Where can i buy a residential elevator?

1 Answer

Answer :

www.residentialelevators.com specializes in a variety of in-home lift and elevator systems, they have financial plans for the systems, and also offer installation services and advice.

Related questions

Description : Can an elevator be put into residential homes?

Last Answer : Well, they can be put into a lot of homes but not all homes. You should call some companies and ask them to take a look at your place. This is the company we use for my office building. They're dependable and not too bad price-wise.

Description : If eg 6-7. would the apartment be upstairs, would you move in?

Last Answer : I've already lived. At a young age, I think that’s how much it can endure, especially if it’s cheaper because of it. It takes so much movement! :)

Description : Hello, they are the chairman of the team in our house. At the meeting, we decided to have a new elevator, the current one has the best behind it. Therefore, I would like someone to write me their experience with various companies so that we can make a decision. Thank you for the advice.

Last Answer : Although I don't know much about it, we also have a cooperative apartment and last year we had an elevator done by KONE.

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Last Answer : Yes, they make walk in coolers for residential homes. You can buy them at www.canddequipment.com/ or www.henrycty.com/codepartments/hillcrest/index.htm

Description : Can Arduino be used for building a smart elevator system?

Last Answer : Yes, Arduino can be used for building a smart elevator system by using sensors to detect the presence of passengers and to measure the weight of the elevator, and by using actuators to ... by using communication modules to transmit data to a control system to optimize elevator operation and safety.

Description : What would you say if this happened to you in an elevator?

Last Answer : Sorry I have I.B.S.

Description : What’s the weirdest thing you’ve heard people in an elevator talk about?

Last Answer : Usually about Elisa Lam

Description : You’re in the elevator when the door opens and in walks Tom Cruise. As you approach the destination the elevator begins to shake violently and the door won’t up. What happens next?

Last Answer : Great. I now have plenty of time to tell him how disgusting the cult he belongs to is, and as one of the leaders in that cult he should be thrown in prison.

Description : Have you ever been on a elevator where some kid has pushed all the buttons?

Last Answer : I had to stay on. It was my kid who did it.

Description : Great Googlie Wooglie! Another jelly takes the elevator to the 20K floor of ask-public Mansion!

Last Answer : ¡Felicitaciones, señor!

Description : How close is the Marine Land Sky Screamer to having the beginings of a space elevator?

Last Answer : Just as close as an ant hill is to mount everest.

Description : If you worked on the 2nd floor of an office building, would you usually take the stairs or the elevator?

Last Answer : 2nd floor, stairs, by the time you waited for the damn elevator you could be in your office. haha

Description : Is this a good innovation in elevator technology (Details inside) ?

Last Answer : answer:Nope. Pushing all the buttons is a god-given right and every one of us has the ability to act childish or walk up the stairs.

Description : A man and his girlfriend are in the elevator, and the girlfriend starts assaulting the man. What do you think would be the best course of action for the man?

Last Answer : Tell her she doesn’t matter. Women hate that.

Description : Ever been stuck on an elevator, on a late afternoon weekend day, with no one in the building, and what would you do?

Last Answer : Have a good 15 minute scream followed by a long nap.

Description : If you were in an elevator and it was falling from a high distance and if it was possible to time your jump right before it hit the ground, would that prevent you from injury?

Last Answer : I really don't know. I'm guessing that if the elevator was falling at a high speed, which it most likely would, jumping might almost be impossible. I could be totally wrong, but even if it wasn't a ... , (which you'd have to know 100%) I'm not sure how much that would really minimize the injury.

Description : What's the most random act you could do on an elevator that would not get you arrested?

Last Answer : Blow yourself up. They can not arrest you if you succeed.

Description : Why do people waiting to get on an elevator always stand right in the doorway?

Last Answer : Funny, this brings back a memory of where I used to work. I think the person getting off should be allowed to get off and then the people waiting should get on. There was a little lawyer that barged on the elevator every time, almost knocking people down. We called her the “elevator Nazi”.

Description : Can the bottom (floorboard) of an elevator come loose and fall?

Last Answer : I always get the feeling that elevators are pretty safe, as far as means of transportation go. There are always posted an inspection of the elevator, and also a clear limit of number of people. (Of ... up the doors when no elevator is there, or opening when it is off from the floor somewhat.

Description : Care to share your most memorable elevator experience?

Last Answer : My favorite actually happened to my Mom. She and a about 7 middle-aged female friends were on an elevator when a 30-something guy got on. The doors closed. The most attractive of the bunch, my Mom's friend ... said, Let's get him, girls! The look on the young man's face was, apparently, priceless!

Description : You're in a packed elevator/lift when somebody farts, how do you react?

Last Answer : I sing along! With my own fart! XD

Description : What is something you could see in a lift/elevator that would make you use the stairs?

Last Answer : answer:Well, a guy wearing a hockey mask wielding a chainsaw would be high on the list. Fortunately, unless we are talking about something like the Empire State Building, I will usually opt for the stairs over the elevator anyway.

Description : Why was the original NES console designed with a spring loaded cartridge elevator thingy?

Last Answer : I thought they did it just to be gimmicky.

Description : Could You Live When Your Elevator Broke and Crashed to the Ground?

Last Answer : answer:Well, they did the “jump at the last second” thing on MythBusters, and Buster did not survive. Video The drop is about 1:45, the results at 2:40 Thing is, no matter what, your body is still going from 50 MPH to 0 MPH instantly. That’s what kills you.

Description : Worst person to be stuck in a lift/elevator with & worst thing they could say?

Last Answer : answer:Worst person: P Diddy. Worst thing they could say? Cracker

Description : Where does elevator music come from?

