How to kick facebook addiction?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are lots of options on how can we manage our social media, especially if we are being addicted to it. Primarily we need to focus on reality. Others are being forgetful that there is a true world. They are being preoccupied with what they have seen from it. Be selective on what we are viewing, we are not obliged to answer and attend to all the questions on social media. You may try to turn off notifications so you can't be distracted. You are the owner of yourself, you can set your own limitations and do other activities, so you may skip from just navigating. Always connect with the physical world. Try to balance your time. Lastly, accept the fact that the real awesome world has a lot to bring the best in you.

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Last Answer : You mean the Lipton brand of pasta sides?

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Last Answer : answer:

Last Answer : The rule of Pelanati kick was introduced in 1891