How do organisms use the properties of water for survival?

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : (1) 4 - 6 Explanation: Oxygen is one of several dissolved gases important to aquatic systems. Dissolved oxygen is necessary to maintain aerobic conditions in surface waters and is ... approach saturation - that concentration which is in equilibrium with the partial pressure of atmospheric oxygen.

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Description : The optimum dissolved oxygen level (in mg/litre) required for survival of aquatic organisms is : (1) 4 – 6 (2) 2 – 4 (3) 8 – 10 (4) 12 – 16

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Last Answer : answer:Figuring out what it is I am trying to survive so I guess that would be the focus of the kit. That and deciding if item X is worth the weight or space that it takes up or would I be better off with two of item Y instead.

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Last Answer : answer:That's an excellent question. Evolutionary biology isn't my field, but a guess would be giving the brain time to work on problems or sort out issues that the sensory clutter of the waking ... , but there, we really do need someone well steeped in brain function and chemistry to chime in.

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Last Answer : answer:I have a very hard time dealing with passive aggressives, I think it is horrific. I guess it is a survival tactic in some families, but generally it means there is very poor communication in a ... to you have but to be passive aggressive yourself? I guess in that way it is a survival tactic.

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Last Answer : The fate of two penguins isn’t going to make much difference in the survival of the species while we kick the shit out of their habitat. Let them be as they want.

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Last Answer : $100. for the low end and if I could afford it, $275. sounds more fair.

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Last Answer : answer:It’s a tactic for getting through the immediate crisis, not getting through the next 10 years. Dissociating isn’t like your brain just shuts off, it’s like the emotion parts and the reality parts shut off, and you go into fight-or-flight mode.

Description : NASA Exercise: Survival on the Moon?

Last Answer : answer:Box of matches 4-Food concentrate 50 feet of nylon rope 8-Parachute silk 5-Portable heating unit 9-Two .45 caliber pistols 3-One case of dehydrated milk 1-Two 100 lb. tanks of oxygen ... 10-Solar-powered FM receiver-transmitter The rest is optional. May save the trouble and leave them behind.

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Last Answer : answer:My kit would be a backpack. It would include that first aide kit you mentioned, along with about half of a gross of shotgun shells. I do own a shot gun (Remington 1100) and I'm sure I could ... would also include baby wipes, a book, a quart of bottled water, a 5th of whiskey, and a camera.

Description : In a post-apocalyptic world, what would be your tips and strategies for survival?

Last Answer : This. Although probably a bit further south :>)

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Last Answer : Easy one. NO! We suck. Maybe the animals will have a chance without us. But if they are planning on eating us, I’m going down fighting.

Description : What items would you include in a home survival/emergency kit?

Last Answer : answer:I'm a worried wart and the first thing I tell to everybody who announces they are moving is to purchase a good emergency kit. They rarely listen to me, but I swear they will come in handy ... wish everyone who was in, or knows someone who was in, the New Zealand eartquake the best of health.

Description : First I was afraid I was petrified....., what tales of survival famous or otherwise have caught your interest over the years?

Last Answer : A friend of mine relayed the true story of meeting a spider in an unlit hallway in the middle of the night. It was SO large, that she felt a breeze as it passed her leg. Now, that’s scary, I don’t care who you are.

Description : Backpacking and wilderness survival tips?

Last Answer : I recommend you get an updated state ID and leave your SS card and birth certificate at home. It sounds like this is your first rainbow gathering. My daughter used to go to them and about all she took ... big kitchens on site. Maybe you are hitch hiking across the country, you didn't say. Be safe.

Description : Please point me towards films, shows, and stories about Survival or outdoorsmanship.

Last Answer : Alive (1993) Uruguayan rugby team stranded in the snow swept Andes are forced to use desperate measures to survive.

Description : What's your disaster survival plan?

Last Answer : Friends and family, and a willingness to be flexible. That, and my bomb shelter.

Description : What's the survival rate of Multiple Myeloma in a 17 year old girl?

Last Answer : Haven’t you talked to your doctor?You need to.Also get some books on the subject and read,read ,read!Maybe contact some groups in your area that deal with kind of disease.Start by talking to your doctor.

Description : In a post apocalyptic world, what would you find to be of value to you and necessary to your survival?

Last Answer : I would need someone to be with me. There’s no way I could survive on my own with the world in a state like that. I’d be a mess.

Description : If i have the survival pack for Left 4 Dead on Xbox 360, will it stay?

Last Answer : Have you thought about trying to play it offline?

Description : What is the most important survival skill for the 21st century?

Last Answer : Knowledge, Education, Reason.

Description : What wilderness survival skills do you have?

Last Answer : Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Description : Do you have a survival kit in your home? What do you keep in it?

Last Answer : I have a lantern with oil in it and some lighters….a couple cans of beans…Thank God my mom and dad just live around the corner”)

Description : Lie about your qualifications for a job if your survival depends on it?

Last Answer : I have lied. I didn’t feel bad about it and usually pulled off the job.

Description : Could you survive living in a war zone surrounded by enemies? What would be your survival strategy (tips); emotional and actual?

Last Answer : Great Question, but this one is going to take some thought. It’s bad enough being surrounded by neighbors that don’t like you (in my old house), I can’t imagine being surrounded by millions of people that hate me.