What supplements can I take to help my arthritis?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are some natural dietary supplements that are said to give relief for Arthritis. Fish oil extracts are supplements said to lubricate joints which in turn relieves arthritis symptoms.

Related questions

Description : What are some good supplements to take for arthritis?

Last Answer : Two good supplements to take in for Arthritis are vitamin C and vitamin D. Some other supplements recommended for those who have arthritis are vitamin E, calcium, and B vitamins. http://www ... -for-arthritis-sufferers/ can help you with more in detail about supplements that help with arthritis.

Description : What are the side effects of rheumatoid arthritis supplements?

Last Answer : The supplements for this form of Arthritis can actually have some severe side effects. These side effects range from simple sleepiness, to the more issues like heart problems.

Description : Are there supplements he can take to help cure acne?

Last Answer : Yes, there are acne supplements available at sites like drugstore.com and Amazon.com. The best plan may be to consult your son's dermotologist to find a supplement that is safe and cost effective.

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Last Answer : answer:Here is some information from one forum: Don't give up. A few things did you do the 3 initial load' doses (day 1, day 15, day 29), then begin the monthly infusions? That's really important. ... makes a huge difference. Try to stay with it at least 3 months and see how you're doing then.

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Last Answer : My mother has been doing Tai Chi which has eased some of her pain, and I do Yoga and go to a chiropractor referred by my physician, which has helped with range of motion and pain management a lot. ... and peppers and potatoes too much. I wish for him some comfort. It sucks to creak and be infirm.

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Last Answer : What harm can it do!!!!!!!

Description : Are there certain foods that can help with arthritis symptoms?

Last Answer : Certain foods can definitely help relieve some of the pain from Arthritis. Fish with omega 3 fatty acids, citrus fruits, peppers, olive oil, and vitamin C rich foods are all good ones to use.

Description : Is there a diet that will help with arthritis symptoms?

Last Answer : Yes there are actually foods that you can eat that do help with Arthritis symptoms. You can find several foods on the internet that will help. today.msnbc.msn.com/id/21246089/ns/today-today_���health

Description : Are there any special nutritional foods out that help with arthritis pain?

Last Answer : Yes, there are some certain foods that can help people with Arthritis. Try consuming oily fish, vitamin C, vitamin E, turmeric, and ginger. Also, try to avoid saturated fat, dairy products, and the solanum family (i.e. potatoes).

Description : What are some dietary tips to help ease arthritis pain?

Last Answer : Eating more fruits and vegetables will help ease the pain. Getting more vitamin c will also help the pain. Taking Arthritis supplements will help too.

Description : Can changing my diet help with rheumatoid arthritis.?

Last Answer : Yes, changing your diet can help with your Arthritis. By drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day, and consuming a low-fat diet, you will feel less pain from your arthritis. Also, if possible, try to get daily exposure from the sun, for increased amounts of Vitamin D.

Description : What is good nutrition to help with arthritis?

Last Answer : Fish, olive oil, fruits and nuts are healthier ways in combating your Arthritis. You need to have a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals in your body in order for your body to combat arthritis. You must ... and oils that are not olive oil or nut based. This will help reduce flares in your body.

Description : What are some diet plans that would help with rheumatoid arthritis?

Last Answer : There is lots of information on diets that are supposed to help with rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms. I would check with Web MD first. www.webmd.com/���rheumatoid-arthritis/guide/���can-your-diet-help-relieve-rheumatoid-arthritis

Description : What vitamins and/or supplements do you take daily?

Last Answer : answer:My wife is a dietitian and recommends the supplements listed below for me. Also 6 cardiologists have OK'd them for me to take. I take them in the morning (except melatonin) with two 16 oz ... ) Melatonin 1.5 mg (sleep) Turmeric 450 mg (anti inflammatory) DRUGS: Aspirin 325mg (anticoagulant)

Description : Do you take prescription medicine from "big pharma," or do you tend to trust supplements, herbs, and alternative medicine more?

