won’t if you don’t let it.

Description : A place for a legitimate free on line iq test?

Last Answer : I found some links for you here. There was one at Ivillage also. I’ll see if I can find it for you.

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Last Answer : Honestly, I don’t think you really can increase your IQ. I think you can get better at taking tests, or studying, but IQ is more of an inborn thing. Decreasing it would be a lot easier… brain injury, certain types of drug abuse, etc.

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Last Answer : I dunno, i know IQ tests test only the logical capability of the individual, not any other possible skill or knowledge.

Description : What do you think IQ scores really reveal about a person's true potential?

Last Answer : I think people who have high IQ scores are good at taking tests. However, without a high EQ score you probably won’t be as successful because success depends on other people either supporting what you do, helping you do it, or liking what you do.

Description : A good website for IQ questions?

Last Answer : The only way is to have a proper test. The online tests are biased and unreliable.

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Last Answer : No. Computers are not radioactive. Your teacher is wrong. Playing computer games for 5 hours a day CAN make you more fat, because you are simply not being active and moving vigorously during that time. ... and compensate for your computer use with some sort of sport or exercise a few times a week.

Description : Does IQ matter?

Last Answer : Well I think you have just answered your own question and I agree.

Description : Reliable online IQ test? (or if not, a place/company that does them?)

Last Answer : http://www.mensa.org/index0.php?page[equal]12

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Last Answer : Let me just say, genes determine a lot of things, but they don't success (except maybe a pretty face). Also your personallity and IQ vary both A LOT depending on your life and experiences (Take ... to the data it gets. Also most of your personality and IQ are determined by your childhood/teenhood.

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Last Answer : A stable home and varied activities is associated with improved IQ scores in children.