How can you heal split nails?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sometimes split nails can be caused by a deficiency in your diet. Or, they may split due the type of work and materials you use. In general, you can clip them and wait for them to grow. After clipping and shaping, use a clear, hard, fingernail polish on them so they have time to grow out.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Psychiatrist, meds, acupressure, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, Wellness course, Yoga (the breathing is vital and I use it daily), PT, exercise, chiropractor, massage, gardening and Milo.

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Last Answer : It's natural for dogs to lick their open wound. A wet wound is a bad idea for your dog since it could cause bacterial organism to interfere its wound development. Put some honey on its wound. It won ... will help to cure its wound and provide tasty safe-licking-snack for your dog as he licks on it.