What must all 18-year-old males in this country do?

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Related questions

Description : Why does sixteen year old males of the same weight might need different amount of energy?

Last Answer : They may do different activities during the day. So if a one ofthem is going for a run and one is just staying in watching TV. Themale who is running will need more energy than the one who isrelaxing as he will need to respire.

Description : Sex-ratio is calculated as : (1) No. of children per 1,000 people in a Country. (2) No. of males per 1,000 females in a Country. (3) No. of females per 1,000 males in a Country. (4) No. of people per 1,000 children in a Country.

Last Answer : (3) No. of females per 1,000 males in a Country. Explanation: Sex ratio is used to describe the number of females per 1000 of males in a region or country. Like most sexual species, the ... As per the 2011 Census, Sex Ratio in India currently stands at 943 females available for every 1000 males.

Description : Gonadotropins are indicated in the following conditions except: A. Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism in males B. Cryptorchism in a boy less than 7 years old C. Amenorrhoea and infertility in women D. Polycystic ovaries

Last Answer : D. Polycystic ovaries

Description : 16.16 Gonadotropins are indicated in the following conditions except: A. Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism in males B. Cryptorchism in a boy less than 7 years old C. Amenorrhoea and infertility in women D. Polycystic ovaries

Last Answer : D. Polycystic ovaries

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Males/nonbinarys What is it like recovering from conversion therapy?

Last Answer : need answer

Description : Is it only males that fight for territory?

Last Answer : Females will, to some extend, defend territory when they have young in a den/nest/etc. Males fight for territory for the sake of any females that may come into that area/herd.

Description : Do You Think Adult Males Should feel Disgraceful/Stupid for liking Boy Bands/Girl Groups that has a dangerous fan base (made up of only females)?

Last Answer : They should be embarrassed for not having any taste.

Description : Are there any males here that have a female primary physician?

Last Answer : Yes, I have a female doctor, and for the same reason as you. My male physician was considered an excellent internist, to the point that a local magazine called him best in the area. But after ... doctor. My new doctor is young (under 35) and checks in with my emotional state while examining me.

Description : Which is more effective, spaying female dogs and cats or neutering the males? (Please see details.)

Last Answer : Well neutering the males is cheaper and far less risky and invasive. On the hand, personally, the racket a female cat in heat makes me want to murder things.

Description : This is mainly for males; do you expect women to follow your unsolicited directions?

Last Answer : answer:Thank god for modern GPS. Shut up and just give me the address with zip code. No more. “Then your going to come to a big tree. Don’t stop there, keep going…” People just adore the sound of their own voice. (sigh).

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Last Answer : The women choose to work there knowing what type of establishment it is. The men do so too. Why not ask about strip clubs? Same concept.

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Last Answer : I hope not.

Description : When did human males and females start to be discriminating with choice of mate?

Last Answer : Women.

Description : Is it true that estrogen in the water supply is feminizing males?

Last Answer : Yes, I think so. I’m growing boobs, I kiss cute kittens and puppies, I cry, I enjoy lifetime movies, I’m not aggressive, etc. Please give me more of that testosterone-filled water before I start wearing a dress.

Description : Do you think white males still feel superior to other races?

Last Answer : KNOWITALL Can I ask what recent cases of this you are referring to?

Description : Has anyone else noticed this in reference to males?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think it has much to do with the absolute pain threshold of men. It may or may not be true that men are more prone to complaining about pain than women are. I don't know the numbers ... with it. But just because women think it doesn't make it true. Of course, this is just my theory.

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Last Answer : I suspect it is temperament rather than gender that determines whether a person wants to remain friendly with an ex.

Description : Is soy lecthicin bad for males?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think a study has been completed to that effect. However soy does contain a chemically similar compound to estrogen. There are several studies involving woman and post menopause treatment/response. ... is the cause is to stop taking it for a week and see if things return to normal.

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Last Answer : answer:According to wikipedia Although originally a mental-illness diagnosis usually applied to women, body dysmorphic disorder occurs equally among men and women, and occasionally in children and older ... body dysmorphic disorder. Not exactly medical citations, but all I could find right now.

Description : Do gay males enjoy having lots of straight female friends and, if so, why?

Last Answer : answer:Straight men can be friends. Why can’t gay men? I’ve had very close gay men friends. We loved to talk and laugh and hang out together. What’s to get?

Description : Will society ever come to be so unconcerned with gender identity that males who don a feminine garment will be viewed no differently than females who wear men's items?

Last Answer : Ha, Ha. I find this question so funny, because societies differ so much over what is appropriate to wear, we have wonder where gender even applies. In the Middle East, men wear dresses. Here in the U. S. there is such a wide diversity of clothing, it is impossible to draw the line.

Description : Considering that in the animal world (most of the) males are the more beautiful of a pair (think plumage and songs), is this also true in humans?

Last Answer : No. This was settled decisively in the case of Penis v. Vagina.

Description : Males only please...Is this a cultural influenced reaction or instinct?

