How do we smile?

1 Answer

Answer :

How do we smile is often an asked question. We smile because weare happy. The way we smile is in our mouths, we have a series ofmuscles. Facial ones. When we are happy our brains control themuscles to pull the apart and up towards the nose and slightly downtowards the chin. Our lips are soft and wet and when we smile weshow our pearl like teeth. - Dr. John Abraham

Related questions

Description : Why do we always smile in photographs?

Last Answer : answer:I dislike posed pictures. I generally make a face in them like sticking my tongue out. :P Natural shots are the preference for me.

Description : We are a pair, We can dart here and there, Though we always stay in one place. We can smile or shed tears, Show our pleasure or fears, And you'll find us on everyone's face.What are we? -Riddles

Last Answer : Two eyes.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Dentist don't do pro bono unless they are doing it as part of a community service event. You can try calling the American Dental Association and ask them if they have any events upcoming in your area.

Description : What sounds make you smile when you hear them?

Last Answer : People genuinely singing, no matter if they’re good or bad.

Description : Need A Smile?

Last Answer : It was a cute video,thanks @LadyMarissa .

Description : Is the curved arrow on the Amazon logo supposed to be a smile?

Last Answer : I think it’s a graphic that they made to remind people of a smile.

Description : On a lighter note. Can you give me something that happened recently that made you smile?

Last Answer : The other day I walked into the kitchen about the time my 4½ year old grandson was putting down his glass. He had big smile on his face and he loudly exclaimed Ahhhhhh, I love women! I looked over ... lemon . I told her she might want to work on diction with him before he starts school next year.

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Last Answer : Maybe they made eye contact? I don't always smile at people when I make eye contact in the hallway but that could depend on a lot of things, and none of it means I don't like the person. I ... smile if we make eye contact. If you had made eye contact with him he probably would have smiled at you.

Description : Name something that made you smile today!

Last Answer : I smile every time Mrs Squeeky smiles.

Description : Will Melania smile at Donald's funeral?

Last Answer : Everyone will smile at his funeral.

Description : If there are times when you don't dare smile, what are they?

Last Answer : At a funeral during the service. Occasionally, a eulogist will make a humorous remark and then it is ok to smile or chuckle but generally appropriate to be somber. At the funeral repast after, humor is ... When being a defendant in a court of law. Otherwise, I smile at people all day most days.

Description : If you half smile, do your lips twitch a bit?

Last Answer : I’ve had Bell’s palsy three times. It can be something serious. If you can, get a second opinion.

Description : Why does Hillary Clinton smile when a normal person should frown?

Last Answer : She’s amused by just how ridiculous Trump sounds. I’d be smiling too.

Description : How can I learn to smile pretty?

Last Answer : Smile from the heart, sincere and without spite and ill will. That is the prettiest smile you can have.

Description : How often do you smile at people?

Last Answer : Lots. I smile often. I like people and I'm a warm, friendly person. I'm happy with my life and even if I'm not, smiling can make you feel better anyway. As you experienced, giving someone a smile ... day. Who knows what they're going through right at that moment. It costs nothing. It can mean a lot.

Description : How often do you smile when you're in public situations?

Last Answer : Just relax, look at people and smile. You’ll get tons of smiles back.

Description : Have you heard that when sleeping infants smile it's just gas? What do you think causes it?

Last Answer : Lack of control over their facial muscles at that age.

Description : I went to get my license renewed, and I wasn't even allowed to smile in my picture this time. How else has Obama ruined this country?

Last Answer : It’s the facial recognition software. Our faces are being cataloged to help with counter-terrorism I believe.

Description : What made you smile today?

Last Answer : I made some special peoples day. Any more than that is classified.

Description : What do you suppose they're all saying to each other as they laugh and smile and shake hands after the debates?

Last Answer : Who knows, who cares? It is impossible to even speculate short of a hidden microphone. ;-)

Description : What would you have us buy to elicit a smile?

Last Answer : Well, my small item is very laughable, and I am sure you all would have some fun seeing it, but I am most definitely not going to post pics of it.

Description : Care to share poetry that makes you smile because it's fun?

Last Answer : I think I was inspired by the fact that I had oysters for supper.

Description : What makes you smile?

Last Answer : Facial Muscles. ;)

Description : When you are down do you just wait for it to pass or do you try to change how you feel and put the smile back on your face?

Last Answer : I don’t sit on my ass whining and moping. I get up and do something about it.;) It helps to get some exercise,see friends,volunteer for something. Get outside yourself

Description : Is it weird to walk by people pretty much anywhere, look at them, and smile when you're walking by?

Last Answer : answer:I do it all the time… I love smiling at people, it brings joy to the world :D

Description : What made you smile today from ear to ear?

Last Answer : My friend called me Betty Crocker today. I smiled and threw a pie in her face

Description : What have you purchased or came across that made you smile all day, in a silly way?

