What is 1.31 billion in standard form?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is 1.31*10^9 in standard form or scientific notation

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Last Answer : It is 2.83*10^9 in standard form or scientific notation

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Last Answer : 4000000000 + 500000000 + 80000000

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Last Answer : (b) 4.6 billion years ago

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Last Answer : In the words of the old Jewish joke, “It couldn’t hurt!”

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Last Answer : Only with a semi-automatic. And the other guy starts.

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Last Answer : Pee pee tapes, and multiple payments for his mistresses to abort his illegitimate children.

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Last Answer : Yes, how else can I help the families of those people who died because of trump?

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Last Answer : Well, what were the odds of my first cousin winning a 90 million Powerball? In fact, what were the odds of me even being born? I say it’s worth the risk.

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Last Answer : Check with your local Better Business Bureau, if you have one.

Description : According to you, is the world violent because there are 7,5 billion people?

Last Answer : You seem to be making a supposition that the world is violent (first), and then that the cause of that violence is the increasing human population of the planet. In the first place, that ... generally does, and it's certainly not perfect, either! - to support the populations of the planet.

Description : In a planet with 7 billion people, how can it be possible to know all the person like ourselves?

Last Answer : Why would someone even have it as a goal to know all the people like ourselves? Seems impossible, impractical and perhaps even undesirable or upsetting, as there's only so much time and attention I ... and forming friendships much more likely. Also the choice of place and how we spend our time.

Description : Why did the senate pass $80 billion increase in military spending in September?

Last Answer : Because a select few with a lot of pull will get even more wealthy from this increase.

Description : Which is the better long term national investment? $12 billion in aid for Houston and hurricane repairs? Or $12 billion to build a wall separating the US from Mexico?

Last Answer : Aren’t you going to need the Mexicans to do the actual rebuilding? No point building a wall yet.

Description : During the Super Bowl a billion or so chicken wings are sold what happens to the rest of the chicken parts?

Last Answer : I suppose they get sold as chicken breasts and drumsticks. Nothing profitable gets wasted.

Description : Do you agree that winning over a billion dollars in the lotto could have disastrous consequences?

Last Answer : Not for me it wouldn’t. I don’t have a ton of friends and I’d gladly help my family because they have all helped me over the years. I would love to have money for much needed dental work and not have to count every penny I spend when I grocery shop.

Description : Have you heard that the Texas rejection of Obamacare will cost the state one hundred billion dollars in federal Medicaid money?

Last Answer : answer:Texans have shown that ideology (radical right wing) is more important to them than serving citizens or saving money. The way I see it, they're so full of themselves they could care less ... when Houston has floods and the governor asks from FEMA help. Then they like the federal government.)

Description : How could Bill Gates donate $30 billion dollars to charity and still come out richer?

Last Answer : Source?

Description : Is there anything else our government could better spend $4 Billion on other than the NSA's new data center?

Last Answer : ~They can give it to me.

Description : One billion women rising today - What effects will the campaign have?

Last Answer : answer:It seems like a good idea and normally I would support the campaign, although since it refers back to Todd Akin misspeaking, it appears politically-motivated to me, so for that reason I will not ... . However, it's a great cause that certainly needs more attention, as I know all too well.

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Last Answer : A lot of terran animals are intelligent. And many of those are sentient. Think elephants, dolphins, nonhuman apes, dogs. We do not know if and how many of the dinos were sentient, but I ... will only arise if the evolutionary pressure pushes them in that direction, which is almost never the case.

Description : Turns out our privately run healthcare system is wasting $750 billion a year, how do the politicians frame that?

Last Answer : answer:I think few politicians other than Bill Clinton would dare attempt to frame it. No. That's not true. Republicans would frame it, but they would lie. I'm not sure how, but ... ample evidence to suggest politicians are right in believing the electorate has only enough attention for sound bites.

Description : What happened 14 billion years ago?

Last Answer : It expanded into nothingnes, creating somethingness.

Description : $19 Billion dollars unemployment overpayments? What gives? (inside).

Last Answer : I haven’t read the article or looked into it yet, but just to keep things in perspective: $19.7 billion is about .04 percent of 2011’s federal budget (if I did that right). (Translating large dollar amounts into percentages is a habit of mine when we are discussing this stuff.)

Description : Oops - I can't find my client's 1 BILLION dollars. How stupid do you think we are - Jon?

Last Answer : Sadly he has enough money that he will never see the inside of a jail cell if he truly is guilty. If he is not guilty then there is a chance he will blow it during his trial by spouting off ... else. One things for sure in my book, any politician with that kind of money is guilty of something.

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Last Answer : I’ve never counted.

