SAT chromosome has :-

1 Answer

Answer :

SAT chromosome has :- A. More heterochromatin part B. More A= T part C. More non histone protein D. More lipid

Related questions

Description : What is SAT Chromosome ?

Last Answer : Some chromosomes have an almost spherical segment attached to one end of the chromosome by a chromatin thread. This spherical region at the edge of the chromosome is called a satellite and such a chromosome is called a ' sat chromosome ' .

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Last Answer : No. But my mom used to take art classes and apparently used my visage as a model (which I did NOT pose for) for a small nude oil painting that everyone who saw it asked if it was me. After the second time I was asked that I became so grossed out. I was 16 or 17 and horribly mortified.

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Description : Would it be a good idea to take the SAT again?

Last Answer : answer:It can't hurt. Or else, you could wait until you leave the Air Force in two years. College admission officers will read an application from an Air Force vet with a very different eye than ... tests and take them in a stringent manner having someone proctor and time you .to see how they feel.

Description : Is a 1990 a good SAT score?

Last Answer : answer:Your math score is a little low but I wouldn't worry about it. At my college if you had below a 650 in math you just had to take a math placement test. If you did good on that you could start ... For my essay I wrote about why I wanted to go to college and what I hoped to achieve in my life.

Description : When is the best time to take the SAT?

Last Answer : answer:The PSAT is taken your junior year to prep for the SAT. It is also the qualifier for the National Merit Scholar program. I took my SAT in the summer after my junior year as a practice to see how I ... I did well enough that I didn't retake it. A lot of people I knew took it in the summer.

Description : Is a 620 math SAT score decent?

Last Answer : Harvard students have an average of 690 on Math. Columbia students 680 and Georgetown students 630. By comparison, NYU has an average of 600 and UCLA has an average of 590. So it depends on what school you want to get into. Teen College Education

Description : Can I improve my SAT score?

Last Answer : General reading and learning will be the best for your score. Also look into test taking (how or whether to guess, etc.).

Description : Have you ever sat on a jury and what was your experience like?

Last Answer : I'll let you know later. I have to report for jury duty Monday. (I will telephone the court tomorrow afternoon to see if the case has been settled out of court before I go Monday.) If I'm ... be my first time as a juror. My profession has always prevented me from serving as a juror until now.

Description : I am taking the SAT tomorrow. Any last minute tips?

Last Answer : Get a good nights sleep.

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Last Answer : Yes…I think about that all the time. Like what am I actually doing, has anything I’ve done really impacted anything. No, not really. Look up existentialism. It kind of goes along with your question.

Description : Do I need to go to USA to take the SAT?

Last Answer : No, most countries have designated testing centres in the larger cities.

Description : Are there any disadvantages to taking the SAT 1 at the start of tenth grade?

Last Answer : If you are smart and have good retention skills of what you have learned so far, you should be fine. If you have taken advanced placement courses and have good retention skills, even better. I did it in 10th grade without issue.

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Description : If I put my middle name on the SAT but not on college apps is that okay?

Last Answer : answer:Middle initial should not affect anything. Don’t worry. Although, if you have a very common first and last name, I recommend using your middle initial in general.

Description : What can i do to improve my sat score?

Last Answer : answer:My daughter did extremely well on the SAT and GRE by constantly doing vocabulary flash cards, reading journal articles, and continually taking math classes. If there is a community college nearby, you ... prep materials on Amazon, you may want to look at the McGraw Hill series of help books.

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Last Answer : I would have no way of knowing. :\

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Last Answer : What grade are you in? If you’re a Junior, go for the spring dates; then fall dates as well in case you’re unhappy with your scores. If you’re a Senior most definitely go fo May: the sooner you startm the better.

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Last Answer : answer:It says something different for boiled just because of rounding, and math errors. The way they calculate how many kCal and how much fat (or salt, sugar, etc) is in something isn't perfect. Often the ... then toss it and drink the water it was boiled in?? That makes no sense at all to me!

Description : Any "adult learners" have to take the SAT?

Last Answer : You will do all right on the verbal sections if you haven't forgotten how to pick up a book or a newspaper. The math is where most people trip up. I have not taken an SAT since high school, ... than something more focused, e.g., in technology or business, but it will open more doors than you think.

Description : What's the best way to prepare for the SAT?

Last Answer : Practice tests. Practice tests. Practice tests. Seriously. Remember after taking a practice test, you must look through the answers and see what you got wrong and why. Then determine what areas you are weak ... brush up on those. Then take more practice tests. Repeat this cycle and you'll do great.

Description : What test should I take first, the SAT or the SAT Subject Tests?

Last Answer : subject tests… meaning psats? the more you practice, the better you’ll do.

Description : I've been wearing a wrist brace often to protect and injury, now above where it sat my muscle is bruised and swelling, opinions?

Last Answer : You should go back to your doctor and have it checked out. I had a knee injury and they explicitly told me not to sleep with the brace on because of swelling. The fact that you have swelling and ... are circulation problems, and in light of the past artery issue, you want to make sure that's okay.