Last Answer : Pop-Rocks and Silly String put me in a very goofy mood! That stuff cracks me up!

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Last Answer : answer:Smile, talk to, make jokes at of course! I LOVE people! I love to experiment with interplay, see who's open, who's not. ' Strangers are just friends whom you havn't met yet.' It's all ... s where my gifts come in. lol Nothing brings me more pleasure than getting a closed person to open a bit.

Description : What would put a smile upon your face?

Last Answer : answer:I smile all the time because I have enough reasons to be smiling. Not to mention that in my hometown people smile on the street [ around 80% of them ] There are plenty thing that make me smile :P

Description : What things have your child(ren) said or done to make you smile?

Last Answer : um, i dont have kids( im not old enough to have em) but there are times when my 2 year old baby sister says don’t cry and sorry. she sounds and looks sooooo cute and adorable when she says those things and i feel very proud to be her elder sister.

Description : What little thing made you smile today?

Last Answer : answer:I put this up on Facebook. My Mom made one of those ceramic Christmas trees with the colored bulbs (that you would put in all the tiny holes around the tree) and she would bring it out every year. I ... that had one and that they wanted to give it to me. Made me smile and cry like a baby.

Description : What can you see in the room you're now in that makes you smile?

Last Answer : answer:Stubby the cow. A fat little stuffed animal that sits on top of my computer. I originally gave him to my now-deceased sister when she was sick, and she loved him. Seeing him now makes me think of her and smile.

Description : What are some cartoons, characters, or dolls that smile all the time?

Last Answer : The Cookie Monster likes to smile, so I could just imagen if he’d still smile without the cookie. :D

Description : Did you just smile? No? Well what has made you smile recently, sourpuss?

Last Answer : Seconds ago my dog just wandered up to me, sat down & gave me that double high five paw thing. Aww, methinks she wants to go walkies.

Description : It's easier to smile than to frown by about 14 muscles, but is it easier to love than to hate?

Last Answer : answer:@zenele Just to let you know this was asked 4 days ago. Beetroot and cooked celery for me.

Description : What is a thought that makes you smile, no matter how many times you think it?

Last Answer : Knowing somebody loves me to death and will marry me one day :)

Description : What unusual graffiti or objects or whatever, have you seen while walking around, that made you smile?

Last Answer : Banksy recently hit the Mission in SF. I feel so honored!

Description : Can your smile/laugh really causes wrinkle on your face?

Last Answer : Have you seen Clint Eastwood’s face? I don’t think he smiles much and he is and has been totally wrinkled.

Description : Is there anything making you smile?

Last Answer : No ass pain! Yay!!!lol

Description : How do you interpret a five to ten minute stare, followed by an awkward smile?

Last Answer : answer:“I want to cut your face off and dance around my house wearing it as a mask.” Otherwise, “You are gorgeous, and fascinate me.”

Description : What is your view on tomorrow? Do you fear it, ignore it or smile at it?

Last Answer : I’ve lived in the past for too long. It is too depressing. I am finally happy living in the moment and I look forward to each new day that I am allowed to live.

Description : When (and why) did people start saying "Smile!" for pictures?

Last Answer : It’s a lot better than “Stick out your tongue and say ‘AaaH!’” Most folks look nicer when they smile too. Looks friendlier as well.

Description : What causes a person to smile and nod when someone insults them?

Last Answer : Uhhhmmm, do you have a bow and arrow?

Description : Do you have a reason to smile today?

Last Answer : Sure. I got some good news (best news that I’ve heard in awhile), yesterday and I’m starting to feel better.

Description : How do you smile?

Last Answer : My friends who are international students feel the need to document many, many moments, so I have to smile on command a lot. I just do a regular smile, showing my teeth, BUT I have this weird gap between my ... too bad. I try to remember not to do that when I'm taking some kind of important shot.

Description : What makes you not want to smile?

Last Answer : Not having AB land! But this too shall pass! We will make it through this TOGETHER and AS A TEAM Bangin!!! Honest! Just hold our hands and give a BIG OL’ (((HUG))) every now and again!!!!! Love ya girl!!

Description : What is your reaction to total strangers when they say "smile!"?

Last Answer : I hate when anyone tells me to smile. I just snapped at a guy a couple days ago for doing this. To me, it is so patronizing. The person is saying, There is something wrong with you, and you should ... my biggest pet peeves. It makes me so angry. Just the idea of this makes me shudder in rage. Grrr

Description : Can you affectionately smile at yourself in the mirror?

Last Answer : When I look in the mirror I see vanity. When I look at my shoes I find humility.

Description : Why do my eyes water thinking about it or when i smile?

Last Answer : You’re emotional. I’m the same way. Whenever my children do something adorable, when my husband says something loving or when someone wins on The Price is Right my eyes start to water. Sensitivity at it’s best! Welcome to the club!