Description : With the global overpopulation explosion (now 7 billion humans on Earth), I wonder why anybody would ever have more than 1 child?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll have to go with the same answer as the other question because they want to (personal answer that could be different for anyone) or believe they must (internal and/or external pressures). What ought they/we do? That’s the big issue.

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Last Answer : Dunno, does cold fusion count?

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Last Answer : answer:One cannot subscribe an age to the universe because the universe itself exist outside the realm of Time… Infact time can only exist where there is limitations and containment as in this present earth. An everything which this age consist of has its origin without Time.

Description : We have a deal! No Government shutdown! Was $38.5 Billion in budget cuts enough?

Last Answer : Enough for what? For the poor and the unhealthy and to get screwed – yes!

Description : If AT&T is buying T-Mobile for $39 billion dollars, will the T-Mobile customers be given a new AT&T cellphone?

Last Answer : answer:I doubt it. If I’ve learned one thing from being an AT&T customer for the past 6 years, it’s that they like it (and you) most when you are giving them money. I assume that your current T-Mobile phone will continue to work but that they will not be sold or worked on after the company purchase.

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Last Answer : As I have stated in the past. There has always been a Universe and there will always be one.

Description : Are huge food recalls (like 1/2 billion eggs and a million pounds of ground beef) avoidable?

Last Answer : answer:Because the people that run American companies are short-term profit -oriented. Because their profit motive conflicts with a health motive. Because there are not enough inspectors to make them.

Description : How come the US government can't do more for schools when they have 58 billion for 2 failing wars?

Last Answer : prioities

Description : Feeding more than 8 billion people - how serious is the phosphorus depletion problem?

Last Answer : answer:Hmmm, that could be serious. But most likely, it will result in gradually reduced crop output, and thus higher prices for certain food items. No resource just stops cold instantly, so there ... rubber ceased to be sufficient to meet the growing demand of civilization (and World War 2).

Description : How can the United States be $19 billion dollars in debt in the National Flood Program?

Last Answer : Source, please.

Description : Serious question: what does a billion dollars mean to you?

Last Answer : yup. a ton of taxes taken out if I actually earned that much

Description : The Milky Way and another solar system are going to collide in about a billion years. does this bother you?

Last Answer : Humanity won’t survive to last the next billion years anyway, and since I will be dead by then it doesn’t bother me. Although I do have a soft spot for our little blue planet and it would be sad to see it go.

Description : How many companies are sitting on more than a billion dollars in cash (net of debt)?

Last Answer : I heard that a lot of big companies borrowed as much as htey could with the first half of the bail out and are just sitting on it waiting to see what happens. You will probably never know how many.

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Last Answer : Description box, please!

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Last Answer : Isn't a move like this pretty much business as usual for the United States government? And it's kind of sad too considering over 300 million people who live here depend on them to make sound decisions and then ... m just too cynical for my own good but to me, this doesn't appear to be a sound idea.

Description : 10 parts per billion ozone (MW=48) equals how much ozone in ug/m3?

Last Answer : Is this your homework????

Description : All of us 6.8 billion people on Earth are almost identical genetically - If more people were aware of this, would this replace racism with justice?

Last Answer : You’d think so but politics has a way of reinforcing xenophobia.

Description : Does it make you sad to think that the earth will end in 5 billion years?

Last Answer : I’d worry more about the imminent dangers of nuclear war, terrorism, disease, natural catastrophe, or the wayward asteroid.

Description : They say the universe is 14 billion years old and is expanding at the speed of light, so the maximum distance from one point to another cannot be greater than 28 billion light years. Is this true?

Last Answer : answer:Cosmology, eh? From what I've read-and I'm a scientist, but not a cosmologist or particularly gifted with math-we don't really know what the universe is, yet. We have a lot of elegant ... a little closer: for one, that the points we're observing are entangled with, or coexist as, others.

Description : Is supporting people's death... Bad? Like yes ofcourse it is, death without consent is like rape! But say... The world's population is growing extremely fast and the world's resources are getting used at an alarmingly faster rate than originally... Why would it be wrong to wipe out say 2 billion?

Last Answer : I’d be the first in line to volunteer myself to die for the greater good.

Description : You can have $1 billion but you can never ask such dumb questions on here ever again, are you interested? Why or why not?

Last Answer : I'll take the 1 billion. I don't ask questions on here anyway. I just answer questions.

Description : What happens to ip addresses if there are over 4,23 billion internet users.

Last Answer : answer:IPv6 This is planned for. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Description : How will the world replace the 29 billion barrels of oil we use each year?

Last Answer : Sooner or later we will have to turn to alternative fuel sources. It is a truth we have to face.

Description : 700 billion bail out?

Last Answer : answer:We'd be bailing out the people and companies who had so much money invested and then lost everything. And it's not like we're just giving them money. We get ownership of parts of their companies and ... too and they can't just say Oh, let's just forget about this $X billions of dollars.