What are the most useless college degree?

1 Answer

Answer :

Music, art, theater. Seems that most people in those majors struggle to find adequate work

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Last Answer : A tiny bit unclear, could you rephrase?

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Last Answer : answer:While de facto segregation still exists in many places, it is not inherent in the legal structure as it was before 1965. It used to be illegal to sell a house to minorities, and that ... all. People that grow up with diversity succeed much more than people who grow up in insular societies.

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Last Answer : answer:OK ok My now husband used to ask me the same thing when we were dating. The simple fact is I didn't think I was particularly interesting as a person, and would rather hear about his day, and ... . Believe me, it's a lot easier than remedying the opposite problem. ^_^ Best of luck, love.

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Last Answer : There has been a movement to get rid of the penny for a while. You are not alone in wanting rid of them. I think for now I am still on the side of wanting to keep the penny.

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Last Answer : I was unaware that during childbirth, sometimes women will shit and piss while pushing…....No one says anything about that, but it totally makes sense. Geezus christ…......

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Last Answer : I’d cram my brain full of engineering knowledge, languages, and motor vehicle repair skills.

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Last Answer : I can turn my left eye inwards independent of my right.

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Last Answer : If they can overhear morse code, they will hear telephone conversations. I remember when I was a young teen, delivering newspapers on wet mornings, I could stand next to a certain telephone pole, and actually ... for 33 years, I will tell you I still don't understand how that happened, but it did.

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Last Answer : yes. Worrying means that you have concern about something.

Description : What inventions do you find useless or pretty much superfluous?

Last Answer : answer:Nearly every invention is useless until you have a need for it. If you never broke your hand by wrapping a dog's leash around it, why would you want a retractable one? However, if you have ... a waste of money they are - except for the hundreds of people whose life have been saved by them.

Description : I can't make myself focus on anything productive right now. It's useless. What do you do when you feel like this?

Last Answer : answer:Walk away from whatever you’re doing. Trying to force it will make it worse. Go for a walk/run outside. Have some tea. Read a book, watch some TV, take your mind off of things. Recharge yourself with a shower/bath or nap. Listen to relaxing music. Do some sketching/doodling. Cook something!

Description : Useless, ridiculous or wasted slogans - got one in mind?

Last Answer : Sarah Palin for President.

Description : What is a nugget of useless information that you can share?

Last Answer : I think sperm travels at 27 or 35 mph. I refuse to go look up which it is.

Description : My s/o acts like medicinals I order are silly, useless and won't consider any of them.Why?

Last Answer : Why isn’t this an issue you can resolve? You like them and believe in them, he doesn’t. Neither of you has to convince the other of anything; just let it be. If you can’t agree to disagree on such a seemingly trivial issue, what’s really going on?

Description : How do I hook up this useless Wii to my LED tv?

Last Answer : You can get component cables for $30.00 from Nintendo or cheaper if you get another brand (if your tv has component jacks).

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Last Answer : Cellphone with no battery and a pair of ski gloves.

Description : If something is totally up to chance, is the result then not useless?

Last Answer : No. There are mathematical models that rely upon chance to derive the solution The Monte Carlo method is used to solve all sorts of problems too complex to derive. It is used in finance to evaluate the ... be used to stress test a building structure or even figure out the area of a complex shape.

Description : What would you consider a good idea for a useless "supernormal" skill or ability?

Last Answer : I can write backwards, with perfect cursive penmanship—an utterly useless and meaningless skill.

Description : What to do when you feel useless?

Last Answer : Too little info. How old are you, job, college, ever been treated for a mental condition? Where do you live? Could you have a pet? Do you have family close?

Description : Clear the useless humans from the genepool?

Last Answer : Sounds pretty barbaric to me.

Description : What is the most useless present you ever received?

Last Answer : i got a calender for Christmas.the calender was for that year.with 6 days left woohoo. :/

Description : Why do we collect useless things?

Last Answer : Your list seems to be somewhat meaningful. I end up collecting' things that might be of use someday and old pipe, a rotting sheet of plywood, dead grass in bags, old brown T-shirts. I guess ... today. I collect things that are seemling useless but might be of practical use later. Hope this helps!

Description : What is your favourite random, mostly useless, fact?

Last Answer : Honey, apparently, does not rot. And gold does not rust. The more you know.