How was anti-semitism used in the hilter youth?

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Related questions

Description : What do you think are the roots of anti-semitism?

Last Answer : Fear.

Description : How was anti semitism a cause of ww2?

Last Answer : It was not a direct cause. It can be argued that antisemitismled to the rise of Hitler and it can be argued that Hitler was thecause of WW2, but this is an over simplified view. World ... Nazis existed, war had already started in the East andonly became a world war when Europe joined in.

Description : which group of people is targeted for mistreatment by followers of anti semitism?

Last Answer : Jews

Description : Why is it called anti-Semitism and not anti-Judaism?

Last Answer : The words antisemitism and antisemite were coined in the late 19th century to replace the older German word "judenhass" which means "hatred of Jews." The idea was to create a modern scientific-sounding ... continue to define Jews as a race, exactly in line with the original intent of this term.

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Last Answer : Messiah is the correct answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : At what age do we leave our youth?

Last Answer : I haven’t yet and I’m fifty.

Description : If you had the energy of youth along with the wisdom of age, how do you think your life would (or will) be different?

Last Answer : I would make a different set of choices at important junctures in my life. I don't think I would ever have left New England, for one thing. And I wouldn't have got involved with that one guy, for another. ... seemed like a good idea at the time. (This is why they say Youth is wasted on the young. )

Description : What are your thoughts on this 3rd grade youth baseball coach having the kids raffle off an AR 15 after the Parkland shooting in Florida?

Last Answer : I read they had this planned before the shooting. Either way I think it’s stupid for obvious reasons. (I’m sure someone will state the obvious, so I’ll leave it to others.)

Description : What places have lower minimum wages for youth?

Last Answer : I think Australia might, or maybe they used to. The UK also. Hopefully, our Aussie, European, and Asian friends answer the Q and I’d like to know how well it works in their countries.

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Last Answer : answer:My sister's son tried to join the Navy a few years ago. I was supportive of the idea. I was pretty sure we would have different president at the time. Now I am very glad he ... needs to accelerate their nuclear program (just stay hush about it) to prevent aggression from the United States.

Description : Will the youth of today be forever saddled with the "saggy pants" walk, or will they grow out of it?

Last Answer : While i’d like to Hammer this trend, i’ve decided i can’t touch this particular issue…so I won’t.

Description : Should I switch to the vitamins of my youth?

Last Answer : I take Flintstones. If you’re a guy make sure you don’t buy the one with iron.

Description : Is youth wasted on the young?

Last Answer : They just seem to have endless energy, that seems to be wasted,if I had that kind of energy I would have 3 jobs.

Description : Do you remember the smelly green modeling clay that was a fixture of my youth, and is it still available?

Last Answer : I had to make a model of the human brain with that stuff. Went straight into the garbage after it was marked.

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Last Answer : STEM Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics are no longer intensely taught in school.

Description : Is competitive sports good for youth?

Last Answer : Oh yeah. You learn the difference between winning and losing. And how to handle both. And I think it’s are.

Description : First Knockout Games, now we have Polar Bear hunts...wth is wrong with our youth?

Last Answer : Boys will be boys?

Description : Have you heard about the new product that claims it can turn hair back to the color of our youth?

Last Answer : Would be awesome if it worked. My hair was really light blonde when I was a kid. Now it’s dark blonde, according to my roots. I’ve been coloring my hair for about 25 years now.

Description : Women who are going to bring a child into the world any time soon, aren't you terrified at what lies ahead for future youth?

Last Answer : Reproducing is not a logical act.

Description : Do employers prefer youth to experience?

Last Answer : Job hunting is all relevant . . . certain jobs require certain skill sets that experienced person would have an advantage over a newbie. However, if a position is not too sensitive, employers ... knowing your skill set and expectations, it would be difficult to provide you with a sensible advice

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Last Answer : I love Henry Rollins and I loved that video. Thanks for sharing @ETpro. (Of course..I’m a bit old and curmudgeonly of course I found what he said meaningful..)

Description : If you were thin in your youth, but overweight in adulthood, are you aware of what changed?

Last Answer : I weigh the same as I did when I graduated from high school, but my calorie intake is a heck of a lot less. When I was in high school and college I could eat an entire pizza all by myself. Now three ... to the hotel room and curled up on the bed in agony for two hours. Never again. That hurt so bad.

Description : Do you think youth today are better or worse than past generations?

Last Answer : Better, because society in general is better. Also, people who criticise the next generation seem to forget who they were raised by….

Description : Have you, as an adult, spent any time in the places of your youth?

Last Answer : Going home on leave is always a strange experience. I’m not sure if I feel the same about it, like if I don’t like it or still like it. It was fun to visit the old trails and forests where we sued to play and party, but the actual town and community don’t feel the same.

Description : Was there an activity you enjoyed in your youth or childhood that you don't participate in at all in adulthood?

Last Answer : Basketball, pogs, Giga Pets.

Description : As a child or youth, did you have a crush on a cartoon character?

Last Answer : Racer X from Speed Racer.

Description : From your youth, what beliefs, ideas, or dreams have not worked out as you planned?

