Could I buy a college degree legally?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is almost always legal to buy college degrees. Whether they are recognized is an entirely different case. If you're willing to shell out money for a degree, you might as well pay for a real course, whether it be a brick-and-mortar school or a correspondence course.

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Description : Can I buy a college degree and from where?

Last Answer : no it is not! that is not legal and can put you in jail! you can not buy a real degree. they can tell its a fake so you should go to collage and get a real one!

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Last Answer : I think it's illegal, and you can be prosecuted for the offense. But you can still ask the ministry.

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Last Answer : Why the heck not? It costs nothing and will get you out of your apartment and in contact with others. You will of course be older than most the other students. Do they offer evening courses?They ... Just don't expect to learn the meaning of life or anything that could be put to practical use.

Description : Do you need a college degree or be a student to take Microsoft Certification Exams?

Last Answer : Nope.

Description : Why do so many companies require a college degree for employment?

Last Answer : Because a college degree, even in Art History or English, shows a level of maturity in completing a long term project (one’s education) and that one has been exposed to ways of thinking and alternative ways of solving problems.

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Last Answer : It’s your field. In the Education field, there is unusual emphasis on education.

Description : Did you end up making any use out of your college degree?

Last Answer : answer:History degree - no direct use but in general, for my current position, I could not have this position without at least a Bachelor's, and it has taught me how to do research and write reports. I ... , so something like that would be fun. As a paid position, those jobs are few and far between.

Description : What do you think of the idea of allowing a person to get the equivalent of a college degree through certification tests?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds great to me. Why should someone whose daddy could afford university get a degree, when someone who worked in the field for years not have one? And we’re going to ignore my abysmal grammar today. I’m fighting a migraine and can’t focus on my writing.

Description : What are some careers to consider that do not require a college degree?

Last Answer : Property Management worked for me for years. Especially Commercial. (That's where the money is unless you live in Texas or Florida for some reason.) Entrepreneur- Start a business in something you have a ... move up to management and you will easily get to 30K plus insurance. I'm in California too.

Description : Is there a way to get a real and respected college degree for self-learning?

Last Answer : Not sure what you mean by a meaningless diploma mill degree . Do you mean that a degree from those schools is meaningless if you go a traditional route through their academic systems? It used to be ... said and done, why would they bother if you have not supported them and only taken free courses?

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Last Answer : The thing to understand is that once you ever give up, you will lose everything. So either fight on or lose all the chances you might have. However, this doesn’t apply for gamblers.

Description : Is there even a point to a college degree if there's no work available?

Last Answer : answer:Unfortunately, one point is lack of a BA degree is more a show-stopper. That doesn't mean you gained much from a BA because, let's face it, some pretty big morons have them. ... you want, by all means get whatever degree you fancy - whether astrophysics, literature, or basket weaving.

Description : Which college degree is more valuable?

Last Answer : BA in Psychology. There are lots of places that will not hire you with an AA, except for an administrative support position.

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Last Answer : Sometimes, and sometimes it is a right of passage. A document that says I can trust you (most of the time). Goes a long way. The school of hard knocks takes a bit longer then a degree. And, it will still not get you membership to the big game. Most of the time.

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Last Answer : I was a biochem major who switched to health (with a concentration in health care administration) for my senior year. I am currently a public health graduate student focusing on epidemiology. I work as a quality/data analyst in Neonatology at a large regional teaching hospital.

Description : I am very close to graduating a four year college, but I will come out with a Liberal Arts degree. I want to know if there is anyone else who has this degree and what kind of jobs you have had through the years?

Last Answer : You can stop worrying. Your degree is not that important in the real world. Your willingness to work hard and learn what you need to know is key. Pretty much the same is true for grad school, except they pay more attention to grades and test scores.

Description : What is the public perception of getting your college degree online?

Last Answer : I really think the public perception is shifting in regards to online degrees. It makes more sense for people especially for those who also work. And, more and more, bonifide schools offer on line courses. Our local junior college offers them on line and I’m sure many others do too.

