What are some ideas for natural neck pain relief?

1 Answer

Answer :

Towel therapy, ice, hot Epsom salt bath, rest, arnica gel, aromatherapy, Massage Therapy, chiropractic therapy, physical therapy, and acupuncture are among your choices.

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Description : What are some treatments for neck pain relief in people?

Last Answer : I believe that there is no such magical medicine that will help to get rid of such annoying neck and Back pain other than harmful pain killers. Everyone knows that pain killer at long run will harm you ... and ergonomic chairs. They also provide chairs on trial basis for a few days at free of cost.

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Last Answer : Most natural remedies for Back pain and Arthritis are not actually helpful. One potential exception is a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin for arthritis, although the evidence on it's effectiveness if somewhat conflicting.

Description : What are natural remedies for back pain relief?

Last Answer : Natural remedies for Back pain is ice, heat, and adjustments. There is a company called Melaluca that sells all natural pain cream you could also try that.

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Last Answer : Yes there are natural relief options for pain. However, it would depend on what type of pain. If your head hurts you can take a nap. If you leg hurts then you can sit down.

Description : Natural Arthritis Pain Relief?

Last Answer : Because Arthritis is caused by inflammation in the joints, to treat it naturally the inflammation must be targeted and reduced. Some diet supplements, such as Omega-3, can help reduce ... improve circulation to reduce swelling and inflammation, as well as the application of cold compresses.

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Last Answer : I have this pain! I would describe it as a pulled muscle - almost a cramp. It doesn't usually happen during exercise for me, but when I am watching tv or on the laptop at home, after work. I always ... in the artery. The pain, to me, actually feels like it is coming from the artery, not the muscle.

Description : What are some possible causes of neck pain?

Last Answer : there are many possible causes for neck pain from something as simple as sleeping improperly in your bed at night, to something as severe as whip lash.

Description : What are some good exercises for managing neck pain?

Last Answer : To relieve a stiff neck, apply a heated rice bag to the area. A massage from a professional therapist can help relieve neck stiffness, and many people claim lobelia oil massaged into the neck can provide relief.

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Last Answer : I had a back injury at one point years ago that lasted 9 months. The pain was really very bad at times, it was in pain daily ranging fom about a 4 to an 8 consistently. It affected my work, ... during a week's time. This was following, and related too, the accident that damaged my neck and shoulder.

Description : Can you please help me find out why I have this pain and crunching sound in my neck?

Last Answer : A visit to the doctor is in order, and yes, I imagine physical abuse as you describe could be the cause.

Description : How do you deal with relatives who are pain in the neck?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t. It’s fantastic. I highly recommend it.

Description : Possible reasons for this cricket pain in my neck?

Last Answer : Aleve and a hot, hot bath. Bed rest after, on your back

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Last Answer : My hair is pretty long, and it doesn’t hurt my neck. :P

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Last Answer : Cobra postures are helpful for back pain. I am also a big fan of cat stretches.

Description : Cold packs v. Heat packs for back and neck pain?

Last Answer : I think it depends (for me, anyway) on if there is inflammation involved. If the skin is hot and tender, I use a cold pack. For fresh injuries or irritations I also use a cold pack. Once the inflammation is ... I'm a heat junkie - it's hard for me to remember that cold might do a better job! :P

Description : What are good remedies to help get rid of severe neck pain?

Last Answer : Heating pad for 20 minutes, then package of frozen peas for twenty minutes. If that and time don’t alleviate it, he should see a doctor.

Description : How can I get rid of neck pain?

Last Answer : It’s hard to diagnose referred pain. You could have a nerve impingement elsewhere that is causing the pain where you feel it. If it’s interfering with the quality of your life I think you need to see a doctor.

Description : If I turn my neck a certain way ( not always the same way ) I get a shooting pain up into my skull. PAINFULL!

Last Answer : See a doctor…. seriously even with suggestions you might get here there is no telling what it could be 100% over the internet. I would see a doctor.

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Last Answer : Oooo I get them too but only when my head does a real sudden, sudden movement

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Last Answer : Cervical spondylosis is one of the leading causes of neck pain. Spondylosis is a degenerative condition and cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the cervical spine. Our spine consists of bones , ... the concern is when the pain lasts for more than 6 weeks and the patient loses weight.

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Last Answer : Neck pain is a very common problem. Neck pain can be caused by incorrect posture , arthritis, etc. If neck pain is more, you must consult a doctor. However, there are some home remedies that work ... Heat coconut oil or olive oil lightly and apply on the shoulders. Massage like this for 10 minutes.