Last Answer : I always thought I would be a physician. Sometime in college, I realized that was not going to be my path. Instead, I will be a college professor. Also, I never knew I’d be living in the U.S. or know how to speak English.

Description : Youth unemployment - what did we do wrong?

Last Answer : answer:I was with you until the last part, because unless you're in the IT field it isn't the older generation doing a mediocre job. Naturally there's a learning curve in any new ... through experience that are often transferable to any situation. What should happen to those older employees, anyway?

Description : Fountain of youth and people celebrating their 200th birthday - How promising are Methuselah fruit flies?

Last Answer : answer:Well we won;t see 200 yr. old people in this century, they'd have to be 100 already which is probably a little late for this therapy. They don't say what the quality of life extension is. Will ... we need people living to 200 unless they work to 150, and I would not want to work that long.

Description : Is the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine a scam?

Last Answer : From what I've heard about it, it's not a scam (more of a sales pitch), but it may not be worth the cost. It all depends on the experience you get out of it. I would talk to your ... about it to get more information. If you were nominated, then someone at your school should know something about it.

Description : What to you, says enjoy your youth more than "wouldn't want to break one of those new hips"?

Last Answer : Nice typo, should be says

Description : How do I get my youth group to start giving offering on steady basis?

Last Answer : It is up to them to participate so you can teach them they should but they can refuse.

Description : Is there an age limit for patting down youth at airports?

Last Answer : I had the same concern. A kid might be traumatized by it.

Description : What current youth fashion trend do you find the most confusing/dismaying?

Last Answer : The trousers below the butt thing.

Description : What values do you think youth completely lacks?

Last Answer : answer:On a general level, respect and sympathy for fellow-humans. I cannot be absolute in this because much of the youth are rough diamonds in the making and to be honest it is not the youths' ... the ones behind them who were supposed to instil those values into them but did not and will not!

Description : Do you think American culture is too obsessed with youth?

Last Answer : I would say that we have become too obsessed with the idea of youth itself..with scientists lately having breakthroughs in areas that could potentially lengthen the life of a person. I wouldn't say ... obsession with youth has increased. As for your last question, I'm not American so my apologies.

Description : Do you think violent games and movies influence the youth?

Last Answer : Everything effects the youth. The effect of violent games and movies is very low, imho, almost negligible.. yet still present. It may only truly effect someone predisposed to violence genetically or otherwise ... , they need to understand what is cinematic and what is real. Garbage in, garbage out.

Description : The youth vote...What have you heard? Voting or Not?

Last Answer : I’ve heard out in record numbers. I HOPE SO.

Description : I need to make my youth group Announcements more intresting , how can i do that?

Last Answer : What is your Youth Group? What kind of announcements are you making? If they are about events, times, dates, food and routine stuff, just list them. No one will remember, three minutes later, whether ... W 43. Speak clearly, don't mumble and repeat everything twice. Then take your bow and sit down.

Description : I need to make my youth group upcoming events more exciting, how can i do that?

Last Answer : Have a meeting with your group and vote to see what they want to do.

Description : Are there any programs for youth that focus on HIV prevention in Portland, OR?

Last Answer : Well, as a matter of fact there is one in particular...Cascade AIDS Project's Teen2Teen program has peer educators that are prepared to do HIV prevention...presentations, workshops, etc.

Description : What’s your favorite retro commercial you remember from your youth?

Last Answer : Noooooobody


Last Answer : For future reference, you can just ask the question in the question field. Also, you might not want to use ALL CAPS.

Description : Youth hostels near manhattan, NY?

Last Answer : I’ve heard good things about Loftstel.

Description : Are there free web sites for cultural youth organizations?

Last Answer : Have you tried checking out ? It’s basically a blogging site but you can turn your site into a group site/mailing list and it would be really handy for organizations! Hope this helps!

Description : Ah, youth. Does it ever change?

Last Answer : answer:Generally, my concerns consist of day by day issues. ie, what am I going to wear/do/go today? I've stopped with the constant wonder about relationships, and am more money orientated with my thoughts. ... I'm glad my dad can relate to me. Other than that, I dont have much thoughts on it.

Description : It's true I am hot and cold, and I'm always with the old. Youth requires what life does not see, and the heart of groups requires me. I stand alone within all holes, never to see the light of day. Let my turmoil bring you joy since I don't ever make you pay. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The letter O.

Description : What was the condition of unemployed youth in Germany during economic crisis? -History 9th

Last Answer : Unemployed youths played cards or simply sat at street corners, or desperately queued up at the local employment exchange. the economic crisis brought great casualties and difficulties for the ... workers lost their jobs the got engaged in some criminal activities and total display became from

Description : How would you have reacted to Hitler's ideas if you were (i) A Jewish Woman (ii)A non-Jewish Woman How was Nazi ideology taught to the youth in Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : In the spring of 1945, a little eleven-year-old German boy called Helmuth was lying in bed when he overheard his parents discussing something in serious tones. His father, a prominent physician, deliberated ... eat at home for the following nine years! He was afraid that his mother might poison him.