Last Answer : answer:It doesn't happen to all men in our species, and particularly is not common among cultures that are (arguably) living in the way we're best adapted for. Therefore, it must be ... to engage further, considering the reactions I've received for using logic to approach this question elsewhere.

Description : Do heterosexual males find larger breasts to be attractive?

Last Answer : answer:This is all a matter of personal preference and cultural conditioning. Boobs are great. You’re doing alright by having them in the first place.

Description : Why do females generally have neater handwriting than males?

Last Answer : My generalization and gendered handwriting: Women have a more bubbly handwriting than males. The clearest of writers were split between males and females evenly.

Description : What Flaws or Habits Do Males Have That You Think Women Tend To Not Have?

Last Answer : An overwhelming need to fix other people's problems. Women understand that someone might be seeking a sympathetic ear and shoulder to cry on, or that the person might simply need to vent about an annoyance ... in with (unwanted) advice and start telling the person what he/she should or shouldn't do.

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Last Answer : Just so you know, “transsexual” and “gay” are not interchangeable, so careful with those topic choices.

Description : Who makes the best chefs - males or females?

Last Answer : Men and women can equally be great chefs. Professional distribution ends up with more men at the Executive Chef level. Partly because being a chef usually gets you no medical leave and little ... raised with an allowance to be angry, vocal and confrontational while girls are taught the opposite.

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Last Answer : Not if she is all the things you are looking for.

Description : Why do males take fewer notes than females?

Last Answer : some people get distracted by note taking. It is easier to learn and get the whole picture if they sit back and take it all in. It’s sort of like missing a great vacation with your family because you are spending all your time trying to take great pictures and not really enjoying the experience.

Description : Charging more for car insurance on males under 25?

Last Answer : ugh this is how I feel

Description : Are alot of males threatened by Ladygaga?

Last Answer : I find this highly doubtful. If a man doesn’t like Lady Gaga it’s because they don’t like top 40. It has nothing to do with her sexuality.

Description : Do you have a problem with males refering to God as "he" and females refering to God as "she"?

Last Answer : | have a problem with girls having to refer to what is commonly known as God as, exclusively, a ‘He’. Why and how should this be?

Description : Are 'females' generally worse in the field of comedy than 'males'?

Last Answer : Is “females” different from females. Is “males” different from males? There are and were hysterically funny women comedians; Lucy Arnez, Carol Burnett, Gilda Radnor, Goldie Hawn, Ellen DeGeneris, the early Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, Wanda Sykes, for starters.

Description : Women, are you intimated by most males?

Last Answer : YEAH [blushes] when they look me in the eyes or just stare at me…

Description : What is the recommended minimum daily caloric intake for adult males?

Last Answer : answer:You should not preoccupy yourself with a minimum caloric intake or eating fat free and low carb, low calorie food. What you should really do is eat in moderation, the reason that there are ... this stuff, but do look at a calorie plotting website they will help you with making good decisions

Description : Not sure if it’s been asked, but what’s your opinion on males wearing colored nail polish or getting their nails done?

Last Answer : idgaf, everyone should wear whatever fuck they want

Description : What attracts males to wrestling television?

Last Answer : answer:What? I thought Law & Order was always followed by more Law & Order. ;-) Well I know it's not exactly the same thing that attracts people to action & violence, because I am not attracted ... , and most staged wrestling is about as dumb and unrealistic (to my way of thinking) as it gets.

Description : Females, what do you think of the males on here?

Last Answer : [deleted]

Description : content:

Last Answer : Pick up your turtle very carefully so as not to frighten or drop it. Look at the tail and plastron - the bottom shell. If the shell is slightly concave it is usually a male. Male turtles' ... gender. Males may have longer claws than females. In some species, adult females are larger than the males.

Description : How come it's harder for Males In a wheelchair. to get a girlfriend?

Last Answer : Flynt?

Description : in males, which of the following includes the correct target and result of lh stimulation? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : interstitial cells: androgen secretions

Description : (i) Write the specific location and the functions of the following cells in human males Leydig cells Sertoli cells Primary spermatocyte (ii) Explain the role of any two accessory glands in human male reproductive system. -Biology

Last Answer : I)Oogenesis begins during the embryonic development stage when a million gamete mother cells (oogonia) are formed within each foetal ovary. (ii) (a) Sertoli cells are located on the inside ... provide nutrition to sperms. (b) Bulbourethral glands Their secretion helps in the lubrication of penis.

Description : Write the function of each of the following (i)Middle piece in human sperm (ii)Tapetum in anthers (iii)Luteinising hormone in human males -Biology

Last Answer : (i)Middle piece in human sperm contains several mitochondria which produces energy for the motility of the sperm. (ii) Tapetum in anthers It is the innermost layer of the anther. ... male stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone, necessary to complete the process of spermatogenesis.

Description : What is the role of luteinizing hormones in both males and females? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Why do sex linked traits appear more in males than in females? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Why do sex linked traits appear more in males than in females? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What influences how people understand the behaviors that are expected of females and males in today's society?

Last Answer : Movies, magazines, television programs.. all of these