What raction of 1 pound is 120p?

1 Answer

Answer :

what fraction of 1 pound is 120p

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Last Answer : Read the following four statement A,B,C and D and select the right opition having both correct statements. statements ... and C C. C and D D. B and D

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Last Answer : 1. It is Mexico, which is pretty much a third world country. 2. She did not leave her house for years. 3. It is a general societal trait to not pay heed to others unless being specifically told ... year, and nobody bats an eye. But one 2nd rate actor kills himself, and everybody loses their minds.

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Last Answer : A guinea is a pound plus a shilling and was usually used to quote expensive prices in.

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Last Answer : Can you cook them in a pressure cooker? I just did a quick google and they might take longer to soak/cook.

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Last Answer : answer:I think that, in general, it has something to do with the fact that the British economy is strong and reliable, and that the UK has always had very profitable trading agreements throught ... how the buying power of a coin is, supposedly, representative of its country's credit reliability)

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Last Answer : You can put it in tea bags and set them in your shoes at night. Black tea absorbs odours and the tannins deodorise.

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Last Answer : answer:The PO wants to know the outer dimensions of the box (which is going to be larger than the dimensions of the laptop, because presumably you are going to pack it in something so it won't get ... my buyer decide how fast he wants the item delivered, and let him pay the extra for fast service.

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Last Answer : answer:You could make a crab louis salad. You could make crab cakes. My recipe calls for crushed saltine crackers, salt, pepper, egg, worchestershire sauce, mayonnaise, hot sauce and crab. I also like ... in mine. Makes the cakes and fry them in butter. Serve with remoulade sauce or tartar sauce.

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Last Answer : give him a bath anyway, try to make it fun for him so he won’t hate them so much

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Last Answer : I think it’s a really heinous thing to do. Especially twice.

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Last Answer : are you looking to export them out of the US or resell inside the US?

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Last Answer : I don’t want to make medical decisions for you, but have you seen a doctor? Heart palpitations and uncomfortable left side sounds like bad news heart-wise that you may wish to get checked out.

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Last Answer : answer:According to the paperwork for that medication, 7000mg will cause an overdose. Thats 7 grams. Note: you should not take more than 4000mg in one day. keep my name out of the suicide note / murder confession.

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Last Answer : answer:Only if the only factors you're interested are (1) a lack of time in education, (2) money. Personally, I see doctors as a guaranteed good. While some lawyers do good, there also plenty of bad too. So ... a lawyer. I'd like to add this slam poetry. It's a teacher, but it's the same mentality.

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Last Answer : answer:First of all, I am horrified that your doctor would scare you like that. Was she trying to be funny? That's especially mean if this is your first baby. :( Second, one of my kids weighed in at 9 ... do that to pregnant women. I hated it when I was pregnant, and it's still a pet peeve of mine!

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Last Answer : I’d make marinated grilled shrimp. I might even share it.

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Last Answer : Compacted?

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Last Answer : I’ll go with a rabid badger.actually,I won’t,for they scare me;)

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Last Answer : One cent smart owl weighs not emptyish.

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Last Answer : I’m thinking right now, I’ll come up with something but I think butternut squash is one thing garlic would not be good with.

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Last Answer : Gosh… Interesting Question….. I suppose it was justified… If it attacked my I would want it… removed…

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Last Answer : It did seem as if Ramsey was rubbing his nose in it a little. They could have at least timed the helicopter ride to arrive the same time as the ferry, but Ramsey’s a busy guy I guess.

Description : How come you can gain more than a pound of weight by eating less than a pound of food?

Last Answer : it is due to the food nutrient value such as carbohidrates, fats, protein etc. The body processes carbohidrates and protein into fats when they are not not used.

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Last Answer : I think the tradeoff is 9 calories per gram of fat. So if there are 454 grams in a pound, that’s about 4,100 calories.

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Last Answer : free weights? just a stab in the dark but probably around 200–220 if I had to guess. impressive none the less. all I know is I do 220 on the incline and I only do about 190–200 with free weights.

Description : Any tricks for getting a timid pound puppy to walk near roads on a leash?

Last Answer : You might try using a gentle leader http://www.premier.com/pages.cfm?id=29 instead of a neck collar. The pressure on the nose relaxes the dog, and also they're more likely to follow you, because where the ... (at least, it's worked for my dog). Besides that, it just takes time and lots of treats.

