What is the best brand of nice underwear for pregnant women?

1 Answer

Answer :

The best brand of under wear for women is "Bare Necessities." They carry an entire line of maternity undies that will take you from day one through month nine. They also earn points for being comfortable, affordable, and easy to find. They are available both on the web and in almost every department store nationwide. Bare necessities is a name you can trust, and may already be very familiar with.

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Last Answer : I wash all children’s clothes before they wear them.

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Last Answer : Gridles are not safe for pregnant women you do not want to apply any kind of pressure onto your stomach as it could harm your baby.

Description : How many stores do you shop in where you can buy underwear, bicycles, and fresh celery? and pay for them all in a single transaction?

Last Answer : Target. I was just there ten minutes ago buying butter, a welcome matt, aluminum foil, and a dog toy. I have no problem with them so long as they carry quality stuff.

Description : Are you supposed to wear normal underwear under thermal underwear? Or are they underwear?

Last Answer : Wear regular underwear under the thermals. Thermals are called “underwear” because one wears them under shirts and pants.

Description : What is the longest you could wear underwear, before you felt uncomfortable?

Last Answer : I’ve not been in the shit like you have by any means and I don’t pretend to understand what you went through. I can say, though that I’m good for about 48 hours backpacking before I change and wash the other pair in the stream.

Description : What are the dangers of wearing wet underwear?

Last Answer : answer:No, it won't damage your testicles, and it won't hurt unless extremely cold. I wore river rafting shorts with a mesh liner during daylight for three days in Hawaii, jumping into the water (both salt and ... efficiently when worn. If it is damp at 10 a.m., it will still be damp at dinner time.

Description : Ladies: Have you tried boy shorts underwear?

Last Answer : I find they tend to become too loose as the day goes by. It’s really uncomfortable to have your knickers shifting around all over the place under your clothes.

Description : Men: if you look at a woman's ass do you always know what type of underwear she has on?

Last Answer : answer:Nomenclature question - what is Spanx? Never heard of it. I'm male. I do not go out of my way to look, nor do I tend to notice what sort of underwear a woman has. About the only way I ever ... I notice if women are braless or not-- that's a whole different story. I'm fairly good at that :-)

Description : Can you help me understand why talking about underwear seems to make some people uncomfortable?

Last Answer : Is she from the States or not? Cause the only thing I can think in your description is you made yourself look cooler than her because you are more traveled.

Description : What underwear does one wear when wearing leggings as pants?

Last Answer : I would just wear whatever underwear you currently own, @Hypocrisy_Central.

Description : This may be strange, but am I the only person who gets happy when purchasIng underwear?

Last Answer : Oh, shoot. You had my hopes up, and then dashed them: You’re happy when you buy underwear. I thought you were happy when I bought underwear.

Description : School wants 3 years old to wear regular underwear?

Last Answer : Trust me, they all say that and trust me more that all their kids aren’t potty-trained. I’d say your kid is doing quite well and you should just let them know he is potty trained and if pees or poops, just tell them he’s having an adjustment issue…it’s not like they’ll force you to take him back.

Description : What happened to the makeshift underwear during my surgery?

Last Answer : They probably took it off and catheterized you once you were out. In a 7 hour surgery, you are probably going to pee, and it is easier to collect it in a nice little bag than to have to mop it up.

Description : Is this an 'old wives tale' about underwear or has this happened to you?

Last Answer : My mother fulminated against using a safety pin to repair a bra strap. I have had to be rushed to the ER only once in my life and I was wearing clean underwear, shorts and a T. I certainly didn’t care, given the state I was in.

Description : What do you think of the male about house in his underwear myth?

Last Answer : My ex husband did. He also peed off the back deck. I don’t know why. He is my ex.

Description : What's your chosen style of underwear?

Last Answer : I’m a thong/g-string girl!

Description : Did you know that today is National Underwear Day?

Last Answer : Ah, is that today? To celebrate the occasion I will wear some.

Description : What are great underwear for t-shirt and low jeans?

Last Answer : Have you considered going to a clothing store?

Description : What colour underwear are you wearing today?

Last Answer : Pink, green and blue striped :D

Description : How long do you wear a pair of underwear for?

Last Answer : One day max. Point Blank. I am female and it just feels gross to wear underwear for too long.

Description : How do you organize your underwear/pants in the closet?

Last Answer : Put a small dresser (nightstand-like) in the closet.

Description : Tips for making sure my underwear is clean when I die?

Last Answer : They won’t be. Your body relaxes when you die. Your bodily functions let go.

Description : Tips for dying my underwear.

Last Answer : answer:Wash them with a red sweater or sock. (Did you want pink undies?)

Description : Have any of you ever wore edible underwear?

Last Answer : It tastes like ass ;D

Description : Why are underwear and shorts, shirts, & pants seams on the inside where they can rub against you?

Last Answer : It’s better today than it was. You can at least find underwear that is seamless.

Description : What underwear provides proper moisture control?

Last Answer : You can wear wicking underwear. It is usually sold at hiking or outdoor stores. Try REI.com or another outdoor store or website. I wear them when hiking or exercising, but I don’t see why you couldn’t wear them every day.

