My dog is allergic to grass. Now what?

1 Answer

Answer :

If he is allergic to grass, then the most obvious answer is to keep him away from it. Consult your local vet about getting him medicine to possibly treat it as soon as possible

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Last Answer : You can give your dog benadryl, but this is the best homeopathic remedy:

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Last Answer : Other symptoms of Allergies include sneezing, itchy eyes and nose, rashes, sometimes nausea, increased congestion of the nose and sinuses (which may also include nasal discharge). If the symptoms ... home. If symptoms continue or worsen you should check with your physician for possible testing.

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Last Answer : answer:Two possible options: There are pills at pet stores that work if fed regularly. Also reports have shown some success with adding ketchup to diet. Both neutralize the urine so that it does not burn the grass

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Last Answer : There's a lot of speculation about why dogs eat grass. Among them are such explanations as help for an upset stomach, missing greens, they like the taste and more.But no one knows why for sure. ... have your dog examined by a vet to make sure there are no underlying medical reasons for the problem.

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Last Answer : This is normal. This cleanses the intestines. Sometimes cats do it too.

Description : Is it normal for a dog to eat grass? I looked like an apparition.

Last Answer : Not only a dog, but also a cat. It helps them to digest better and it is often said that when a dog eats grass, it will rain :)

Description : How To Provide Beneficial Results For Your Pet By Using Synthetic Grass In Their Dog Run Area?

Last Answer : When you have a dog run area, synthetic grass makes a greatalternative to cement or natural grass. Cement can become cold andhard on your dogs paws and body. Many older dogs ... grass. This product isavailable at your local home improvement stores, gardening centersand through online retailers.St

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Last Answer : You can buy a product called Dog Rocks and put it in your dogs bowl. It helps neutralize the acid content in the dogs urine and the spots in the grass should stop being so noticable.

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Last Answer : (a) Deer Rabbit Frog Rat

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Last Answer : answer:My only allergic reaction ever was to these damn things. No rhyme or reason. Only thing I have ever been allergic too. Could be that all the chocolate milk providers get the chocolate part from the same provider.

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Last Answer : answer:Gold. Gold is the least reactive metal with skin. My sister gets rashes from silver, and i know lots of people who get a rash from copper. A gold wedding band isn’t that expensive, really.

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Last Answer : I have been wondering the same thing! For me it is food, rather than skin, and airborne stuff. I have been putting off having an allergy test, mostly because I worry that if I am allergic suddenly to multiple ... . I will if you will. I will be watching to see what others have to say on the matter.

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Last Answer : answer:A lot of it depends on how many other allergens you're exposed to at the same time. For example, I got a nasty bug bite on my foot a few weeks ago. I swelled up so I couldn't put ... band aid on my foot. So this means my limb was extra sensitive to any possible allergens because of that bite.

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Last Answer : answer:The Environmental Working Group is your go-to place for this info. They vet 1000’s of products yearly.

Description : Allergic reaction to hand soap or just dry skin?

Last Answer : Yes it could be due to the hand soap. The skin on the palms are thick so they are more resistant to irritants, hence the redness or rashes appear behind the hands and between the fingers. ... Wear gloves when going outside in cold weather or when you are washing dishes.Try using Cetaphil Cleanser.

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Last Answer : From what I understand bed bugs are very difficult to get rid of. You need the whole house fumigated probably. I have heard that some people spray and also buy all new mattresses.

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Last Answer : answer:There are ways to mitigate it, but the school's response is certainly a normal and reasonable one. Consider the alternative. They allow nuts in the school. The allergic kid is exposed to some ... school KNEW of the problem, COULD HAVE addressed it, and didn't. Peanuts are not a necessity.

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Last Answer : Only if she invites you to dinner.

Description : I'm allergic to isopropyl alcohol. Do you think I can still get my ears pierced?

Last Answer : answer:I wonder if you could use peroxide or betadine (though that would stain) instead of alcohol when you get the piercing. Maybe have it done at a doctor's office? Afterward, you ... strong can irritate the piercing. A mild, fragrance-free liquid soap-preferably anti-microbial or germicidal.

Description : If you are allergic to something like peanut butter, does it make you nervous just seeing the product?

Last Answer : I have no allergies fortunately, but as I am a type 1 diabetic I do want to set fire to Krispy Kreme every time I walk past. Dude, no one needs to consume that much sugar, ever.

Description : Are you, or is someone close to you, allergic to insect bites or stings?

Last Answer : I have suffered from black fly bites; they itched for weeks and remain red and raised. But I am not officially allergic, just sensitive.

Description : Is this an allergic reaction or something else? [Please read details.]?

Last Answer : I think your PCP can run a blood test for allergies. They should be able to help you narrow it down and figure out who to see (if anyone other than them).

Description : What foods are you and your children allergic to?

Last Answer : I am allergic to oatmeal.

Description : Does an allergy to isopropyl alcohol mean anything about my chances of being allergic to alcoholic beverages?

Last Answer : Pretty much the same name. I wouldn’t worry. I know this because I looked into getting drunk from rubbing alcohol.

Description : I just got stung by a wasp, I believe, on the inner corner of my lower left eyelid, about 3 minutes ago. I'm not a allergic but is there something I can do to keep the swelling down so I don't look like the Elephant Man tomorrow?

Last Answer : answer:Aw! Nothing as far as I know. It’s been years since I’ve been stung, but it seems to me the swelling only lasts for a few hours. Poor baby!

Description : Can spring allergies cause "allergic asthma"?

Last Answer : Allergic asthma can be triggered by mold allergies as well as pollen. It’s a good idea to see a doctor for relief. It may be a combination of an inhaler and medication.

Description : What are you allergic to?

Last Answer : I’m going to give the same answer to this as I always do…...Pain! :¬(

Description : Am I having an allergic reaction to my makeup and brushes?

Last Answer : answer:I would give your face a break for a few days. Try a gentle cleanser and lotion, like Cetaphil.You could also apply a hydrocortisone cream to calm the inflamation. If your skin hasn't ... your breakout's done, you can isolate and figure out what the problem is. Try new brushes first.

Description : Am I allergic to something? Why does my tongue hurt so often?

Last Answer : answer:My wife used to get mouth sores until she started taking an L-Lysine supplement.

Description : Is there a way to detox after having an allergic reaction to food?

Last Answer : don’t eat for a day or two, that helps.

Description : Can someone who is allergic to with a cat?

Last Answer : You could stay in your room most of the time, but you’d still have to deal with the allergy. I’d suggest you keep looking for a cat-free place.

Description : Are you allergic to anything?

Last Answer : I'm allergic to the usual dust, mold, mildew. Grass. When I was a kid I always had a skin reaction to acidic foods like grapefruits or tomato. I'm not sure if I still do, because having never ... the Great Lakes, so sinus issues are rampant - that's about the only way that my allergies affect me.

Description : Can animals be allergic to other animals?

Last Answer : My cat is allergic to dirty dogs. She’ll sneeze. Clean dogs don’t seem to bother her. She has the same symptoms as me.