Who said it was ridiculous for continent to belong to island?

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Last Answer : The Philippines is in South East Asia. So the continent is Asia.

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Last Answer : (d) can reproduce freely with each other and form seeds

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Last Answer : Maybe she was sarcastic in calling it a fake? Making fun of people announcing ‘everything’ these days as such? I mean, it doesn’t look fake at all, and what in Pete’s name could the possible reason for faking this photo be? To try to fool Mr or Mrs FBuser?

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Last Answer : I, too, remember the Budweiser commercial, I always laughed at it, as it was blatant. The movie itself was kinda cheesy in the backgrounds, the sounds, and the way people acted. It always had that ... to that weirdness for me. Even the music that was played on the kid's record player was weird

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Last Answer : I don’t understand your question @flo.

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Last Answer : No. Kids learn most of their emotions and behaviors from Mommy and when they grow older they assume they are merely obeying laws of the universe because they have never behaved any other way. In fact ... by learning new habits. For instance after they lose a fight they learn some new ways to behave.

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Last Answer : answer:If they are using less direct mail, maybe it's actually less paper than they used to use? I don't know, it's just a possibility I thought of. The coupons usually are based on what you ... to be targeted to you individually I think. Some stores I have the option of email or text for receipts.

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Last Answer : answer:Not necessarily ridiculous, but it would be a pain. Your options are basically to remove them, stain, and replace (possibly damaging the wall or floor) or try to tape them off and ... the first option, and recommend keeping careful track of which board came from where. Baseboard Tetris sucks.

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Last Answer : I know this is dreaming big, but I wish someone would make dinner tonight for me and the kids.

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Last Answer : - Everything that begins with “if you , will come and eat you” – If you get too cold you will turn into a stone.

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Last Answer : answer:They sure are! They deserve to get 400 times as much as their blue collar employees, because they spend 20 times as many hours per day working and they do everything 20 times as fast. When ... saw senior executives putting in 160-hour days and walking from meeting to meeting at 100 mph! ;-o

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Last Answer : I think it might come from the definition of the word meat . Some places defines it as something from mammals. Some define at as coming from any animal. Around here in Western NY meat is also the ... the flesh of an avocado, with the meat of walnuts or hickory nuts on top and not feel guilty.

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Last Answer : I don’t see how being part of the culture is in any way contradictory to them being ridiculous. Are you trying to ask whether we think the stereotypes about our local cultures are accurate?

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Last Answer : It's an interesting question. The Chevy you mentioned is from an era when there was enough slop in engine tolerances that 50- 60,000 miles was about all you could do before a ring job was ... hour in my youth tinkering with the 283 cubic inch V8 engines that were introduced in the 57 Chevy.

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Last Answer : I pirouetted while running and broke my wrist on the concrete sidewalk. several times from 9 to 21.

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Last Answer : Where do I start…

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Last Answer : answer:Asking for passwords is against the Facebook Terms of Service and is borderline illegal, so any employer who demands it should not only be avoided but also reported to Facebook. Searching for people ... one is don't post anything publically that you wouldn't want a potential employer to see.

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Last Answer : I don’t complain about the phlebotomy, but I am frustrated that they call me non-stop to donate but they always turn me away for my low hematocrit (they tell me to stay away, but they keep calling, even when I ask them not to). It’s frustrating not to be able to help.

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Last Answer : It gives the appearance of being progressive and ecologically green. If you have a bad battery and/or AC power is unavailable for some reason, such as during a major power failure, it is worth it. For ... probably way more than 20x that.) I will leave it up to you to decide the marketing value.

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Last Answer : Forgetaboutit. It isn’t worth feeling bad about.

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Last Answer : Find out who it was, and confront them. Maybe you can also report them for defamation or libel or something.

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Last Answer : Religion.

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Last Answer : I once had a series of 3 consecutive dreams where the earth got destroyed by nukes and then aliens invaded and rounded up the survivors in camps. I would like to think that it was a premonition. ... are just random crap your brain concocts when it is idling while your consciousness is taking a nap.

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Last Answer : We’re so loaded with them how could anyone trim the list down to one?

Description : What are some of the most ridiculous products shown on tv commercials?

Last Answer : answer:E-Cigs are not dangerous in the least. The cherry is nothing but a light. The smoke is nothing but water vapor. The nicotine is to aide in making it enough like a cig to get you to stop ... As far as ridiculous products? Hmm Well.. every time I see a new shape of vacuum I have to laugh.

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Last Answer : I always choose the ridiculous frivolities.

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Last Answer : My friend was once dared to eat five McDonald’s cheeseburgers. He managed to do it, too…

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Last Answer : One of those waist gyrater bands that had potential to do damage to the kidneys.

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Last Answer : Mine was a hole in the ground in a place better left unmentioned.

Description : Can the mods please deal with this ridiculous spammer (details inside).

Last Answer : I’ve only ever gotten 1 of that type since I’ve been here. What? I’m not pretty enough? I’m not spiritual enough? I shower fairly regularly! I guess true love just isn’t in my stars.

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Last Answer : Moon them?

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Last Answer : A rollercoaster room.

Description : What's something ridiculous that you're afraid of?

Last Answer : bees and wasps.

Description : Is this a ridiculous estimate for SEO work?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther, first of all. As to your question who knows? It might be ridiculously low, or it might be ridiculously high. It might be right in the middle of all the estimates you could ... of costs and of what the return on your investment may be before you get on your high horse?