Description : Pain in the neck or just pressing on the neck means pain when pressed with the hand. I massaged the oil, it didn't work, I ate a pain tablet, the pain didn't go away. ?

Last Answer : It is important to know the cause of the pain and to feel the discomfort (compressed pain or severe pain) under the head and neck. This discomfort is usually increased by moving the neck. Neck pain ... you should consult a doctor in the Department of Medicine. Do not take any medicine on your own.

Description : How long does it take for neck pain to get better ?

Last Answer : Even if it is low, it may take 3/2 days, but if it causes pain in the neck due to sleep disturbance, then apply mustard oil on the neck.

Description : whatsgood for neck pain?

Last Answer : In today’s modern day lifestyle, neck pain is becoming more prevalent in our population due to our posture from work or home life. Repetitive stress on important structures cause your body to ... Innervate Chiro in Brisbane. They provided the details of appointment and treatment to the clients.

Description : i have nausia all the time, it goes into my throat and i feel like i am going to throw up, i have had it off and on for 3 years, now i am getting it more and now it seems to stay with me. it makes me weak and i get neck pain and jaw pain with it.?

Last Answer : You are suffering from chronic nauseua. Because the symptoms are getting more severe, you must go see a doctor. Also,perhaps you should try getting rid of some foods in your current diet?

Description : Causes and Treatment of Neck Pain?

Last Answer : Neck pain is a common problem caused by prolonged stress on the muscles, tendons and bones found on the neck. There is the kind of pain you go through after a rough week at work, especially for people in ... of your neck pain. Undergo a checkup which will include an x-ray of the spine or a CT scan.

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Last Answer : Yes. Sharper Image and Brookstone have specialized pillows. Also, tempurpedic pillows will help your hudband. If his pain isn't helped, take him to a chiropracter.

Description : Neck Pain Causes?

Last Answer : There are several causes of neck pain; the good news is that most of them are easily remedied. Nothing can ruin your day more than waking up with an achy neck. The quickest way to eliminate this ... support at work. Make neck pain a thing of the past with a few adjustments to your daily routine.

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Last Answer : The medicine that should be used to eradicate neck pain is an anti-inflammatory. ibuprofen and aspirin can be used to ease the pain. Applying heat to the affected area can ease pain and discomfort. You should see your doctor if your pain gets worse.

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Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

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Last Answer : Correct Answer: 1) de Quervain’s thyroiditis

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Last Answer : Since everyones physiology and tolerance for both pain and pain medications is different, it is best to talk with your doctor. I have a pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder that flares up on occasion and ... baths, showers and massage helps a lot. I cope with Ibuprofin and a little marijuana at times.

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Last Answer : My aunt is a nurse and says pretty much the same thing. She says dehydration is a big cause of the headaches and a few glasses of water will help just as much.

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Last Answer : Any painkiller should take effect when it is digested andabsorbed within the stomach - between 15 and 30 minutes.

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Last Answer : Worked in the athletic and weight loss industry for most of my career. Even managed a store for a major supplement company. Never thought I’d suffer an injury but it happened. Tore my MCL and ... I highly recommend it. h ttp://15033105.cbdcream.hop.clickbank.net/?r=crm&tid = (remove spaces)

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Last Answer : You can find relief for sciatic nerve pain with surgery. There are some medicines that may work for you. The majority of relief is due to surgery. Your doctor will determine which is best for you.

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Last Answer : The best way to relieve gout pain is by applying heat and elevating. Also, eating better will help the blood flow to the area which helps get the disease out and helps make the patient healthier.

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Last Answer : If you are wondering what kind of methods that you can use to relieve sciatic nerve pain because your doctor told you that you have sciatica, then you should eat some pills.

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Last Answer : There are many causes for pain related to the sciatic nerve, located in the lower back and extending down to the foot on each side of the body. Sciatica is a general term for the ... these could be indicators of cancer, kidney damage, or other medical conditions that require immediate attention.

Description : Pain Relief?

Last Answer : form_title=Pain Relief form_header=Suffer no longer! Relieve the pain you've been experiencing with the treatment method right for you. Where are you experiencing pain?=_ Are you currently taking any prescribed medication ... experiencing pain?=_ Is your pain a result of an injury?= () Yes () No

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Last Answer : There is a variety of OTC products to relieve gas pain. Beano can be effective if you take it when you first begin your meal. Mylanta and Gas-X are also popular gas relief products. Not all ... if you are not finding any relief from these popular products, you may want to speak with your physician.