Description : How old is too old in a child for parents to walk around in underwear?

Last Answer : I don’t see any problem with that. My young children have seen me and their mother naked. We go swimming naked in a lake every summer, all four of us. And we regularly soak in a hot tub naked too. To be seen in underwear then is, for me, totally harmless.

Description : Why do they call it "commando" when a person doesn't wear underwear?

Last Answer : My guess is that military dudes “sans briefs” in a hot sweaty jungle started it.

Description : Bras and underwear: do your's ever match?

Last Answer : I wear an undershirt, teddy or camisole, never a bra and I my underwear almost never matches, but when it does, I do kind of feel a little better, don’t know why. And that’s my answer.

Description : Why does my dog find my underwear the most supreme thing to chew on?

Last Answer : It smells good to the dog. My dog always steals mine.

Description : If you were really cold, would you trust battery-operated electric underwear?

Last Answer : I’d have to be pretty damn cold to let a contraption like battery powered underwear near my junk.

Description : When men wear womens underwear, is this actuality or reality?

Last Answer : When they actually wear them, that’s reality. When they’re only fantasizing about wearing them, it’s not reality.

Description : You know when you are in the Airport and they ask you to take off your shoes, do you, with the underwear...

Last Answer : probs laugh id imagine but they might be a little funny about it with it being a public place and all. and it is totally unhygenic.

Description : How do you handle underwear when it shows a skid mark?

Last Answer : with a pair of tongs

Description : Anyone have suggestions to transition a 4-year old boy from night time pullups to underwear for bed?

Last Answer : I've always gone by the three dry nights rule as well. Boys, in general, take a bit longer to stay dry at night. There are other things you can do to help him stay dry. Limit fluid intake in ... him time to mature a bit more. If you do have concerns about it, talk to the pediatrician. Good luck!

Description : Why do we need to wear underwear?

Last Answer : No one needs to, it's just that extra layer between you and the outside world. And trust me, I've gotten skin caught in a zipper before and there are certain parts of my skin I'd NEVER want to get caught in a ... wrong if I don't wear them. But there's no law I say do what feels right to you.

Description : Any funny lines this Christmas morning? Red Satan Underwear?

Last Answer : @srmorgan…. that is funny!!! lol Bless his heart. merry christmas.

Description : Do girls HONESTLY feel embarrassed when their thong/underwear shows?

Last Answer : If I’m bending down by accident, I’m not embarassed but I’d make sure it wouldn’t happen again. The only person that can see my undies is me! And my significant other. Plus I don’t wear pants that low for that to happen. :)

Description : When you are out and about, do you ever not wear underwear?

Last Answer : Sometimes I don't. I used to live right in downtown Santa Cruz. We would get stoned (or just be really tired) and want a burrito from the place a block away. Or fries from the burger joint or ... into anything else than what we were already wearing. So, I'd usually be sans bra and sans panties.

Description : Girls do you actually LIKE to wear thong underwear?

Last Answer : No really – it’s great, that feeling of the perpetual wedgie. And just for the record, no woman HAS to wear a thong nor do I understand why she would feel like she HAS to.

Description : Wearing Jeans so low most of your underwear shows?

Last Answer : I’m sure a lot of people hold the same opinion you do, maybe even most people. The way I tried to explain it to my mom when she criticized me for letting my underwear show is this: “It’s not like they were looking at my butt crack. That’s what I wear underpants for!”

Description : Yiddish word for underwear that rhymes w. latkes?

Last Answer : My grandmother always used to called them "Gatchkes" or "Gatches". "Gatchkes" clearly rhymes with "latkes" so let's go with that.

Description : How would I make my own mormon underwear?

Last Answer : I believe the Mormons would rather have you not make replicas of their underwear. But you probably know that. With that said, I think they're made of linen. You could probably embroider your own designs--or you might know what the designs look like already.

Description : Where in the Bay Area can I buy natural-fiber underwear and socks?

Last Answer : Doesn't American Apparel sell organic underwear?

Description : What's the point of underwear?

Last Answer : answer:You clearly don’t have a vagina. There’s an argument to be made that underwear is redundant for men, but redundancy isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Think about how many times you’ve left your fly unzipped.

Description : Have you ever taken underwear straight out of the dryer, put it on, and said to yourself, "Dang, this feels REALLY good!"?

Last Answer : Everyday man!!!!

Description : There is a clothing store in Bartlesville. The owner has devised his own method of pricing items. A vest costs $20, socks cost $25, a tie costs $15 and a blouse costs $30. Using the method, how much would a pair of underwear cost? -Riddles

Last Answer : $45. The pricing method consists of charging $5 for each letter required to spell the item.

Description : A new clothing store has a unique method of pricing items. A vest costs $20, a tie costs $15, a blouse costs $30, and underwear costs $45. How much would pants cost? -Riddles

Last Answer : $25. The pricing method charges $5 for each letter needed to spell the item.

Description : Who is a person who sells sock and underwear?

Last Answer : Who is a person u sells sock and underwear?

Description : Can boys get any kind of disease due to underwear ?

Last Answer : If you wear it for a long time, it can cause skin diseases like scabies , dandruff etc.