Last Answer : answer:the 80’s… Just kidding… I think there is a business called the Clear Channel…. is that right? http://www.clearchannel.com/

Description : Do you think the proposed "Space Elevator" project is feasible ?

Last Answer : Definitely, as long as they have a super-strong material out of which to build it. Perhaps composites?

Description : How big is the chance that i will find the elevator ready for me?

Last Answer : Without knowing the distribution of occupiers, their ages, number of children, working hours, the time of day etc., it would be just a guess.

Description : Will we see a Space Elevator in our lifetimes?

Last Answer : Need significant breakthroughs in materials science, and serious financial and political agreements to make such a thing. Maybe, if we’re ten years old, we might see it in our lifetimes. Not gonna happen for me, though.

Description : What would you do if you were Trapped in an Elevator?

Last Answer : Well, if I had my cell phone, I’d obviously call someone…......if I didn’t, well, I’d probably lose my mind!

Description : Can you "hack" an elevator, so that it will bypass "pickup calls"?

Last Answer : I remember reading this a while back (linked from lifehacker) but it hasn’t worked for me so far! http://www.i-hacked.com/content/view/186/48/ some good comments about whether it works on lifehacker http://lifehacker.com/205918/send-the-elevator-directly-to-your-floor

Description : If you're in an elevator and you see someone coming, are you pressing the "open door" button or the "close door" button?

Last Answer : Neither. I stick my foot in the way of the doors so they can get in.

Description : In an elevator, if you press the wrong floor number, why can't you "deselect" the errant floor by pressing the same button again?

Last Answer : Man, I was just thinking the exact same thing——okay, I wasn’t…

Description : When you get in an elevator with one random stranger, do you have to talk about something?

Last Answer : I’m great with the silence, but most people feel the need to talk. I dislike the people that get on the elevator and have to stand right next to me, in my space, when we are the only two on it. I get panicky thinking they are going to rob me or kill me.

Description : Is there a way to make an actual elevator that goes from Earth up to the ISS [International Space Station]?

Last Answer : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_elevator

Description : Why are there options to go up or down on an elevator and not just.. one button?

Last Answer : They’re built that way to optimize the speed of the elevator. It groups together travelers moving in the same direction.

Description : Suppose engineers are able to build a space elevator within the next 40 years, would you enter the elevator on the ground floor and press the button for floor 100,000?

Last Answer : Of course, as long as the chance of dying horribly was less than 10%. Even so, if something happened and you fell, that’d be one hell of a base jump. :) Or you know, Tower of Terror. Depending.

Description : How much do you think it costs to take the elevator?

Last Answer : Someone tried to work it out, see here

Description : Question for women: if you're at the back of a crowded elevator and the door opens, would you prefer that all the men cram to the side so you can get off first, or should people exit according to their natural position in the elevator, meaning you would exit closer to last?

Last Answer : I think anyone can answer this question, not only women. If I was on an elevator, we would get off in the natural order; whoever is in front gets off first. Chivalry is dead.

Description : Stairs or Elevator?

Last Answer : stairs. Happilly climb about 3 – maybe 4 levels before I’d think about using the lift.

Description : A block slides down a frictionless incline making an angle ? with an elevator floor. The acceleration relative to the incline will be maximum when a.the elevator ascends at constant speed v b. ... speed v c.107 dynes d.elevator descends with deceleration a e.the elevator descends with acceleration a

Last Answer : d. elevator descends with deceleration a

Description : A woman is sitting in her hotel room when there is a knock at the door. She opened the door to see a man whom she had never seen before. He said 'oh I'm sorry, I have made a mistake, I ... . The woman went back into her room and phoned security. What made the woman so suspicious of the man? -Riddles

Last Answer : You don't knock on your own hotel room door.

Description : What did one elevator say to the other elevator? -Riddles

Last Answer : I think I'm coming down with something.

Description : A man who lived on the top floor of a twenty story building had to go up and down daily for work, and of course, for food and the other necessities. On most days he could only ride the elevator to ... way. When it rained, however, he could ride all the way up to the twentieth story. Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : The man wasn't tall enough to reach the button for the 20th floor. He could only reach the 15th story button on the elevator. When it rained, he brought his umbrella, and used it to press the 20th story button on the elevator.

Description : 3. Who invented the safety break, which stop the elevator from crashing? -Discoveries and Inventions

Last Answer : Riding in an elevator used to be dangerous business - until Elisha Otis, of Otis Elevator Company fame, invented a device that could prevent a passenger elevator from falling if its rope broke. It debuted ... 160 years ago at the E.V. Haughwout and Company store in Manhattan on March 23, 1857.

Description : 7 persons enter an elevator on the ground floor of a 11 storey hotel. Any one of them can leave the elevator at any of the 10 floors. -Maths 9th

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who invented the safety break, which stop the elevator from crashing? -Discoveries and Inventions

Last Answer : Riding in an elevator used to be dangerous business — until Elisha Otis, of Otis Elevator Company fame, invented a device that could prevent a passenger elevator from falling if its rope broke. It debuted precisely 160 years ago at the E.V. Haughwout and Company store in Manhattan on March 23, 1857.

Description : In a construction site, a crane lifts 1000 kg of concrete mix to roof top at a height of 20 meters in 50 seconds. If the value of gravity 'g' due to earth is 10 m s-2, the power of elevator will be. -Physics

Last Answer : 4 KW (kilowatt)

Description : When was the first elevator installed?

Last Answer : In 1857

Description : Who installed the first elevator in America?

Last Answer : Elisha Otis