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Last Answer : Mine is in a box somewhere. I left it when I moved with most of my other stuff six months ago. Some stuff was moved to to my sisters ex-husbands house. Some was moved into my mothers storage unit. I don ... a bed, pillows, sheets, blanket, desk, or chair. I got here on the 29th of December. (2008)

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Last Answer : Not really. It is a personal prerogative. I'm in grad school, and despite my feelings of grad school (don't get me started), I don't think anything I learned in college was pointless . I took art ... happy in her career now, and I doubt she would call it pointless. Its all in what you make it.

Description : Did you end up making any use out of your college degree?

Last Answer : Nope

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Last Answer : Music, art, theater. Seems that most people in those majors struggle to find adequate work

Description : What the highest degree possible in college and how many hours does it take?

Last Answer : These two articles may be useful….....but keep in mind variations of fields and geos.’highest’_degree

Description : ors who have a college degree and never used it, why?

Last Answer : Because im disabled

Description : From which college did Kazi Abdul Wadud get his MA degree ?

Last Answer : Calcutta Presidency College.

Last Answer : 1457 in Bangladesh Degree College There is

Description : what 2 choices do students seeking a degree at a community college generally have

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Do you really need a college degree to create a good survey?

Last Answer : No.Just a common sense and to be able to comprehend are needed to create a good survey . There are some college graduate that don't have common sense and struggle to comprehend.

Description : If given another chance, what degree would you have taken up in college?

Last Answer : If given another chance, I think I'll do engineering. Its was always fun connecting wires while I was still in high school. Actually, physics was one of my best subjects and at times I ... my country. You can always be guaranteed job within few months after your graduation unlike many other courses.

Description : How many elective courses does a college student typically have to take to ern a bachelor's degree A.6 B.15 C.18 D.2?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : How To Pick The Right College Degree Courses and Major?

Last Answer : For a person considering a college education, there is more toconsider than which college the student would like to attend. Astudent must also consider the degree programs the college offersand the ... arts school.No matter what type of college has been chosen, a student willeventually have to

Description : What college degree should I pursue if I am interested in marine biologist jobs?

Last Answer : A degree in Marine Biology would be a safe bet. A school by thesea might be best. Oregon state college offers a program. You canlearn more at -

Description : Can I earn a master's degree attending a community college?

Last Answer : For the most part you have to attend a university in order to obtain a masters degree. There are sometimes community colleges that offer onsite connections with other schools so if this is true for your area you may be able to go to your community college for a degree.

Description : Do I need a college degree to work at a bank?

Last Answer : No you don't. However, some positions may require you to have a degree, and your competition for a job, requiring a degree, may have one.

Description : Do I need a college degree to apply for a real estate license?

Last Answer : No you will not need a college degree. You will need to learn the state real estate laws however. Learn more at

Description : Can I earn a bachelor's degree through community college?

Last Answer : Yes you can. In most community colleges, they specialize in Bachelor's Degrees and do not offer some of the higher degrees.

Description : Do I need a college degree to get a mortgage broker license?

Last Answer : You do not need a college degree to get a mortgage broker license, however, the process you must go through is tedious. A mortgage broker must have a broad and extensive knowledge of local laws and a ... need a college degree, it's advised that you have a bit of legal experience with real estate.

Description : Would I be able to get my nursing degree at Wayne County Community College?

Last Answer : If the college offers the nursing program, then there will be a huge chance of you obtaining your nursing degree. focus and determination to finish the course is also needed. Yes, you can ... Community College. THere is also Graduates of the Nursing program for Applied Science degree in nursing.

Description : Does a college degree guarantee a successful career?

Last Answer : College degrees are no guarantee of a successful career. Indeed, they are no guarantee of a "career" at all. As a retired college professor, I have long argued that too many employers in the ... History, tend to rise further in a firm than the graduates with specialized degrees such as accounting.

Description : Who decides what is an accredited online college degree program?

Last Answer : There are several accrediting agencies or state approval agencies that are approved by the US Secretary of Education. It is these agencies that accredits all college programs.

Description : Is there a difference between a regionally accredited college degree program and a nationally accredited one?

Last Answer : A reginonally accreddited degree program is typically recognized only be the local reginoal accrediting agency in the area. A nationally accreddited program is recognized throughout the country.

Description : Does becoming a personal trainer require a college degree?

Last Answer : It is not necessary to have a college degree to become a personal trainer. A degree in exercise science would be a plus when applying for a personal training position.