Description : Does anyone know of a really tasty lemon pound cake recipe that is NOT high fat?

Last Answer : By definition, a pound cake has a lb. of butter, at least traditionally. Good luck. How about making the traditional version and eating a skinnier slice?

Description : How exactly are animals "destroyed" at the pound?

Last Answer : answer:Don't blame the pound for the fact that people are not responsible owners. What they do is necessitated by the way our society treats pets as disposable items. While the folks who ... , an additional dose of euthanasia solution is injected directly into the heart through the chest wall.

Description : Who is or was the best pound for pound boxer of all time.

Last Answer : Roy jones jr before he moved up in wieght

Description : How long does it take to thaw a pound of meat?

Last Answer : Depends on the shape. A thin flat pound will thaw faster than a thick chunk. Try hoisting it off the solid surface on a wire rack or something, to let the room-temp air get under it. 2 hours might be about right for a pound. Hope you’re already on it…..

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Last Answer : Supply & Demand. So either we'd have to get a massive influx of gold into circulation (like we discovered a huge mountain made of pure gold, or we figure out how to mine it from asteroids ... be in some major apocalyptic scenario, and I'm not particularly good at predicting those. Damn you Y2K .

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Last Answer : No answers :). Seems like everyone is busy with Plain-Biden debate…

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Last Answer : Why traveller’s cheques? Put your savings in some high interest rate deposit (ING-like) instead. In one year you will find yourself with +5%, and the choice of buying traveller’s cheques in different currencies still intact.

Description : how many shelled walnuts equal one pound?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : If place 1 cake of soap on a pan of a scale and 3/4 cake of soap and a 3/4-pound weight on the other, the pans balance.How much does a cake of soap weigh? -Riddles

Last Answer : Since 1/4 cake weighs 3/4 pound, and entire cake weighs 3 pounds.

Description : The title of the problem tells you how to approach these four questions.(A). A bus leaves Moscow for Tula at noon. An hour later a cyclist leaves Tula for mosco, moving slower than the bus. ... Now check the answers. Did you fall into any of the traps which lurk in these simple problems? -Riddles

Last Answer : (A). Neither (B). A pound of metal is always more than half a pound of the same metal. (C). Six strokes took 30 seconds, therefore 12 strokes will take 60 seconds. But when the clock struck ... , therefore 12 strokes will take 66 seconds. (D). There is always a plane that contains any 3 points

Description : What weighs more, a pound of rocks or a pound of feathers? -Riddles

Last Answer : They both weigh the same.

Description : A young boy needs to cross a bridge that can only hold 100 pounds of weight. The young boy weighs 98 pounds. The young boy also has 3 balls that each weigh 1 pound each. The young boy needs to get ... the exact same time.How does he get across the bridge with all 3 balls at the same time? -Riddles

Last Answer : The Boy juggles all 3 balls while he walks across the bridge.

Description : If you have one pound of rocks and one pound of feathers, which one will weigh more? -Riddles

Last Answer : They both weigh a pound.

Description : There are 4 borthers 3 of them want to buy a television which is 30 pounds. Each of them pay 10 pound each they give the money to the fourth brother and asked him to go into town and buy the television. ... So the 3 brothers only payed 9 pounds each. 3 times 9 is 27 were is the last pound? -Riddles

Last Answer : Add 3 on to 25 = 28 then add 2

Description : Why are 1999 ten pound notes worth more than 1993 ten pound notes? -Riddles

Last Answer : Because there are more of them!

Description : I can slash but I have no knife, I can dash but I have no legs, I can pound but I have no hammer, I can star but I have no stage.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Keyboard.

Description : What weighs more? A pound of feathers or a pound of stones? -Riddles

Last Answer : The same. They both weigh a pound!

Description : if 31/2 pounds of bananas cost $.98, how much would one pound cost? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : If 3 1/2 pounds of bananas cost $1.96,$0.56 would one pound cost. 3 1/2 =7/2 pounds cost =$1.96, 1 pound cost 1.96/(7/2 ) = 1.96 *2/7 = 0.28 *2 = $0.56.

Description : Rhada has a 6-pound bag of clay. Her craft project requires 6 ounces of clay for each batch of 5 ornaments. If she uses all of the clay, how many ornaments can Rhada make Rhada can make ornaments?

Last Answer : it is 80( i just answered my own question)XD