Description : Is it normal to feel like a waste of a person after seeing ACT/SAT scores?

Last Answer : I got a 24 on the ACT’s and I definitely don’t feel like a waste of a person. Matter of fact, I thought a 24 was a pretty decent score, it yielded me a $1,000 scholarship.

Description : Whats a GOOD score on the SAT?

Last Answer : That's because you have the typical get A's or die parents. I got a 2280 on the SAT my second time around and I'm attending Stanford. I'd say 2000 and above is pretty damn good. You're doing ... someone who got an 1880 on the SAT, but their score on the ACT was equivalent to a 2150 on the SAT.

Description : Which sat 2 subjects should i take..definitely not foreign languages?

Last Answer : Math 1 is so easy. I’m awful at math and I got a 650 I think. It’s a safe bet. You only need to take two, usually. So if you did well on Biology, just do one more.

Description : Would submitting both the ACT and SAT be more helpful than summitting only one of the tests to colleges?

Last Answer : Send the one you scored best on (the SAT carried more weight 40 years ago…I don’t recall even taking the ACT).

Description : Are the SAT tests seriously flawed?

Last Answer : The tests do have their problems, but I don't think they are so easily gamed by the test-taking population at large. The ones that are able to understand and apply the code-cracking ... either language and mathematical analytics, and the test prep programs seem to help equalize the weaker ability.

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Last Answer : I personally opt for the illegal as a contributor.

Description : How do i find out my SAT scores if i took them fifteen years ago?

Last Answer : Go to the ETS website. They should have instructions for how to get old scores.

Description : If i take a GED course and pass the GED test then do i need to take the SAT to get ino college?

Last Answer : I never took the SAT's. I applied for community college, and took the entrance exams and was placed in the appropriate level of courses (I was already at college level for everything but math) I then ... never had to take my SAT's. They never asked, since I'd already completed enough pre-reqs.

Description : Is this coming weekend actually Sat- Wed?

Last Answer : Well, if you work for the US Federal Gov't, it's Wednesday only:

Description : Should you take the SAT test if your going into a tech school?

Last Answer : answer:I’m in a tech school right now, but about taking the SAT’s thats all about what major your in. For example: I’m in Culinary Arts, so I have no reason to take the SAT’s, thats what my instructors have told me. But the real question is what are you going to the school for?

Description : Do selective colleges require SAT IIs from different subjects?

Last Answer : Most do require SAT IIs – any college guidebook (such as Barron’s or Peterson’s) or the specific college’s website will tell you what tests they require you to submit for application. Generally, you can choose the SAT IIs that you want to take.

Description : Which SAT Subject Tests should I take?

Last Answer : I would take english, the harder math test (if i remember correctly there was an easy math and hard math…the hard math was not much more difficult). I DO NOT recommend doing any foreign lang tests…high school foreign language programs don’t prep you well for them.

Description : What is on the ACT? and how does it differ from the SAT? which do you recomed?

Last Answer : answer:I recommend taking both. Figure out which ones the colleges of your choice require, most will require one over the other. That will influence which ones you take. ACT is more based on actual stuff ... (without any preparation) and see how you do. That should be a good indicator. Good Luck!

Description : The Bhils of Sat Rundi hamlet of Karravat village in Petlawad block, revitalise large parts of common property -Geography

Last Answer : (i) Cooperation and fraternity (ii) Caring, equity and Eco-friendly (iii) Sharing the benefits.

Description : A Panda Bear walked into a restaurant. He sat down at a table and ordered some food. When he was finished eating, he took out a gun and shot his waiter. He then left the restaurant. After the ... killed the waiter. He replied, Look me up in the dictionary. What did the dictionary say? -Riddles

Last Answer : When they looked up the word 'Panda' in the dictionary, it stated, 'Panda: Eats shoots and leaves.

Description : Four jolly men sat down to play, And played all night till break of day. They played for cash and not for fun, With a separate score for every one. When it came time to square accounts, they all had ... amounts. Now, not one has lost and all have gained - Tell me now, this can you explain? -Riddles

Last Answer : The four jolly men are members of an orchestra hired to play at a dance.

Description : I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it.What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : A splinter.

Description : Four men sat dawn to play, They played all night till break of day. They played for gold and not for fun, With separate scores for everyone. When they had come to square accounts, They all had made quite fair amounts. Can you the paradox explain, If no one lost, how all could gain? -Riddles

Last Answer : The men were musicians..

Description : What word doesn't belong in this group? That, hat, what, mat, cat, sat, pat, or chat? -Riddles

Last Answer : What. It's pronounced differently; all of the others rhyme.

Description : What is the full form of 'SAT' ? -How To ?

Last Answer : The full form of 'SAT' is Scholastic Aptitude Test

Description : What is V-SAT ?

Last Answer : V-SAT is a very small connective device that acts as a two-way ground satellite center. Its dish-shaped antenna is less than 3 meters in diameter whereas other types of satellite centers are about 10 ... world's first V-Sat. V-SAT is currently being used for wide area network and internet services.