Last Answer : answer:Here we go. I take and prescribe medications that have proven efficacy. Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work? Medicine.

Description : Do you take any supplements? Why? How did you decide it would work - and how long did you take it until you decided it was a waste of money?

Last Answer : St. John’s Wort seemed to work pretty well for me. Citrus Bergamot also works for me as well.

Description : Is it ok to take two different dietary supplements at the same time?

Last Answer : You’re probably cool.

Description : Is there somewhere you can find out what supplements to take?

Last Answer : Personally, I’d see a nutritionist who can look at your diet in detail and then a doctor who can take a blood test for deficiencies but, in the meantime, you can go here.

Description : Vitamins and other daily supplements. Do you take them and if so, do you see any benefit or harm from doing so?

Last Answer : answer:I go with the liquid vitamins. Fast absorption. I take every day. Don’t know about future benefits. But they sure make me feel better.

Description : Which multivitamin and supplements do you suggest I take for better skin, stronger joints and overall health?

Last Answer : There is no empirical evidence that any supplements do anything. If you want to be healthy you need to eat a preponderance of fruit, vegetables and minimally-processed grains. Meat once in a while if you must, preferably oily fish.

Description : What are some good nutritional supplements I can take to increase/facilitate weight loss (when added to a good nutrition and fitness plan)

Last Answer : For me, just a normal multi-vitamin. When I take them regularly, I feel more energetic and more stable.

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Last Answer : answer:Susan; my nutritionist, whom I saw for a year, had a PhD from that school in Boston and had MD's from Albany Medical College sitting in on his sessions w. me, at least.He recommended ... dailly, with meals. I take two w. breakfast and 2 w. dinner. Or http://www.pioneernutritional.com

Last Answer : I use GAL vitamins. I think it's the best. Vitamins D3, K, C.

Description : What are the best workout supplements that I can take?

Last Answer : The best supplements you can take is a high protein shake, mutli vitamin(including Omega 3's), a before and after workout energy drink/snack/shake, as well as Creatine and a thermogenic.

Description : What are the best fiber supplements to take?

Last Answer : Metamucil is a great fiber supplement. It has been for over twenty years. Fiber One has not been around as long but it is also very good.

Description : Should bodybuilders take zinc supplements?

Last Answer : Zinc, when mixed in a compound called ZMA, often results in higher testosterone and greater IGF-1 levels. ZMA is comprised of zinc and magnesium, and often comes with Vitamin B6 mixed in. ZMA is ... can it increase the efficacy of a work-out, but the body needs these vitamins and minerals anyhow.

Description : what supplements should I take for my fibromyalgia?

Last Answer : You should take supplements of Vitamin D, Fish Oil, SAMe, Ribose, Magnesium, and B-Complex Vitamins. If you take a daily multivitamin, you're getting many of these vitamins already. Most of the others, you can find at your local health store.

Description : when bodybuilding, people take a lot of vitamin supplements. What is best ones?

Last Answer : The best supplements to take would be the protein supplements. These protein supplements will ultimately allow your body to reach its full potential as a body builder.

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Last Answer : The best place to find weight gaining supplements for a skinny guy would be a health store such as GNC. I would look for supplements with extra protein to build muscle.

Description : What kind of supplements can I take to relieve the joint pain?

Last Answer : Ice is one of the best ways to relieve joint pain. One of the other good ways to relieve joint pain is to use icy hot pads on the joint. Those are the best ways to relieve pain.

Description : Should bodybuilders take vitamin d supplements or should they abstain from all supplements?

Last Answer : No bodybuilders should not take vitamin d supplements. They should not abstain from all supplements either. They should take protein supplements in order to maximize their body's potential.

Description : What vitamin supplements should I take while on the South Beach Diet?

Last Answer : You need to take three certain vitamin supplements. Take a multivitamin, a calcium supplement, and a fiber supplement. To get specific, consult your doctor since he or she will know what is best for your body.

Description : How long will I need to take supplements after surgery?

