Depression Treatments: Are Brand Name Medications Necessary?

1 Answer

Answer :

When the time comes to treat depression, you may feel confused about which medications are best. Not only are there several classes of antidepressants but also many brand names and generic equivalents as well. Generic Prescription Depression Treatments are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore, though they may look different than their brand name counterpart, generic depression treatments contain the same active ingredients and work just as effectively.

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Last Answer : If you have been diagnosed with depression and want to try and treat it without medications you can try therapy counseling to get you back on the right track in your life without going through medications and having a support group.

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Last Answer : There are a wide variety of depression medications and the side effects vary by medication. There are websites that can give lists of depression medications and the various effects, one website ... // there is a variety of medications listed here.

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Last Answer : There are many herbal treatments for depression that you can find at your local health store. Such as beetroot, a doctor's order of sleep and stay away from stress. Many people would also advise you to stay away from caffeine when you are suffering from depression.

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Last Answer : There are several types of depression medications (antidepressants) used to treat depression and conditions that have depression as a component of the disease, such as Bipolar disorder. These ... chemicals called neurotransmitters. It is believed that these brain chemicals can help improve emotions.

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Last Answer : It may take a while to get the right combination that works for you. You have a really tough illness. I am so sorry about your diagnosis. My daughter and has decided to try to avoid medications but she ... so good. She does take an anxiety med about twice a month when it gets really bad. Good luck!

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Last Answer : answer:No, I have never had that impulse. I am afraid that you having that impulse may be your manic mood. Do not chuck all of your medication. Remember the miseries of the swings.

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Last Answer : They don’t change who you are but can alter how you act and how you preceive yourself.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, but it is best to check the specific medication with your veterinarian. There are many human foods and medicines that would be deadly for your dog.

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Last Answer : Who is testing who? Is this for work? Where do you live?

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Last Answer : I am not a doctor or a pharmacists nor do a play one on TV, but I can safely say that Abilify is not available in generic and won’t be for about another 10 years.

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Last Answer : I really advise you to talk this over with your physician. It is possible that would help prepare you for this discussion; also the Mayo Clinic web site is really good as well.

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Last Answer : Google is your friend.

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Last Answer : I never heard of such a thing! That’s odd.

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Last Answer : I would recommend searching online for basic information and then asking your health care professional about your concerns.

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Last Answer : I don't take any medications, at all. I used to be on pain killers, and muscle relaxants..after the birth of my son, from pain all the time. Be it uterine spasms, teeth pain, hip ... certain medications can be deadly. I think prescriptions are given in excess, but they are still very much needed.

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Last Answer : No. Not at all. That’s why we did so much better when they were run by scientists instead of businessmen.

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Last Answer : Not as expected. However, it is not right to do that again.

Description : What Medications Can Be Taken In General Diabetes ?

Last Answer : : Take Metformin 500 mg twice a day and Gliclazide 30 mg once a day . However, in this case it is better to take the advice of a doctor.

Description : Looks like I'm cold. My nose is very flowing and my throat hurts too. What can I take? Pregnant woman 24 weeks pregnant

Last Answer : I think you'd better go to your GP and ask him. She needs to know exactly what you can take as a pregnant woman.

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Last Answer : In simple terms, It is dangerous to purchase any form of prescription online especially when you do not know the source of the medicine. Most online pharmacies are unregistered and some of their ... by the government make sure to check the validity of their offerings before purchasing from them.

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Last Answer : No matter what you are taking, it is unlawful to drive whileimpaired.

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