Why is Post Malone so ugly?

1 Answer

Answer :

That is a matter of opinion but with more than 60 tattos many people do not think he is attractive.

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Last Answer : I’ve never cared for Vincent Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”:https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61OcpnZwRpL.SL500_AC_SS350.jpg

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Last Answer : answer:Wow, your question is all over the place. In fact, I'm not really sure what you're hyped up about. I think your outrage-of-the-day is that girls in bathing suits are featured on web sites ... be outraged by anything you want, @Hypocrisy_Central - it's a free country. I don't share this one.

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Last Answer : answer:Lets look at the big picture here.. Yes, there are going to be parts of our body that we don't like. I don't like my thighs, they're big and no matter how much work out, they never go down. ... and it really gets on my nerves. But I'd never let anyone get me down because of the way I looked.

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Last Answer : The most beautiful: Japanese. The ugliest: Texan.

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Last Answer : There are no ugly people in my family, we’re all complete stunners, it’s in the genes you know ;-} If a family member really did say that to you then rest assured, it’s they who are the ugly ones.

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Last Answer : answer:Without knowing more about what she's gone through , I would hazard a guess that this is about more than her looks. She was very defensive when you tried to cheer her up and seemingly wanted to be ... know she has value to you - and that just may be enough to nudge her out of her funk.

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Last Answer : answer:I love the hound breeds and had a Plott/Walker hound ( Coonhound ) mix once. Hounds are usually sweet, easy going and tolerant of other people and pets, the downside is they can be extremely stubborn ... all I love the hound breeds but they can be a handful. If you get one post a picture!

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Last Answer : Can you post a photo?

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Last Answer : At Half time, so far the best has been Betty White for “The Voice”.

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Last Answer : HoHoHo

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Last Answer : “Pretty” faces are more symmetrical and, well, lack distinguishing features.

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Last Answer : “Yay, a sale!”

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Last Answer : answer:When I was a teen, working at Arbys, my manager straight up told me she wanted me to be on the register to flash people my handsome smile. I was like, What the fuck ? I ... this? How would employers determine how to hire two attractive people, and two ugly people with the same credentials?

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Last Answer : answer:This antique Omega watch is also anti-magnetic. Here is a solar-powered watch.

Description : Do any languages sound "ugly" to you? Why?

Last Answer : answer:I speak German, but it does sound harsh to me. Thai also sounds kind of harsh to me. And it looks really funky too. Arabic sounds awesome when sung. I love the sound of Hindi, English, and French as well. I can’t think of any languages that sound ugly.

Description : What is something that starts out ugly, but then turns beautiful?

Last Answer : Any kind of baby bird. Them’s ugly! And no, the bird in the picture isn’t dead.

Description : What are some of the most annoying or ugly yard ornaments you've seen?

Last Answer : I’ll take a hundred random useless archways in exchange for one of those huge hideous inflated plastic snowmen, which are ugly enough and annoying enough for just a few weeks at Christmastime to fill my endurance quota for the entire year.