Last Answer : Yes you will need to take supplements. They say daily vitamin and supplements are required for the rest of your life. A dietitian will recommend supplements.

Description : What vitamins & supplements should everyone take?

Last Answer : Most nutritionists actually recommend that people eat healthy foods from all the food groups to get all their vitamins and minerals. If a person does that, they say that there is no need to ... people feel that they should at least take a multivitamin daily, and others take many more supplements.

Description : What supplements should I take?

Last Answer : It is very admirable that you are trying to lose weight the correct way. You should be taking iron supplements to replenish what you are losing. Also take vitamins a and b.

Description : Can supplements help me lose weight and gain muscle?

Last Answer : Maybe. A high protein diet might improve muscle gain if combined with an intensive regular weight training program.

Description : Are there supplements anyone knows of that can help decrease the oil production of my skin?

Last Answer : You can make use of tea tree oil!

Description : I am not living in USA or Europe. Can you help me find a website or magazine that introduces the latest products from America or Europe Beauty items, grocery, toys, supplements and hobby stuff etc.....any kind of stuff is OK?

Last Answer : no longer wanted

Description : How do weight loss supplements help?

Last Answer : I am actually trying a Keto supplement along with a Keto meal plan. I watched a good friend get great results from the combination. So now I'm so excited to try it myself. I'll share both links at the bottom of page. For more informationcutt.ly/ijQQ0qgtiny.cc/kv38tz

Description : Are there any supplements I can buy that will help me build muscle and lose fat?

Last Answer : Yes, many supplements are available that are fit to help build muscle and lose fat Labrada Lean Body Rtd, offers Chocolate Ice Cream (17 oz x 12 Bottles) supplements that are available on Amazon.

Description : Will muscle strength supplements help me build my scrawny frame?

Last Answer : Yes, muscle strength supplements can help you build your scrawny frame. You also need to do some weight training.

Description : What kind of weight training supplements to help with weight training?

Last Answer : Weight training results can be obtained more quickly by using products such as protein supplements in the form of powders and shakes. Other helpful supplements to increase weight training results are Creatine, vitamin B6, glutamine and testosterone.

Description : What supplements help raise Metabolism?

Last Answer : Supplement name:Meticore Meticore is a recently-released healthy metabolism support formula that helps trigger morning metabolic rates naturally, effectively supercharging metabolism activity early in the day at sunrise ... for this amazing product (remove te space between . and ly)bit. ly/2VUUju3

Description : Can supplements help lower HDL cholesterol?

Last Answer : Yes, there are supplements that can help lower HDL cholesterol. One of these is artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymnus.

Description : Are there natural supplements that help lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are only a few natural remedies for high blood pressure that I know of. Adding garlic to your diet and lowering sodium intake will help. Also, if you are over weight and aren't very active, exercising will help to lower your blood pressure.

Description : What are some supplements that can help with quick weight loss?

Last Answer : There are effective supplements that will rapidly cause weight loss, however none are safe and without risk. Popular weight loss supplements include Stacker 2 and Xenadrin, however these should not be used without consulting your doctor.

Description : Are there supplements on the market to help with fibromyalgia?

Last Answer : There are supplements, prescription medications as well as dietary aides and clinical trial medicines that are available to those who suffer from fibromyalgia.

Description : Are there supplements to help lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : If you're worried about your cholesterol and have already started exercising and eating healthier foods, you might wonder if adding a cholesterol-lowering supplement to your diet can help reduce ... be helpful. With your doctor's OK, consider these cholesterol-lowering supplements and products.

Description : Are there supplements that help with erectile dysfunction?

Last Answer : Some supplements have been show to help men with erectile dysfunction. L-Arginine dilates the blood vessels allowing better blood flow. Propionyl-L-Carnitine is taken with Viagra and has been showed to improve its effectiveness in some cases. The herb ginkgo enhances blood flow by relaxing muscles.

Description : What are some supplements to help lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : One of the best things you can take to help lower your blood pressure is potassium. You should be able to get enough of this in your diet without needing supplements. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/factors/supls.htm