How can one end an alcohol addiction?

1 Answer

Answer :

The first thing that has to happen is he must admit that he has a problem. Many addicts will deny that they have a drink problem and say they have it all under control. Most people find it hard to beat the addiction by themselves and will need professional help although it depends on how bad the problem is and how long it has been going on. One thing is for certain he will need the support of his friends if he is to come out the other side. Some addicts are very good at hiding the fact they drink. I know a woman who had her children taken away because of her drinking. I would speak to her every day and had no idea she was an alcoholic until the day she had them taken away and she came round my house blind drunk.  She had hidden it so well up until then. Talk to your friend and ask him whether he would see a counsellor, just tell him you are worried about his health. Addiction is a horrible thing as it takes everything and destroys it until the victim is left with nothing.

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Last Answer : answer:The Testament by John Grisham A story of awakening and recovery. Though it is not about teen issues specifically, there are a number of issues it does address for teens addicted to drugs and money.

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Last Answer : No. But it is the same as gambling.

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Last Answer : it is an addiction when a person treat the person he/she loves as something that belongs to him/her.