Are you able to accept an opinion that is different from yours?

1 Answer

Answer :

I am always open to conversing with people having opposite opinions than mine as long as it is a decent conversation. In fact, I think we can actually use it to our advantage as they may be able to lead us or point us to a new perspective that we can never realize on our own. We can always learn something from speaking and listening to other people's ideas, especially if they have very different background than ours. I also think that it is not always about winning the argument. There are things that are far more important than being right such as being open and being able to accept other people's judgments. Personally, I think this is how we will be able to move conversations forward and develop deeper connections. We should also never fear diversity nor should we be shy of having to voice our opinions to avoid offending other people. But we must always remember to argue politely and respect each other's point of view. As they say, to each his own, and I do believe that there is nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree.

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