Tearing down a small shed?

1 Answer

Answer :

An adult who has never been immunized to tetanus should get the initial series of three tetanus shots. A booster should be administered every ten years afterwards. A booster may be given after an acute injury (i.e. puncture by rusty nail) if you are not sure when your last booster shot was.

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Description : content:

Last Answer : Snakes shed their skin to rid themselves of parasites and to give them room to grow. It depends on species, diet and age of the snake, but most shed their skins 2 to 4 times per year. Young snakes that are still growing may shed their skin every 2 weeks.

Description : My dog sheds a lot. What can I do about it?

Last Answer : Shedding is part of life. We all shed. We're just more aware of it with our dogs because they have more hair than we do. One way to keep shedding down is frequent brushing. You can read more about in the article Shedding - Causes and Help

Description : How can we get rid f ground bees under our shed?

Last Answer : They are wasps or hornets...............very dangerous.............27 ft spray needed..........or you might want to get someone else to do it............they are not regular honey bees............

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Last Answer : They probably have a hole somewhere. You could call a wildlife person.............they have stuff to drop down the hole to keep them.

Description : I was chased by bumble bees (stung once)so how long before they forget my scent so I can go in my shed again?

Last Answer : ARE YOU SURE THEY ARE BEES AND NOT WASPS..............sound like you have to wait until dark and get a hornet spray at spray them in the dark............don't keep a flash light on them because ... get someone to help you.........try one of those plug in units and see if it will keep them out.

Description : I left a bag of grass seed in the outside shed all winter. can I still use it this spring?

Last Answer : If it was kept dry and closed it still should be good.

Description : do leaves behind a shed cause any risk to neighbors or to the shed itself?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Is there a natural way to promote leaf shed for fall clean up?

Last Answer : We mulch the leaves with the lawn tractor, we have the greenest grass all winter. Any more leaves, good to put in the garden and turn it under. There is a natural process for the trees to loose ... go back down into the roots the leaves fall, if they all fell at one time it would be dangerous.