How to deal with gossipy neighbors?

1 Answer

Answer :

To deal with gossipy neighbor is by simply ignoring them. Silence is the perfect revenge, it only shows that you are not affected which irritates them more.

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Last Answer : answer:Put in a water sprinkler in your yard to go off twice an hour for maybe a half a minute. Especially at night. After a while they should avoid your yard and they aren't fond of wet ground ... you. Sometimes people get use to a sound and stop hearing it. And some people hear every little thing.

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Last Answer : I hate to ask the obvious, but have you talked to the owners yet? It seems as if you have taken all the right steps so far. If the owners aren’t willing to do anything, I think your only option is to continue calling animal control everytime this happens.

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Last Answer : Just call the police.

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Last Answer : I don’t know, but I sure hope someone can help, at least by suggesting the best search keywords or avenues to local pet rescue agencies. This is a very sad story.

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Last Answer : Not regularly, but I do it sometimes. Sometimes it's a thank you gift, so that would be some sort of dessert. My bundt pound cake or biscotti are good ones. Sometimes it's to help someone going ... to be really good about her diet. Most foods I would bring to a friend aren't really very healthy.

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Last Answer : Your neighbor might get charged for the fire call. And they might get a misdemeanor ticket for dumping hot ashes/coals. All depends on the jurisdiction.

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Last Answer : Try putting the food closer to the other end of the board, lure him down with it. By “lure him down” with it, I mean put some stinky (canned cat food, tuna or sardines) away from the roof and then leave him overnight. He likely won’t come down with you guys nearby. Nice of you to try so hard.

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Last Answer : Around ten months ago our hot water heater exploded. The people in the apartment right across from us gave us a copy of their key so we could use their shower until we got hot water again. Not life saving but really nice.

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Last Answer : answer:The Hares (as in Hare Krishnas). My husband has a name for the man on the other side of our property, but I’m too polite to use it.

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Last Answer : answer:His name is Anthony. Can’t remember his girlfriend’s name to save my life. Their dogs are Diesel and Tonka. And we helped them move from the house on one side of us to the house on the other side of us (Sounds crazy, but the other place has a fenced-in yard.) That’s about as close as we get.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t have the technical knowledge to help you, but I sure am interested in whatever other replies you receive. I’m sitting here thinking about smacking your neighbor, and I don’t even know where you are….

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Last Answer : answer:The lady across the street is nice. Quite friendly. Usually speaks when she sees us. Our next door neighbors are less friendly. But they have a newborn so I guess that is their excuse. I don’t like to be too friendly with neighbors anyway.

Description : 2 part question: Dogs and neighbors?

Last Answer : answer:How long do they leave the dog for? If they are leaving the puppy whining and crying for hours that is unacceptable to me. If it is for like 45minutes tops ok.. I am not sure what you can do. ... a little early. The worse place to leave a puppy I think is in the backyard of all places. Ugh.

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Last Answer : answer:Because they’re one of the few Canadian teams that habn’t moved south? (I have no idea. I just made that up.)

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Last Answer : You, as owner of the tree, are responsible for the damage caused by the tree.

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Last Answer : answer:Are you crazy? I'd shoot out my neighbor in back's windows. The police would show up, and I would be hauled in for vandalism and recklessness and probably for having a gun I am not ... the US in a nice, but densely packed neighborhood. Anyone shooting a shotgun off around here must be crazy.

Description : Would you like to tell us about one of your crazy neighbors?

Last Answer : answer:That's weird. lol. And yes I'd love to tell you about my crazy neighbor. I used to live in an apartment for awhile before I moved where I am now, anyways when I lived there across the ... say, who, what, where? Thankfully they haven't called since. They were like leeches, talk about OCD

Description : The neighbor's dog has been barking for 1/2 an hour straight. Don't think that anyone is home. What should I do?

Last Answer : Well…if you don’t have any contact numbers for them, not much you can do. Is the dog outside? If so you can toss him some food or something to divert him, but otherwise….uh, guess you just have to deal with it.

Description : What are some ideas to get my two dogs from running up the hill in the back yard and barking at the other dogs when the neighbors let theirs out?

Last Answer : I recommend watching a couple of episodes of “The Dog Whisperer”.

Description : What can I do on my end to stop neighbors bass resonating in my room?

Last Answer : Do what I always did…call the cops and continue to call them. He will eventually get the message. My neighbor got a ticket for noise pollution; way over a $100.00. He He He LOL..

Description : What do you do about a neighbor's noisy dog?

Last Answer : answer:This is a question that needs specific details. One always starts with the dog’s owners and then sees what happens. A dog that barks incessantly (you mean non-stop?) is a dog in serious distress.

Description : How can I get my neighbors off my back help!

Last Answer : answer:Have you been able to leave your house at all or are you still keeping yourself isolated? When I look on Career Builder, there are always advertisements for jobs where you can work from home. ... are on your back because you owe money. Are they paying for you? How are they suffering?

Description : Have you ever fought with your neighbors and regretted it?

Last Answer : answer:Hahaha, I can totally imagine that scene. Apologies never hurt, but I wouldn't be overly worried about it. A 3 AM fireworks extravaganza is a legitimate reason to be upset, in my opinion! I ... behind my back. It was weird, but no Hatfield/McCoy feuds resulted. Just mild distaste on my part.

Description : Do "good fences make good neighbors"?

Last Answer : janbb Lady I’m a farm boy. What do you think my answer will be?

Description : What is the most effective way to get our neighbors to turn down their music, sound levels?

Last Answer : If you don’t want to deal with it directly, call the landlord. If that doesn’t work, call the cops.

Description : Do my neighbors think I offed my husband?

Last Answer : They sent the roofing bastard over to check and you scared him so bad they’re pretty sure hubby is worm food.

Description : Have you ever gotten into a blistering argument or fight with one of your neighbors?

Last Answer : answer:Never. I have a friend who got into an argument with her neighbor and it was very uncomfortable for a couple years until they finally moved. It was more than one argument actually. The neighbor accused ... It was not so much there was a huge argument, but it was a case of horrible neighbors.

Description : Is it legal or acceptable for apartment dwelling neighbors to play the stereo at deafening levels all day long?

Last Answer : No! Complain to your landlord. If the noisy party is your landlord, MOVE!

Description : What's the best way to diffuse noise from neighbors?

Last Answer : answer:Offer to change apartments with them. Perhaps the landlord would install carpet upstairs. Review your lease. Usually there is a provision stating something to the effect of: Tenant shall expect to receive “reasonably quiet enjoyment”.

Description : Noisy neighbors: Do you shush them or ignore them?

Last Answer : answer:If it's an occasional thing don't be a weenie about it. If it's several times a week or more I'd have a little talk with them face to face, no passive aggressive note leaving ... morning, along with the geese and roosters. haha But real Jackasses are always preferable to the two legged kind.

Description : What is the protocol for trimming your neighbors trees?

Last Answer : You should contact your electric company. They may do it. My electric company trims the trees around here if they are impinging on the wires.